Nordic walking is a technique of walking with poles, the advantages of which include: improving the condition, relieving the spine and joints and losing calories. Although the Nordic walking technique looks easy, it really requires good synchronization of the movements of the arms and legs. Learn about the advantages of Nordic walking and check how to walk with poles to lose weight and improve your fitness.
Nordic walkingwas invented in Finland in the 1920s. Walking with poles was a form of year-round training for cross-country skiers.Nordic walking techniqueon the surface seems easy to learn, because the sport reflects the natural gait, but with poles in hand. However, in order for our effort to be effective and bring the expected results, we must remember about a few important technical aspects.
Learnbenefits of Nordic walkingand learnhow to walkwith poles to lose weight, relieve the spine and improve your condition.
Nordic walking - advantages
Nordic walking employs over90% of the muscles of the entire body . Contrary to running, this sport activates the upper body parts more strongly: arms, shoulders and chest. At the same time, Nordic walking relieves the knee joints and the spine, as the poles provide additional support for the movement apparatus.
These advantages determine the he alth-promoting effect of Nordic walking on the entire body. It is a great form of rehabilitation for people with injuries and injuries, as well as a universal recreational sport for those who want to keep their body in good shape. Nordic walking is also ideal for people who want to lose weight - each minute of walking with poles consumes2 kcal more than a normal walk .
To sum up, Nordic walking:
- increases the mobility of joints and spineandrelieves them , eliminating pains;
- strengthens all muscles of the body ;
- increases aerobic capacity- we tire less often, we have more strength;
- improves circulation and energizes ;
- helps you lose weight(consumes about25%more energy than a normal walk!).
Nordic walking - technika in 3 steps
- Step One
We start learning the Nordic walking techniquewithout poles. We walk withlong heel steps . Make sure your backis straight , we look into the distance, not at the ground in front of us. Remember to relax your shoulders and straighten your body.
- Second step
Maintaining the stance from step 1, start to move, pulling the poles behind you. We keep an upright figure, we add gentle arm swings (as if we did not have poles in our hands). The hands are open, we do not hold the handle of the stick (they will not fall out because they are wearing a glove). We set the poles in motion, but do not hammer them into the ground. This way we cover a distance of about 500 m.
- Third step
Then grab the handle of the stick with your hand and try to stick it into the ground.The push back should be(not down). The hand put forward must not be higher than the navel line. The place to insert the Nordic walking stick is roughlyhalf of thestep. We stick the stick into the ground with the hand closed on the handle, the straight hand goes through the hip line backwards - we push off the floor, release the stick, opening the hand, and carry it forward.
The glove on the poles allows the hand to move back without having to hold the handle, because the poles are attached to the hand all the time. Remember that the sharp ends of the poles, i.e. the arrowheads, should always be on the back.
Nordic walking technique
The instructor shows the correct Nordic walking technique.
Nordic walking - the most important rules
When starting to learn Nordic walking, pay particular attention to these technical aspects:
- We take the steps, starting from the heel, through the midfoot, sticking out of the toes. They should be slightly longer than usual.
- Grasp the handle at the end of the swing of the arm forward and open the hand after pushing the stick back (then the hand is just behind the hip).
- The poles point diagonally backwards for the entire duration of the march.
- The hand put forward does not exceed the line of the hips.
- The right stick touches the ground when you put your left heel on it and vice versa.
- Each workout begins with a warm-up.
Nordic walking - the most common mistakes
- Putting your arm and leg forward on the same side of the body- you have to work alternately with your limbs (when you put your left leg out, put your right arm forward and vice versa).
- Sticking the stick with the handle forward- while walking, stick the stick into the ground diagonally with the handle backwards (taking the handle "away" with a straight hand).
- Twistinghand behind you- you should avoid it, open your hand when you transfer your hand behind you.
- Too small steps- take sweeping, long steps, putting your foot to the length of your outstretched arm.
- Stick hammered too far from the side- while working the arms, the elbow should be close to the body at all times.
- No warm-up- before Nordic walking, just like before any exercise, you need to warm up. A lot of time should be devoted especially to the joints: wrists, hips, knees and feet.
How to start Nordic walking?
Before you start training, it's best to spend some time perfecting your dry walking technique. For this purpose, it is worth going to a professional trainer who will teach us one by one: how to grab a stick, how to hammer it in and out, how to synchronize the work of legs and arms, etc.
Nordic walking - which poles to choose?
Poles, e.g. trekking poles are not suitable for Nordic walking - those for Nordic walking are completely different. They differ in the stripe at the top and the tip at the bottom. They are made of aluminum, fiberglass and carbon (they are the most durable and lightest). They have gloves on the top that transfer the arm movement to the stick. It is thanks to these gloves that you do not need to squeeze the handle tightly, because the stick is held to your hand anyway (trekking, just like skiing, it hangs freely on the belt when released from your hand).
When choosing poles, it is worth trying gloves on, checking if they are comfortable and if they fit well. It is important that they can be easily cleaned (preferably when they can be detached). There is an arrowhead at the end of the poles. When we walk on the asph alt, we put rubber pads on it.
Poles are usually adjustable in length. The optimal length of the poles is 65%. their user's height. For beginners, it is recommended that you are 5 cm shorter
Nordic walking - what outfit to choose?
- Shoescomfortable, sporty, preferably half a size larger than usual, because the toes need more space when rolling the feet, and fiber socks that wick moisture away.
- Glovesare useful if your hands are sensitive to chafing, and also in winter.
- Outfitmade of fabric that wicks sweat away from the surface of the material (polypropylene, polyacrylic).
- Waist beltwith a pocket for a water bottle or a mobile phone.
- Pedometerto measure the number of steps, kilometers traveled and calories burned.
The article uses excerpts from Joanna Nowicka's text from the monthly "Zdrowie".
- Warm-up before Nordicwalking
- Nordic walking for beginners
- Nordic walking - how to choose poles and Nordic walking clothes?
- Trekking, or walking in the mountains