A 4-minute workout with Ewa Chodakowska can tire just as much as the effort at the gym! Think you should exercise at least half an hour to start burning fat and getting a flat stomach? Ewa Chodakowska argues that a 4-minute intensive training is a good method to start. Watch the video and see what one of the best fitness trainers has to offer!
Ewa Chodakowska shows 4 exercisesfor a flat stomach and a shapely figure. The training time is really only 4 minutes! Turn on the video, get up from the couch and start practicing with Ewa!
Advantages of Ewa Chodakowska's 4-minute workout
Ewa Chodakowska has developed a training which consists of 4 simple exercises involving all the muscles of the body to work. By tightening and taking care of the correct figure, the body becomes firmer and stronger. Short, but intense training speeds up the metabolism, increases strength, motor coordination and helps to get a slim figure and a flat stomach.
It is true that we start to burn fat after 20-30 minutes of training, so the proposed method is a starting proposition. Thanks to it, your body will start to get used to everyday activity and you will be able and want to exercise longer every day.
How to train with Ewa Chodakowska?
Here is the 4-minute workout plan:
- Start the exercises with a squat and alternating lunges backwards. Remember to keep your back straight, your stomach tight and your hips strongly pushed back.
- Another exercise that Ewa Chodakowska shows is a plank (plank) on her forearms with a hip twist and lifting one hand vertically upwards. Here the oblique abdominals work very hard.
- The third exercise is to support your back with your hands. Then we lift one leg up and tear the opposite hand off the floor to touch the foot up. The whole body is working!
- The last exercise is to pull back the shoulder blades and raise the legs while lying on the stomach. Thanks to this movement you will strengthen your back and buttocks muscles.
When performing the exercises, pay attention to your figure and imitate the positions shown by Ewa Chodakowska. Properly performed exercises are much more effective!
Watch the video with Ewa Chodakowska's 4-minute training
Source: Good morning TVN,X-news
How often do I train with Ewa Chodakowska?
Intensive training is a good method for overworked people, whose excuse is the constant lack of time. 4 minutes is only 1/15 of an hour, so you can certainly spend such a short moment on training every day. Practice every day with Ewa Chodakowska, and you won't wait long for the results!
4 minutes are too short for you? Add other exercises!
If you are a beginner, do Ewa Chodakowska's 4-minute workout every day for a week. Thanks to this, you will get your muscles used to the effort. Then you can gradually include other exercises in your plan, this time for specific parts of the body. An exemplary training plan (depending on the effects you want to achieve) may look like this:
- Warm-up (e.g. 3-4 minutes jogging in place, jumping jacks, arm and hip circles)
- 4-minute training with Ewa Chodakowska
- Exercises for a flat stomach or exercises for buttocks and thighs.
- Stretching.
Do this plan 3-4 times a week.
Additionally, to increase the rate of fat burning, on days off from training, run, exercise on a stationary bike, stepper, cross trainer or jump rope - for about 30 minutes. It is important that you maintain a fairly high heart rate (around 130 beats per minute) during exercise.