6 Weider is a 42-day training plan that includes exercises for the abdominal muscles. 6 Weider's aerobic exercise is supposed to be a way to get a flat stomach in 6 weeks. Sounds fantastic? Try A6W exercises, i.e. Weider's Aerobic Six, and learn about the exercise schedule. Those who followed this training plan say that 6 Weider works wonders and gives you a chance for a flat stomach.
Weider's Aerobic 6( A6W ) is one of the most popular abdominal training plans. The A6W schedule is set for 6 weeks - after this time, the stomach should become noticeably harder and more muscular (provided that you are on a diet at the same time). You can exercise at home or anywhere else, because a fitness mat is enough to train the 6 Weider. There is only one condition - consistency and persistence!
6 Weider (A6W) - exercise
Aerobic 6 Weiderconsists of 6 exercises that should be performed in the order given. The training plan, i.e. the number of series and repetitions of each exercise, can be found in the table below.
- A6W exercise 1
Lie down on a flat surface with your arms alongside your body. Raise one leg first, then the other (it doesn't matter left or right) in such a way that the knee and hip are bent at an angle of 90 degrees. At the same time, raise your shoulders, the torso remains on the ground. In this position, hold your muscles for 3 seconds. Do not hold your knees with your hands, you can only hug them.
6 Weider was created in the 1980s by Josesph E. (Joe) Weider (86), the famous Canadian bodybuilder, co-founder of the International Bodybuilding Federation, guru of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
- A6W exercise 2
You perform them similarly to the first exercise, but you lift two legs at the same time, not one. In this position, you also have to stay for 3 seconds.
- A6W exercise 3
This 6 Weider exercise is performed in the same way as the first one (you raise your legs interchangeably), but you clasp your hands behind your neck. You last for 3 seconds.
- A6W exercise 4
The fourth exercise is performed in the same way as the second, but you clasp your hands behind the nape of your neck. And againyou hold out for 3 seconds.
- A6W exercise 5
You raise your shoulders, clasp your hands behind your neck, your torso is on the ground. The abdominal muscles are tense, alternately you lift your legs bent at the knee and then straighten them in the air (as quickly as possible).
- A6W exercise 6
Phew! This is the last aerobic 6 Weider exercise. Raise your shoulders at the same time (the torso stays on the ground) and count both legs straightened to three.
6 Weider (A6W) - training plan [TABLE]
Day | Number of series | Number of repetitions of each exercise |
1 | 1 | 6 |
2, 3 | 2 | 6 |
4, 5, 6 | 3 | 6 |
7, 8, 9, 10 | 3 | 8 |
11, 12, 13, 14 | 3 | 10 |
15, 16, 17, 18 | 3 | 12 |
19, 20, 21, 22 | 3 | 14 |
23, 24, 25, 26 | 3 | 16 |
27, 28, 29, 30 | 3 | 18 |
31, 32, 33, 34 | 3 | 20 |
35, 36, 37, 38 | 3 | 22 |
39, 40, 41, 42 | 3 | 24 |
6 Weider (A6W) - rules of exercises
The exercises under the 6th Weider are best performed on a flat and fairly hard surface, e.g. a carpet or mat. However, the substrate must not be too hard, because you will not feel comfortable or too soft, because you will make them incorrectly and they will not give the expected effect.
Exercise should be done for exactly 42 days. According to the schedule, you need to increase the number of series and repetitions of a given exercise. The secret of its effectiveness lies in holding your muscles tense for 2-3 seconds and not letting them rest.
How many breaks should be between sets?
You can make breaks of 30-60 seconds between cheeses. It's time for a short time to relax, catch your breath and stretch (example exercise: lie on your stomach, put your hands on the floor, raise your torso and bend back as much as possible. Don't tear your loins off the floor. Hold this position for 3 seconds).
How long does 6 Weider take?
Exercise no more than 40 minutes at a time. If you're taking longer to train and you still haven't gotten to day 42, focus and try to do fasterrepetitions.
6 Weider and nutrition
Do not exercise immediately after a meal. Pressure on a full stomach can cause digestive problems and stomach pain. Ideally, training 1-2 hours after eating is recommended.
6 Weider and overtraining
Watch out for overtraining - excessive straining the body can lead to chronic fatigue, loss of pleasure from training and he alth problems. If you feel that you need a rest and the very thought of 6 Weider tortures you, take 1-2 days off. Some trainers even recommend that you take a recovery break every 6 days of exercise. You will carry out the entire training plan for a longer time, but you will not be so tired after the end of the schedule.
6 Weider - what if I can't make it?
Do you want to give up because you can't do as many repetitions as there are in the training plan? Don't worry and do as many series and repetitions as you can. Don't give up and don't quit! The next day, try to follow the plan. If it fails, take a day off and… keep trying. Also, remember not to exercise sloppy. The technique is very important, so fewer repetitions will give better results than doing the plan in its entirety, but without stressing too much muscle tension.
6 Weider - effectiveness depends on determination
You must scrupulously follow the entire program, i.e. how many series and repetitions of each exercise should be performed on a given day. Do not allow yourself to take too long breaks, otherwise the training will not give the expected result. If you want to enjoy amazing effects, you need to practice! Prepare it will hurt. The muscles will make themselves felt. However, do not give up exercise, think about the results and the perfect belly to show off on the beach. To aid your training, refrain from heavy gluttony, junk food, and sweets for six weeks. Drink a lot of water. Stick to the program and in six weeks you won't believe that your stomach can be so flat.
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Find out moreAerobic 6 Weider and the diet
It is important to use an appropriate diet while exercising 6 Weider, which will help you achieve results faster. A6W exercise alone will not make your stomach flat, but when combined with a diet after 2-3 weeks, you shouldnotice the difference. As it is commonly accepted, 70% of the effectiveness of weight loss depends on how we eat. Therefore, when using the aerobic 6 Weider in order to shed your stomach, you should make changes in your diet even more.
Where to start? First, calculate your daily caloric requirement. Then subtract 200-300 kcal from the obtained value. This is how many calories you should eat every day. Do not use low-calorie reduction diets because you will have no energy to exercise and even if you lose weight, you will quickly get the yo-yo effect. Eat rationally while training 6 Weider: follow the pyramid of he althy eating when choosing your nutrients. It's best to eliminate sugar completely, as the excess simple carbohydrates build up around your belly. You can use the ready-made diet for a flat stomach.
This will be useful to you6 Weider - phone applications facilitating training
You can make your A6W training easier by practicing with the help of a smartphone application. Several programs are available with the following functions:
- training schedule divided into days;
- picture tutorial on how to properly perform individual exercises;
- counter of repetitions, exercises and series, so you will not get lost in the training plan;
- countdown timer;
- ability to save your progress and later compare them with each other on the chart (e.g. changes in weight and waist circumference);
- possibility to set notifications to remind you about your daily training.
Thanks to the use of the application, you will be able to keep track of changes taking place in your figure thanks to 6 Weider and you will not forget about any training.
6 Weider (A6W) - effects
Hearing "6 Weider", you think - a set of exercises for a flat stomach. This conviction has become so widely known that it is difficult to change it today. However, anyone who has accepted the murderous challenge knows that these exercises only strengthen, build and shape the abdominal muscles. However, they do not burn fat, which means that even after the 42nd day of training, the tire will look similar to the first day.
That's why we can't talk about the Weider Six as a slimming exercise. You can only lose weight by doing aerobic training. This means that 6 Weider will give visible results, but only for those who additionally practice, for example, spinning, aerobics or jumping rope. Without additional fat-burning training, you will not notice spectacular effects, because even the most beautifully sculpted muscles will not be visible under the layer of fat. Certainly, however, 6Weider is a set of exercises to improve endurance and condition.
Important6 Weider (A6W) - disadvantages and side effects of exercise
The Weider Six probably have as many supporters as opponents. Some trainers accuse these exercises of being outdated. What other disadvantages of the 6 Weider are mentioned most often?
Lower back pain- in most of these 6 exercises, you leave your feet off the ground and lift your legs up. It also causes a detachment of the lumbar region, which adversely affects especially people with lordosis and discopathies. Therefore, during training, keep the lumbar spine glued to the mat all the time - to do this, try to exercise with the navel tucked under the spine.
Cervical spine pain- Weider 6 exercises often require lifting your shoulders above the floor and keeping your hands behind the nape of your neck. Sometimes you need to perform several hundred sit-ups this way in one training! This puts a lot of strain on the cervical spine and can lead to severe pain in this area. If you start feeling it, stop exercising immediately for at least 2-3 days. If the pain persists after this time, give up the Weider Six for another workout that will strengthen your stomach. You can also try to make a short-circuit with a cradle to sit up, which relieves the cervical spine.
Monotony- an identical set performed for 42 days can effectively bore even the most persistent competitor. Besides, the muscles do not like to be stimulated all the time in the same way - to have the desired "plaid" on the stomach, you should take care of the variety of exercises.
You only train one body part- you spend time training each day, and after six weeks you will only notice the effects on your stomach. Neither the thighs, nor the buttocks or arms will change the appearance. By choosing a different general development training, you can work on several parts at the same time.
You only exercise 1 muscle- the exercises ignore the abdominal transverse and oblique muscles, which is not the he althiest solution. The most important thing is balance and even work on a given part of the body. And the isolated training, which is what the exercises for one muscle group are called, is intended for professionals rather than beginners in fitness.
Exercises are difficult to do- especially for people who have not exercised abdominal muscles so far, it will be problematic to perform all the repetitions. So the exercise technique is likely to suffer, because sit-ups will be done carelessly. As a result, it can cause he alth-hazardous stresses in the back and neck.Therefore, beginners are recommended less demanding sets of exercises.