How to create your own training plan? First of all, you should follow a few basic training rules. At the beginning, you should choose a form of exercise that will allow for the development of a specific group of muscles or the entire body, and the intensity of training - necessarily matched to the physical abilities of the exerciser. Check what are the other training rules and what the correct training plan looks like.

What does the correct training plan look like ? It cannot miss a few basic points: the type of exercises, their intensity, duration of training and its frequency. Don't forget about the obligatory warm-up.
How to create your own training plan?
Step 1 - don't forget to warm up
Before each workout, you must do a 10-15 minute warm-up, which will increase the flexibility of your muscles, and thus reduce the risk of injury.
Watch: Sample warm-up video
Step 2 - choose the form of exercise
At the beginning, define the purpose of the exercises, i.e. which specific group of muscles you are going to work on. In this way, you will choose the appropriate form of exercise.
If you want to lose weight, use the muscles of your entire body evenly during training. To do this, choose a combination workout that includes aerobic exercise (e.g. jogging, cycling, swimming, etc.) and strength training (it will strengthen your muscles). Do each exercise for a few minutes to prevent muscle exhaustion.
If your goal is to build mass (e.g. biceps and chest), it is recommended that you do most of the exercises on the so-called free weights, i.e. on special training devices that limit the movement of muscles (bars, weights, broken bar, etc.).
Begin your training with the exercise that is the most demanding for you and that involves the most muscle groups in movement.
Step 3 - adjust the training intensity to your abilities
The training intensity consists of:
- number of series of each exercise
The number of series depends on your intended target. If you are going to increase strength, do 5-6 series. If your goal is to build muscle, reduce the amountseries up to 3-4. For the overall improvement of your physical condition, this number is reduced to 2. Remember that the load decreases as the number of series decreases.
- number of repetitions in the series
The number of repetitions is related to both the goal and the number of sets. Strength training involves 3-4 repetitions in as many as 5-6 series.Mass trainingis e.g. 8 repetitions in 3-4 series. You will improve your overall body efficiency by performing 10-12 repetitions in 3 series. If you want to "carve" the muscles, increase the number of repetitions to 15 (2 sets). According to the coaches, training during which you perform a total of 20 series is the best possible solution.
- speed of exercise
Remember that training should be performed around 60-70% of our maximum heart rate range, i.e. when the body is not working very intensively. Then you will effectively burn fat and not reduce muscle. Here you will find the formula for the optimal heart rate for burning fat.
Remember that too low intensity may not bring any training effects, and too high intensity - overtraining, decline in physical condition, and even injuries. Therefore, adjust the training intensity to the level of your physical condition. After all, who knows your body and your possibilities better than you do?
For example, in mass training, it is important to focus on one part of the muscles in order to move on to the next one (e.g. 3 exercises per frame and only after finishing it you can train triceps, do not interweave - chest, triceps) . Remember that shoulder exercises (including working with free weights or "pressing the barbell") are very exhausting, so you should only do them once a week.
- rest time between sets
The following applies: if you feel that your heartbeat and breathing have normalized within 3 minutes, it means that you can start the next series of exercises.
Step 4 - Duration of the effort
Beginners should follow the rule: the more intense the training, the shorter the effort. Beginners should start with short, 30-minute workouts and gradually increase their duration to an hour. Only people with high physical fitness can afford long and intense training. On the other hand, elderly or sick people should choose longer, but low-intensity training.
Step 5 - training frequency
Specify the number of trainings per week or day. It is commonly believed that the best results are achieved by training performed 3 times a week (cosecond day). Remember that the intensity and duration of exercise should be systematically increased so that the body does not get used to them.
Readytraining programcan also be found in the strength training atlas or arranged with a personal trainer.