Squash is a game that allows you to get tired, burn a sea of calories, and at the same time give you a lot of fun in competition. The rules of squash are not complicated, however, beginners should spend some time perfecting the technical elements, such as serving, batting, moving around the court. Check the rules of squash and find out how this sport affects the figure and well-being.
Squashhas become the favorite sport of corporate employees. Why? Probably this view results from the rather limited access to the courts (still most of them are located in big cities), as well as the nature of the game itself, which is very fast, dynamic, requires a lot of cleverness and agility.
However, it is not worth being guided by stereotypes, because everyone can benefit from playing squash. Besides, today squash is not as elite as it was a few years ago and has become more affordable - the court can be rented for around PLN 30, and rackets are usually available on site at the club.
Check why it is worth practicing this sport and what effects regular playing of squash gives.
- What is squash?
- Squash history
- Squash rules
- Squash technique
- Squash effects
What is squash?
Squashis only a game similar to tennis. Both of these sports are connected with racket and ball play, but their rules are slightly different.
The goal of both tennis and squash is to bounce the ball so that the opponent cannot handle it. However, squash is played not on a court divided by a net, but in a special, closed room (you might say in a "cage") with lines drawn on it that form the boundaries of the court. The players hit the ball in such a way that it bounces off the front wall and the floor only once (it can bounce from the side and back walls any number of times). The game continues until one of the players incorrectly receives the ball (e.g. it touches the floor twice, crosses or touches the line of the car) or makes it difficult for the opponent to receive it (the so-called "stroke").
Squash rackets are also different - they have a more oval shape and are built differently than tennis rackets. The ball, on the other hand, is smaller and lighter.
Squash was created at the beginning of the 19th century and comes from Great Britain. This sport was born out of … boredom and lack of exercise that plagued the inmates of the famous London prison "The Fleet". The prisoners (and it must be added that they were aristocrats convicted of tax fraud), unable to play tennis, began to bounce the ball off the walls. It was around 1830. At the same time, the students of one of the elite British schools came up with the same idea, and instead of hitting a traditional tennis ball, they started to play with a punctured ball, which was slightly crushed on contact with the ground (hence the name of the discipline "squash" - "crush" in Polish).
The first mention of squash appeared in 1890 in the book "The Badminton Library of Sports and Pastimes". But it was not until several decades later that the official rules of the game were developed, which previously changed several times (such as reducing the points necessary to win a set, as well as the size of the pitch).
It is worth noting that squash developed very intensively in the USA - the first championships in this discipline were held in 1907. Sqash flourished in the 1960s, and the sport was gaining popularity the fastest in the former British colonies. Squash came to Poland around 1997 and the group of its enthusiasts is growing every year.
Squash rules
The duel consists of 5 sets. The first person to 11 points wins the set (in case of a 10-10 draw, you have to get a 2-point advantage). The winner is the player who wins 3 out of 5 sets.
The game starts with the site. Which player serves is determined by lottery by spinning the racket. Players guess which side the rocket will hit the floor.
The server must have at least one foot in the service area (with no part of it touching the line). He chooses the square on the right or left side of the playing court. Plays the ball to hit the front wall below the top line and above the service line. Then he must bounce off the opposite quarter of the pitch (except when the opponent hits with a volley).
After the service, the opponent must properly pick up the ball to hit the front wall before it hits the floor a second time. He must be careful not to point it at the car (i.e. he cannot go beyond the car line or touch it). The ball may hit the side and rear walls.
The game continues until one of the players makes a mistake and receives the ball incorrectly. Then the opponent is scored and so on up to 11 points, which meansset won.
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See what a game of squash looks like
Squash technique
Technically the game of squash is similar to the game of tennis - this is where the basic tricks and moves are taken.
Before each squash workout, remember to warm up! It is a very dynamic sport and therefore poses a risk of injury.
The rocket is held by the so-calledwith a "V" grip , ie the side edge of the handle must be centrally between the thumb and index finger. Then slightly tilt your hand so that the racket points to 13 o'clock. The angle between the racket and the forearm should be about 90 degrees.
In squash, backhand and forehand hits are also used.
- Forehand- we are facing the right wall of the pitch, with our left leg forward.
- Backhand- we stand in front of the left wall of the pitch, with our right leg forward.
Strokes are best practiced under the supervision of a professional instructor, because they are full of technical nuances that greatly affect the accuracy of the bounce and the direction of the ball's flight.
ImportantAfter a bounce you have to give the opponent a place to reach the ball and hit it. Interrupting it is forbidden and may result in the loss of a point.
Picking up the ball when there is a risk of the opponent's racket being hit is also prohibited.
Squash effects
Squash is one of the sports that burns body fat most effectively -you can burn up to 800 kcal during an hour-long game!(some sources give even more, but it depends on the level of players' advancement and pace of the game). In addition, it develops the whole body very comprehensively, because it involves all muscle groups. During squash, your legs, arms, abdomen and the entire torso work hard. So you can lose weight and shape your body at once.
See also: How to burn 300, 500 and 1000 kcal? Examples of exercise and activity
Regular squash play also improves motor coordination and increases efficiency. As a result, it has a great effect on the circulatory system and reduces the risk of heart disease. Moreover, by hitting the ball you can discharge bad energy in a controlled way, get rid of stress and tensions accumulated in the body.
Playing squash is a he althy effort that allows you to forget about problems, relax and enjoy the competition.