Functional training is a type of intense exercise aimed at comprehensive muscle strengthening without building muscle mass. It consists in imitating the movements that we make every day in ordinary activities, but at a faster pace and with many repetitions. Check what benefits you can get by practicing functional fitness.

Functional training , unlike traditional exercises in the gym, focuses on imitating the movements we make in everyday life. Thanks to this, individual muscle groups work together, and we increase our coordination and flexibility.Functional trainingconsists of exercises similar to getting out of bed in the morning, reaching for something, e.g. reaching for a mixer standing on the top shelf in the kitchen, picking up and lifting objects, jumping on stairs - that is the most frequently performed movements during the day.

What does functional training look like?

Functional training only seems to be easy. In fact, for the effort to have the desired effect, you need to impose an almost murderous pace of training. Functional trainers recommend that you exercise in sets of 45 or 90 seconds. There is one exercise per series, repeat it as soon as possible, and then immediately move on to the next series.

Variety of movements is important during functional training. This is helped by additional devices available in most fitness clubs. These include: dumbbells, medicine balls, tapes, rubbers, Bulgarian bags, steppes, hurdles, coordination ladders and others. An interesting piece of equipment often used during functional training is the so-called BOSU, i.e. a combination of ball and steppe. It is a kind of pneumatic dome with a flat, stiff base, on which the trainee exercises as if on a steppe, but keeping balance is much more difficult in the case of the BOSU. The device is primarily used to exercise coordination, and the need for constant balancing strengthens the deep muscles.

Advantages of functional training

Functional training strengthens the entire body, but does not visibly build up the muscles. Thanks to the imitation of frequently performed movements, functional fitnessreduces the risk of injuries in everyday activities and allows us to move more confidently and efficiently. Due to the fact that it combines several types of movement simultaneously, it improves flexibility and coordination. In addition, fast-paced exercise increases overall body performance and improves blood circulation.

A very important advantage of this form of exercise is also strengthening the deep muscles that are often neglected by us. These muscles are responsible for maintaining proper posture and prevent back pain. This is especially important for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle on a daily basis. Their muscular corset is often weak, and they are often affected by pains, especially in the lower back.

Functional training - where to train?

Functional training is a popular form of activity in most fitness clubs. By participating in such classes, we can be sure that we train under the supervision of a trained instructor who will suggest the most effective training plan and correct our possible mistakes. In the fitness club, we also have access to a whole range of devices that increase the effectiveness of exercises. Often, trainers spread a series of equipment on the floor, and the task of the exercisers is to move from one "station" to another, performing each series on a different device each time.

Functional training can also be successfully performed independently at home or in the gym. In this case, it is important to strictly adhere to the technique of performing the given exercise, so that our effort is not wasted. Incorrect technique may reduce the effectiveness of exercise and result in an injury.

Due to the high intensity of functional training, specialists recommend not to do it more than three times a week. Such a dose of exercise should quickly bring the expected results, and at the same time not lead to overloading the body.
