Pilates exercises perfectly slenderize the figure and burn calories. However, to be effective in weight loss, they must be combined with cardio training and a proper diet. Otherwise, their effectiveness in burning fat will be low. See how to do Pilates to lose weight.

Pilates exercisesnolose weightas effectively as cardio and gym exercises. In order for the body toburn fat tissue , it must incur a very high energy expenditure. High-intensity exercise that raises your heart rate is best for this: for example, running, swimming, cycling, cross trainer.

This does not mean, however, that people who are slimming should give up Pilates altogether. On the contrary, this workout is the perfect complement to cardio exercises and can make them more effective at burning calories.

Learn How To Do Pilates To Speed ​​Up Your Weight Loss Process.

Pilates and slimming

Pilates works on the body mainly by strengthening certain muscles: abdomen, buttocks, thighs, back. Most exercises involve several muscle groups simultaneously, and one training session is a complete body workout.

Such effort contributes to the burning of calories and has a positive effect on metabolism, although to a lesser extent than cardio exercises. But apart from that, Pilates offers something that cannot be achieved by aerobics:strengthens the deep muscles , which are responsible for maintaining correct posture and allow you to better control your movements. Thanks to this, by performing any exercises - whether it be aerobics, gym exercises or home gymnastics - we are less exposed to injuries and strains. We gain body awareness, we cope better with the exercise technique. For this reason, Pilates is great as a supplementary training for people who are slimming, who use different types of exercises to burn fat every day.

Check: Fat reduction training - training plan for beginners

Moreover, pilates stretches the muscles which, due to intense strength training, can become more defined and bulky (this especially applies tothe biceps muscles of the thighs and the muscles of the arms). By stretching the muscles, it optically slims the entire figure and makes the body appear more elongated. In addition, pilates has a good effect on the spine, develops the habit of straightening up, and a straightened figure looks slimmer.

This will be useful to you

Pilates is a good form of exercise for overweight people and is an ideal introduction to further weight loss training. Pilates exercises are performed slowly, so that the body is not exposed to overtraining. In addition, the muscle corset is strengthened, i.e. the muscles of the spine, abdomen and buttocks, which are usually in a very poor condition in people who do not exercise. The stronger they are, the lower the risk of overloads and injuries during future workouts. In addition, pilates does not burden the joints and develops the correct habit of breathing during physical exertion.

Pilates: how to exercise to lose weight?

To get the maximum benefit from Pilates, here are some tips:

  • increase the pace of exercise- Pilates is mainly based on isometric exercises, i.e. tensing muscles. This means that you cannot speed up their duration, but you can perform them more dynamically and shorten the intervals between consecutive exercises as much as possible. This way you will maintain a higher heart rate throughout your workout than with rest breaks.
  • precede the training with a solid warm-up- before training pilates, perform an intensive cardio warm-up. Thanks to this, you will stimulate the metabolism and your body will burn fat for long hours after training. However, remember that the warm-up lasts at least half an hour (fat burning begins only after 20 minutes) and that during exercise your heart rate constantly fluctuates between 60-70% of HRmax.

See: Example of a VIDEO warm-up

  • take care of your diet- experts argue that the key to success in losing weight is limiting the calories consumed. What we eat determines the progress in weight loss in as much as 70%, exercise is responsible for the remaining 30%. Therefore, combining exercise with a diet is a necessary condition if we want a slim figure. Of course, the caloric content of meals and their composition should be adapted to the training loads (on training days you should eat sufficiently more so that the body can replenish its energy reserves).
