Cellulite exercises play an important role in fighting orange peel. These types of exercises should be performed regularly, preferably several times a week. Only then will they be really effective. See which exercises for cellulite are the best.
Cellulite exercisesare one of the most effective methods of fighting cellulite on the abdomen, buttocks and thighs. Regular exercise for cellulite will not only help to reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat, but also to reduce swelling (and thus - also water cellulite), improve the appearance and elasticity of the skin and increase the level of physical condition.
Cellulite exercisesshould be started with a short warm-up. If you don't have an exercise bike or other exercise equipment at home, jump rope, make rompers, bends or a traditional bike. Warming up should take about 15 minutes. After completing cellulite exercises, it is recommended to perform static stretching to relax the muscles.
Cellulite exercises - hula-hoop
One of the most recommended exercises for cellulite is hula hoop. It consists in making the plastic circle move quickly around the body, with movements imitating a hula dance. Just stand slightly apart, pull your stomach in, bend your knees slightly, grab the hula-hoop, place them at waist height, and then start spinning it. Hula-hoop engages the abdomen, buttocks and thighs, which are all parts of the body where cellulite most often appears.
If you're new to hula-hoop, choose a lighter and wider wheel as it's easier to spin. Beginners should do short exercises of several minutes several times a day. Once you've mastered training with a regular wheel, you can go for it heavier. However, the most effective will be hula hoop exercises, which have massage balls that put pressure on the skin. Advanced people can exercise a little longer, around 20 minutes.
How to get rid of cellulite
Exercises for cellulite - squats
Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Place your feet parallel to each other. Then contract your abdominal muscles and as you exhale, bend your knees as if you were to sit upon a chair. Then breathe in and return to the starting position. Do the exercise 20 times.
Watch the video: Rules for proper squatting
Cellulite exercises - dumbbell training
Grab dumbbells (about 2 kg) in your hands, stand slightly apart and lower your arms loosely. Then, with your right foot, take a long lunge forward while lifting your palms up. The thigh of the right leg should be parallel to the floor and the knee of the left leg should be just above the floor. Push off with your right foot, straighten and bring your legs together. Repeat the exercise 10 times and then change the leg.
Cellulite exercises - kneeling legs raised
Perform a propped kneeling, that is, kneel down and rest your extended arms on the ground (hands should be under the shoulders and shoulder-width apart). The back should be straight, the abdomen tight and the head in line with the spine. Then, as you exhale, lift your right leg bent at a right angle so that your thigh is parallel to the floor. When lifting your leg up, keep your back still and your buttocks firmly tense. Then, along with the inhale, return to the starting position and repeat the exercises on the left leg. Repeat the exercise 10 times and then change the leg.
Exercises for cellulite - leg extension
Lie on your back with straight legs. Then roll over to your right side, support your head with your hand and raise your right leg as high as possible. Remember not to bend it at the knees. Repeat the exercise 10 times and then do it on your left leg.
Worth knowingThe best cellulite training? Intervals!
Strength exercises are designed to firm the skin with cellulite by stimulating the production of collagen. However, you must remember that cellulite is actually unevenly distributed fat - and cardio training works best for fat burning. So your daily exercise plan must have space for activities such as running, cycling, skipping rope and roller skating.
If you have little time on a daily basis, choose interval training. They only take 15-20 minutes a day, but are very effective as they burn fat for hours after training. To get rid of cellulite with intervals, do them at least 5 times a week, preferably every day.
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Find out moreCellulite exercises - buttocks lift
Lie on your back with straight legs. Place your arms alongside your body and your feet hip-width apart. Then breathe out and lift and tense your buttocks against your toes. The head, shoulders and arms should rest freely on the ground. Keep your muscles tense in this position for a few seconds.
Then, while inhaling, slowly lower your buttocks. Then touch them lightly on the floor without relieving the muscle tension, and then raise your buttocks again to repeat the exercise. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
Exercises for cellulite - lifting buttocks with leg rest
Lie on your back with your legs straight and your arms out to your sides. Then bend your knees and rest your right lower leg just above your left knee. Then lift your hips so that your torso and left thigh form a straight line. Hold this position for a while and try to lower your hips but not to touch the floor. Repeat the exercise 10 times and then change the leg.
Read also: 10 effective exercises that you will do lying down
Exercises for cellulite - ball training
Lie on your back with your arms alongside your body. Place a gym ball between your feet. Then lift it up and squeeze it several times. Returning to the starting position, bend your legs at a 45-degree angle and squeeze the ball again several times. Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 20 times.
See also: Exercises for sexy buttocks: dumbbell training
See what exercises for cellulite are proposed by trainer Joanna Brzezińska:
Source: X-news / Good morning TVN