Are you wondering which training by Ewa Chodakowska to choose? Which is the best to burn fat and help you lose weight? See an overview of the most effective workouts by Ewa Chodakowska, divided into slimming and body shaping.
Which Ewa Chodakowska's training burns the most caloriesand gives the fastest results? This question is often asked by novice girls who want to fight for a slim figure together with Ewa. The choice is difficult, because the trainer has so far released at least a dozen sets of exercises and in theory everyone has to tone, slim down, model, strengthen … Exactly, butwhich Chodakowska's training to start with ?
It is worth considering it carefully, because some programs may turn out to be a trap - e.g. the legendary Scalpel will not give you any quick results in weight loss. And the newest HOT BODY is intended for advanced rather than beginner fitness students.
Thanks to this article, you will learnwhich training of Ewa Chodakowska to choosedepending on your level of advancement and your goal.
Which Ewa Chodakowska's training burns the most calories?
Are you sure you are curious which Chodakowska's training burns fat best? Well, it is not a Scalpel at all!To lose weight, choose Turbo Burning or Killer . Why?
Both sets of exercises are based on intervals. There is no more effective training method that would give better results in losing kilograms. In addition, both programs last 45 minutes, which allows you to start the energy changes needed to burn fat.
There is a difference between Turbo Burning and Killer, however: the latter is more intense, and therefore more difficult to perform. So if you are wonderingwhich training by Ewa Chodakowska to choose for the beginning - start with Turbo burning . The effects will be similar (both sets allow you to losefrom 400 to 600 kcal ), but it will be easier for you to keep pace with your exercise.
Check: 8 Bugs That Slow Fat Reduction
Intermediate and advanced girls can go to Killer, butSuccessis also a good choice. This workout consists of 3 exercise blocks, of whichthe first is a very intense HIT training (the name comes from its English name HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training). HIT is typically geared towards accelerating metabolism and losing calories. Girls who exercise Success say that by doing this program 3 times a week, you can lose 4 kilos in a month.
To sum up, to lose weight, select:
- Turbo combustion(for beginners),
- Killer(for more advanced people),
- Success(for more advanced people).
Which training by Ewa Chodakowska best shapes and strengthens?
Scalpel , as the name suggests, acts on the body like a surgical tool or a sculptor's chisel: it firms, shapes, shapes. Contrary to appearances, it is not the most effective calorie-burning Ewa Chodakowska's training. The exercises that make up the Skalpel are not very intense and are rather static in nature. They engage all muscles very well, thanks to whichthe body becomes more shapely and the curves more defined .However, they do not burn fat tissueto the same extent as Killer or Success.
Similarly, the next parts of the training -Skalpel 2andScalpel Challenge- are also better suited for body modeling than for slimming. However, they differ in the degree of difficulty. For beginners, the classic Skalpel will be a better choice, while its re-editions are intended for advanced women.
For beginners,Ekstra figura , a program called "cellulite killer" will also work well. Perfectly shapes the legs and lifts the buttocks.
To sum up, in order to model your body, select:
- Skalpel(for beginners),
- Extra figure(for beginners),
- Skalpel 2 ,
- Skalpel Challenge(both for advanced players).
See also: Mel B challenge - 30-day exercise schedule
This will be useful to youLosing weight and modeling at the same time - try these workouts
Ewa Chodakowska also thought about those girls who want to get slim and well-outlined at the same time. This effect will help you get the Revolution and HOT BODY training.
HOT BODYis advertised with the slogan: modeling & max combustion. In one session, you will burn up to 600 kcal and firm key parts of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. However, note: this is quite a difficult set of exercises, it requires well-mastered technique and strong stabilizing muscles.
Revolutionin turn was divided into 5 segments, each of which was devoted to a different part of the body. In training, cardio exercises are intertwined with strengthening exercises. You can do the whole training in one go (then it takes 50 minutes) or divide it into smaller parts of 10 minutes. Therefore, Revolution will be a suitable program for beginners.