Aqua jogging is a great way to stay in shape, especially recommended for runners who train regularly (also during the treatment of injuries). It is also an effective method of maintaining a he althy condition and burning extra calories. You don't even need to know how to swim to practice aqua jogging. Read about running in water and its effects.
Aqua jogging(also known asaqua running ) is a type of exercise that is only in its infancy in Poland. The father of this discipline is considered to be Glenn McWaters, an instructor of the American Marines, who healed from a heel injury by exercising in the swimming pool. His plan was simple: he put on a life vest and fidgeted with his feet in the water. The buoyancy of the water helped him - thanks to this, he did not have to deal with the weight of his own body and walk on a hard surface with his sick foot. In this way, he safely returned to form.
Based on his experience, McWaters developed an entire exercise system that turned out to beaqua joggingin the 1970s. The benefits of this method have been used and still used by famous athletes: tennis player Steffi Graf, athlete Dieter Baumann and athlete Kelly Holmes. Aqua running is also practiced by runners, people who want to lose weight or just keep fit.
What is aqua jogging?
Water density makes each movement amortized - that's why aqua jogging is one of the safest sports. It can also be cultivated by pregnant women.
Aqua joggingis exactly what the name of the discipline says: running in water, for example in a swimming pool. We don't need any specific skills to start aqua running, although a runner will probably find it easier to do exercises than people who have never swam or swam… too much. The swimmer adopts a streamlined silhouette because he wants to cover the designated route as quickly as possible with the lowest possible energy expenditure. When running in water, we have a different task - we use water resistance to strengthen our muscles. So getting used to the movements needed for swimming can be an obstacle, although familiarity with being in the water helps, of course.
How to run in the water?Aqua jogging technique
Our movements in the water are supposed to resemble running on land with slight modifications. We should remember to keep our back straight and make such arm movements as when running, keeping the hands slightly clenched. The whole body should be inclined slightly forward - about 5º. We throw the legs forward and then strongly point them backwards, while the ankle joints are bent dorsally and plantar. We try to take slightly shorter steps than on land.
The aqua jogging sessions in the pool usually start with exercises when the foot is in contact with the ground and the water is up to the level of the chest. More advanced exercisers run in deeper water - without contact with the ground. People who cannot swim should not be afraid, because a special buoyancy belt can be used as protection, which pushes the runner up and stabilizes his figure. You can also help yourself with a board or pasta.
Worth knowingAqua jogging is divided into two types:
- shallow water jogging- when the water reaches from the knees to the chest;
- deep water jogging- when the water is above the chest, but not higher than the height of the exerciser, or when the exerciser is not in contact with the ground.
Aqua jogging - what are the benefits for runners?
Aqua running is a good solution for runners who heal injuries, want to introduce into their training exercises that are less stressful for the joint and bone system, or are simply looking for a variety of training. Why is it worth it? During a kilometer run on land, our feet hit the ground about 600 times, and the pressure force is about 4 times greater than our body weight. A 50 kg woman hits the ground with a force of 200 kg. No wonder it affects the skeletal, joint and muscular systems. On the other hand, the so-called the aqua effect, which is that we feel much lighter - as if we had lost 10 percent of our body weight. The buoyancy force relieves the locomotor system, which allows us to perform more difficult exercises than on land. What's more, water has a density as much as 770 times greater than air, so we do much harder work in the pool than outside it, without feeling it as a very hard effort.
Check: Exercises and workouts that do not strain your knees
As it is a bit more difficult for a runner to maintain a proper posture in water than on land, by practicing aqua running, he develops the habit of keeping the correct body shape. In addition, water improves motor coordination as well as relaxes and strengthens the muscles.Due to the fact that it resists, the runner gains a similar effect during aqua running as when performing ascents. Aqua jogging is also a great way to regenerate after injuries and prevent them.
As aqua running is not the main point of the training plan for runners, but supplements it, its frequency will depend on individual needs. If water exercises are part of rehabilitation, their frequency should be consulted with a physiotherapist. If they complement the proper training - then 1-2 aqua jogging sessions a week are recommended.
Aqua jogging exercises for runners
The optimal duration of aqua running training should be around 40-60 minutes.
This is an exercise known to every runner, consisting in running with intervals, i.e. running at a variable pace. The distances covered in different series - faster and slower - can be chosen freely, after all, "fartlek" is Swedish "speed game". In water, the task is exactly the same - running different distances at a variable pace. An example of an apron may look like this:
- 10-minute warm-up - run at a slow, comfortable pace;
- 30-second sprint at 85 percent of your maximum heart rate;
- 30-second sprint at 80 percent of your maximum heart rate;
- 30-second sprint, which we do not feel very tiring;
- 30-second moderate pace;
- 30 seconds of rest followed by 10 repetitions of previous activities;
- 10-minute Relaxation Phase - run at a slow, comfortable pace.
Threshold training
- 10-minute warm-up - run at a slow, comfortable pace;
- 20-second run at a brisk pace;
- 40-second run at a leisurely pace;
- Repeat the 20-second sprint / 40-second slower run three times;
- 15-minute, intense, high-pace run;
- 3-minute jog at a leisurely pace;
- 15-minute, intense, high-pace run;
- 5-minute Relaxation Phase - run at a slow, comfortable pace.
Advanced training
- 10-minute warm-up - run at a slow, comfortable pace;
- 50-second subliminal jog;
- 1-minute jog at a gentle pace;
- VO2 intervals performed 4x5 minutes, followed by a 3-minute run at a gentle pace after each series;
- 10-minute Relaxation Phase - run at a slow, comfortable pace.
At some workoutsaqua jogging, you can even try running on an underwater treadmill. This equipment is recommended for beginners who, thanks to the treadmill, can feel the ground contact all the time. The machines, like those in fitness clubs, have tilt adjustment, and there are handles at the front. The underwater treadmill differs from the standard treadmill because it doesn't have a moving belt - we practice at a pace that is right for us.
Aqua jogging and slimming
Aqua running can also be a way to lose weight. The water resistance is 14 times greater than the air resistance, so the muscles have to work harder than when exercising in the gym. This makes us work harder and burn calories faster.
How many calories can you burn? It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer because it depends on several factors, including the individual's body weight and the type of exercise performed. However, Dr. Robert Wilder of the University of Virginia calculated that people who regularly practice aqua jogging lose 11.5 calories per minute in water, while running on land will lose 8 calories1 . During an hour of aqua running, you can burn as much as 690 calories. The main difference is that the upper body, especially the arms, has to work harder than on land due to the resistance of the water. These unique water conditions make the muscles forced to increased effort.
Check also:
- How to burn 300, 500 and 1000 kcal? Examples of exercise and activity
- How to lose weight in a week? Diet and exercise for 7 days
- 8 most common mistakes made during fat reduction
For best results, do aqua jogging regularly: initially three and ultimately five times a week. Typically, this type of exercise takes around 30-40 minutes.
Aqua jogging exercises to lose weight
Aqua jogging exercise for beginners (duration: 35 min)
- 10-minute warm-up: walking or jogging;
- 1-minute sprint + 1-minute jog;
- 2-minute sprint + 2-minute jog;
- 3-minute sprint + 3-minute jog;
- 4-minute sprint + 4-minute jog;
- 5-minute sprint;
- 10-minute relaxation phase: walking or jogging.
Aqua jogging exercise for intermediate advanced (duration: 32 min)
- 5-minute warm-up: walking or jogging;
- 1-minute sprint + 1-minute jog;
- 2-minute sprint + 1-minute jog;
- 3-minute sprint + 1-minute jog;
- 4-minute sprint + 1-minute jog;
- 3-minute sprint + 1-minute jog;
- 2-minute sprint + 1-minute jog;
- 1-minute sprint + 1-minute jog;
- 5-minute relaxation phase: walking or jogging.
Aqua jogging exercise for advanced users (duration: 30 min)
- 5-minute warm-up: walking or jogging;
- 1-minute sprint + 2-minute walk / jog - repeat twice;
- 30-second sprint + 1-minute walk / jog - repeat 4 times;
- 15-second sprint + 30-second walk / jog - repeat 8 times;
- 7-minute relaxation phase: walking or jogging.
Aqua jogging requires almost no special equipment. A comfortable water suit is an absolute must. In addition to a comfortable swimming outfit, you can buy special shoes designed for practicing this discipline, but you can practice barefoot without any problems. If we participate in organized activities, shoes are usually provided by the organizers to participants, as are the body stabilizing buoyancy belts. People who practice aqua running at an advanced level can buy additional weights and weights.
Aqua jogging effects
- Aqua running has a positive effect on our he alth. Muscles and joints stimulated to work are less likely to be injured than when exercising on land. What's more, practicing aqua leads to the disappearance of inflammation that has arisen in the joints and muscles.
- By practicing aqua jogging, we improve our motor coordination, we become more flexible and stretched.
- This discipline also builds speed and endurance and allows you to train your balance.
- Aqua jogging improves the efficiency of the circulatory system. It has a beneficial effect on the respiratory, muscular and skeletal systems.
- Running in water strengthens the body's immunity and allows you to cope with pain ailments. It also speeds up the metabolism.
- The effect of aqua jogging on the nervous system and well-being is not without significance. Exercise relaxes and relieves tension, producing endorphins, which are called happiness hormones. We feel less stressed after training.
- Aqua jogging is a good way to fight cellulite. It speeds up the metabolism and the removal of toxins from the body. And it is the toxins present in adipose tissue that cause edema-fibrous changes in the subcutaneous tissue, which is manifested by cellulite. Water "massages" the skin, making it firmer and more elastic.
1. Access to the research in the articleThe New York Times : [ access on 2017-01-27].