WOD, from Workout of the Day in English, is a basic concept in crossfit. Check what this term means and learn about examples of WODs, which include push-ups, Bulgarian squats, kettlebell swing and barbell rowing. The exercises are from the book Cross-training method, published by Aha! Publishing house. Wformie24.pl took the patronage over this publication.
If you traincrossfit , you are surely familiar with the concept ofWOD , which is Workout of the Day. If not, be sure to check its meaning and try 8WODswith classic crossfit exercises.
What is WOD (Workout of the Day)?
In the WOD crossfit, it means training task for a given day. There are "official" WODs made by crossfitists all over the world with a fixed pattern - for simplicity they are given female names. For example, one of the most popular and technically simplest Workouts of the Day is Barbara. It consists of performing 5 series of exercises (rounds), one of which includes: 20 pull-ups, 30 push-ups, 40 sit-ups and 50 sit-ups. You can take a 3-minute break between rounds.
Apart from the well-established and used around the world WODs, there are thousands of other configurations - they are invented by crossfit trainers, but also ordinary fans of this fitness discipline. To create your own WOD, however, you need to have extensive experience in mixed training and know its methodology. There are many possibilities: WOD can consist of both performing a given number of repetitions and performing them in the shortest possible time (FT - For Time). Another option is WOD, which consists in doing as many repetitions of a given round as possible within a certain time period, e.g. 15 minutes (AMRAP - As Many Rounds As Possible).
Sample WODs
One WOD usually consists of 3 to 5 different exercises, but nothing prevents Workout of the Day from being a single exercise. The more varied the WOD, the more parts of the body are involved in work. So the choice of exercises depends on the effects we want to achieve. Sometimes we only need to work on one part of the body, e.g. legs, and then a WOD consisting of squats only will be a good option.
Below we presentexamples of WODs that include classic crossfit exercises: push-ups, Bulgarian squats, swing with a kettle and rowing with a barbell. Descriptions of exercises along with illustrative photos can be found in the gallery at the end of the article.
WODs with pumps
WOD Roaring Pumps
Do the first series of muscle refusal push-ups. In each subsequent series of over 20 repetitions, do 2 push-ups less, and under 20 repetitions - 1 push-down less. Take a maximum of 1 minute break between sets.
Example: in the first set you did 24 push-ups, after a minute of rest in the second set you do 22 repetitions, in the next 20, then 19, 18 etc.
WOD Pump, pump, pump
WODs based on push-ups do not require any additional equipment and are the simplest technically, so they can be performed by beginners. For exercises with additional weights, such as kettlebells and a barbell, it is better to proceed once you have mastered the basics of strength training.
- 25 squats
- 40 pushups
- 20 squats
- 32 pushups
- 15 squats
- 24 pushups
- 10 squats
- 16 pushups
- 5 squats
- 8 pushups
WODs with Bulgarian squats
WOD Aztec
As many times as you can do in 20 minutes:
- 5 pull-ups + 10 right-leg squats + 10 push-ups + 10 left-leg squats.
If after 20 minutes you have not managed to finish the last cycle, add one series to the left leg so that the balance between the right side and the left side is correct.
WOD 10 rounds per leg
20 cycles as fast as possible:
- 5 push-ups + 5 sit-ups with right leg + 5 sit-ups + 5 squats with left leg.
WOD-y with kettle bells
WOD Kettle run
- 10 minutes of run, 60% maximum pace
- 800m fast run
- 100 swings with both hands (rest as you wish)
- 800m fast run
- 100 kettlebell push-ups (rest at your discretion)
- 800m fast run
- 3 series of pull-ups - maximum number of repetitions
WOD Greetings from Russia
Five 1-minute bursts.
- As many times as you can: 4 two-handed swings + 2 goblet squats with a kettlebell . 1 minute rest between each series.
- 10 series: 100m back and forth + 10 burpees + 10 alternating swings. 1 minute rest between sets, 3 minutes rest between sets 5 and 6.
goblet squat involves taking a kettlebell in your hands and holding it against your chest, with your elbows close to your bodydown. Then we push the hips back and do a deep squat keeping the back straight.
WODs with barbell rowing in the torso drop
WOD Magnum
4 cycles:
- 400m run + 20 burpees followed by a jump + 15 x row rowing.
Between cycles, 3 minutes of active rest.
WOD Functional hypertrophy
- 5 repetitions of heavy rowing in drop torso + 10 sec rest. + 5 pull-ups with a clap + 2 min break. + 6 dynamic deflections of the arms with the barbell.
5 cycles, 2 minutes rest.
Finally, do 25 pull-ups in 2 minutes with a ballast that allows you to do a maximum of 10 repetitions in one set.
Examples of WODs are from the book "The Cross-Training Method" by Aurelien Broussal-Derval and Stephane Ganneau, published by Aha !. The book contains principles of crossfit training, technical tips on how to properly perform the exercises and a 15-week training program.