30-day Mel B challenge will completely change your figure! The effects you will get by exercising daily with Mel B include: slimmer thighs, a firmer bottom, a flat stomach and slender shoulders. Check out the Mel B challenge plan for beginners and advanced learners and tips for staying motivated and sculpting your figure in a month!

The Mel B challengelasts 30 days and consists in the daily performance of exercises presented by the trainer, which model the most sensitive areas of the female body: abdomen, thighs, buttocks, breasts and arms.Effectsthat can be obtained by joiningchallengeare primarily a decrease in circumference and a visible firming and slimming of the figure.

Take the Mel B challenge- see the training schedule for each week in the version for beginners and advanced. Read also tips on how to get the best possible results after 30 days of exercise.

The Mel B challenge for beginners - training schedule

The Mel B challenge for beginners is different from that for the more advanced: although it also lasts 30 days, we exercise 6 times a week, not every day. The length of training is also limited - we do 2-3 training blocks for specific parts of the body, which gives a total of about 20-30 minutes of effort.

Choose this variant of the Mel B challenge if you have not exercised regularly and want to improve your condition and lose weight.

Remember to warm up each day before training!

Day 1.Day 2.Day 3.Day 4Day 5.

cardio training + abdominal exercises

cardio + arms + legs

cardio + ABS


cardio + chest + buttocks

Day 6.Day 7.Day 8.Day 9.Day 10.

cardio + belly

cardio + arms + legs


cardio + ABS + buttocks

chest + full body training

Day 11.Day 12.Day 13.Day 14.Day 15.

cardio + arms + stomach


cardio + buttocks

cardio + ABS + chest

cardio + arms + legs

Day 16.Day 17.Day 18Day 19.Day 20.

buttocks + full body training

cardio + stomach + legs

cardio + arms

Day 21.Day 22.Day 23.Day 24.Day 25.

cardio + chest + ABS

cardio + buttocks

cardio + stomach + legs

arms + full body training

Day 26.Day 27.Day 28.Day 29.Day 30.
cardio + chest + ABScardio + buttockscardio + legs + stomachfull body workout + buttocks + armscardio + ABS + chest

Effects of the Mel B challenge for beginners

The easier version of the challenge will not give you such spectacular effects as the advanced version, but it will allow you to get your body used to the effort.

The effects you can count on after 30 days are:

  • decrease in circumference around the abdomen and thighs by 2-3 cm,
  • weight loss by 2-4 kg (as long as you are on a diet at the same time),
  • firming and lifting buttocks,
  • cellulite reduction,
  • increase muscle strength,
  • improved central stabilization,
  • better condition.

Challenge with Mel B for advanced - training schedule

This version of the challenge is for more athletic people or those who have completed the Mel B challenge at the beginner level. He starts training every day for 30 days, each of which lasts from 20 to 50 minutes.

The schedule for advanced users includes workouts scheduled for 7 days from Monday to Sunday - we repeat the given scheme every week for the next month.

Don't forget to warm up before each workout.

Day of the weekWorkouts
Mondaycardio + ABS + belly + buttocks
TuesdayABS + belly + buttocks
Wednesdaycardio + stomach + legs + buttocks
Thursdayabdomen + chest + buttocks
Fridaycardio + ABS + buttocks
Saturdaycardio + ABS + buttocks
Sundaybuttocks + stretching exercises

Challenge with Mel B - see workouts for Monday

Mel B challenge effects for advanced

In this version, much more emphasis is placed on the abdomen and buttocks. Therefore, after 30 days of the Mel B challenge, you can expect such effects as buttocks sculpting - they will become firm, round, more protruding; slimming and strengthening the abdomen - the abdomen will definitely decrease significantly.

In addition, you can count on a significant weight loss - if you choose a well-balanced, low-calorie diet in addition to exercises with Mel B, you will lose up to 6 kg.

How to increase the effects of a Mel B challenge and stay motivated?

  1. Before taking on the Mel B challenge, take body measurements and weigh yourself(see HERE for how to do it). Every 1-2 weeks, note changes in the appearance of your figure - watching your body take the shape you want every day, you will be even more eager to start the next workouts.
  2. Follow a he althy diet- the point is not to eat only lettuce and carrots all day long, because a diet that is so low in calories and nutrients will exhaust your body and cause an effect yo-yo. You need to eat rationally and he althy, i.e. eliminate completely purchased sweets (allow yourself to have homemade sweets once a week), drink plenty of water, give up processed products, fried dishes, fatty meats, thick sauces, put aside sweetened juices and carbonated drinks.
  3. Watch your calories- for optimal challenge, calculate your daily caloric requirement (BMR) and subtract 200-300 kcal from it. Such an energy deficit will allow you to lose weight he althily and will not cause the yo-yo effect.
  4. Eat a protein- and carbohydrate-rich meal after each Mel B workout . It can be, for example, egg and tuna salad. More ideas for low-calorie meals and post-workout meals can be found below.
This will be useful to you

Recipes for low-calorie meals and post-workout meals

  • Diet salads with chicken, egg, tuna -perfect after exercise
  • Post-workout protein shakes
  • Dietary desserts you can eat while losing weight
  • Sample meals after training
  • Recipes for quick lunch boxes to work up to 450 kcal
  • Recipes for fitness breakfasts up to 300 kcal
  • Recipes for a diet dinner up to 500 kcal
  • Fruit and vegetable slimming cocktails [recipes]
