What is the best time of the day to exercise? Any time of the day to be active is good. The most important thing is to train regularly. However, scientists have shown that people who want, inter alia, to get rid of unnecessary kilograms, gain weight or improve the endurance of the body, they should exercise at specific times so that the training brings better results. Check when to exercise to lose weight, increase muscle mass and increase endurance.
What is the best time of the day to train?Any time of the day for training is good. It's important to exercise regularly. Researchers have long proven that systematic exercise not only improves overall he alth (including reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes), but also increases sexual satisfaction, enhances creative thinking and may be the key to reversing the aging process of the skin.
They also showed that people who want, inter alia, to get rid of unnecessary kilograms, gain muscle mass or improve the endurance of the body, they should exercise at specific times so that the training brings better results.
When to exercise to lose weight?
The best time to exercise for people who are slimming down is in the morning. In the morning, the metabolism is quite stimulated, thanks to which it protects the body against the storage of unnecessary fat and stimulates it to burn calories faster. Therefore, when exercising in the morning, the metabolism is even more stimulated, which works on "turbo-charging".
As a result, the metabolic process is significantly accelerated not only during training, but also for several good hours after the end of exercise, which allows you to burn more calories during the day. In addition, during exercise, endorphins are released, which stimulate more than a cup of coffee and improve your mood.
However, in the case of morning training, the question arises:exercise on an empty stomach or after breakfast?A study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine found that people who exercise fasted burn more body fat than those who eat a light meal before training. All because at night the body has already used up its energy reserves in the form of glycogen and by exercising in the morning, it starts to burn fats from the very beginning.
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- Fat reduction training - training plan for beginners
- Reduction Diet - 5 Easy Ways to Lose Fat
- Reduction - 8 errors that slow fat reduction
Regardless of whether you choose to exercise on an empty stomach or after breakfast, remember that exercise aimed at reducing body fat should be performed under an oxygen balance. Therefore, your morning training should be at a moderate pace - so that you can breathe and talk freely. Fat burns in the presence of oxygen, which is why breathing is so important during this type of exercise.
How long do you train?
How long should you exercise if you decide to do your morning workout? Fasting will be effective if it takes about 30 minutes. Remember that morning exercises on an empty stomach are objectionable if they are too intense or take a long time. If you decide to exercise on an empty stomach, remember to eat a protein-rich meal right after you finish it. Failure to do so may result in muscle catabolism, i.e. the degradation of muscle tissue.
If you decide to train after a light breakfast, you can exercise much longer and more intensively, because then you have more energy. Some say that thanks to this, you burn the same or even more kcal than during exercise on an empty stomach.
ImportantIn the morning, elderly people should not exercise, because at this time the risk of a heart attack increases. In the morning, due to greater air resistance in the respiratory tract, people with asthma should also give up exercise.
People taking slimming treatments should give up fasting training. Low-calorie diets are not always able to fully regenerate muscles, and subsequent exercises on an empty stomach can exacerbate this problem.
Remember that your muscles are not warmed up enough in the morning, therefore the risk of injury increases. Therefore, warming up before morning training is a must.
When to exercise to build muscle mass?
Research shows that muscles are strongest in the early afternoon, specifically at 2:00 PM. It is at this time that the chances of achieving the best training results are best. In addition, the body is warmed up, reducing the risk of injury and increasing the quality of exercise. Scientists have also shown that exercising in the early afternoon hours helps reduce appetite. Therefore, after their completion, you want tosnacking with dinner is smaller.
When is the best time to exercise for strength?
Research shows that the peak of endurance is in the late afternoon (4 pm - 7 pm). Then the metabolism is reactivated (but not as strongly as in the morning) - the heart begins to pump more blood, the level of hormones is stabilized, the muscles reactivate their strength and the endurance of the body increases. In addition, the body temperature rises (the highest is around 6 p.m.), which reduces the risk of injury and accelerates the conduction of nerve impulses. This is important for people who do strength exercises as they require the most effort.
The advantage of late afternoon and evening exercises is that they help you to relieve stress, relax and ensure a good night's sleep. Research published in the American journal "Journal of Physiology" shows that exercising in the afternoon helps to regulate the internal clock in the body by calming down, relieving negative emotions and all-day stress. However, do not overdo your training intensity as it can cause sleep problems.
It is important to know that evening training does not burn a large amount of calories after exercise, because metabolism drops dramatically after going to bed.