Bulgarian squats are a variant of the exercise we all know. How to correctly perform the Bulgarian squat? What parts of muscles does it involve? See.
The Bulgarian squatis one of the many variants of the squat everyone knows about. This type of exercise involves the lower muscles, making it perfect for modeling the legs and buttocks. It can be included in training both at the gym and at home, becausedoes not require any specialized equipment.
The use of additional weights in the form of dumbbells or ordinary water bottles held in the hands makes it suitable for people starting their adventure with sports and for those more advanced.
Bulgarian squat - muscles involved
The muscles working during the Bulgarian squat include the gluteal muscles, the quadriceps muscles of the thighs, the group of hamstring muscles (semimembranes, semitendos and biceps muscles of the thigh), as well as the rectus abdominis muscle. Depending on how you perform the exercise, you can focus more on the gluteal or quadriceps muscles.
Bulgarian squat - correct technique
Position yourself in front of a firm support, with your back to it. When performing an exercise in the gym, you can use a bench, at home an alternative may be an ordinary chair leaning against the wall. In the starting position, place one of your legs on the support, and bend the other leg slightly in the knee.
The feet should be parallel to each other. Let your hands with the weights move freely along your torso. As you move, take a deep breath and make the knee bend of the front leg, lowering the torso. In doing so, maintain a neutral pelvic position and the natural curvature of the spine. The abdomen should be taut, shoulder blades tightened, and the head positioned as an extension of the spine. Pay special attention to the path of the knees, direct them outwards, because valgus can result in a dangerous injury.
Stop when the thigh of the front leg is below the knee. For stronger engagement of the buttock, the leg should be positioned so that the knee does not protrude beyond the foot line. Crossing this line stimulates the quadriceps muscles to work more strongly. On the exhale, return to the starting position, avoiding the hyperextension of the knee joint. Do the exercise without rushing, too fast movements are notcorrect.

Bulgarian squat - frequent mistakes
- Too narrow or too wide spacing of the legs prevents a sufficiently low descent, or causes the foot to slide too far under the line of the toes. However, it is impossible to determine one universal distance from the support for everyone, because it is determined by the structure of the body and everyone has to choose it by himself.
- Resting the back leg too high or too low is another factor that prevents the correct execution of the squat. The height of the support should be selected so as not to reduce the range of motion. It is assumed to be about 50 cm. If you additionally feel pain when the backrest sticks to the back of your foot, you can try placing a rolled-up mat or a towel under it.
- If your upper body muscles are not tense, you can easily lose your balance. While doing the exercise, remember to tense your abdominal and back muscles and move your shoulders back.
- Incorrectly chosen shoes can also contribute to the lack of a stable posture. It is safest to do this exercise without shoes, as the foot will then have the best support. However, if you do not feel comfortable training in the gym without shoes, choose those that have a flat and quite hard sole.
- Inadequate additional weight can also weaken the effects. Regular practitioners should remember to gradually increase it to see more and more progress, but if you are a beginner, it will be a good idea to start without strain and learn the correct technique first.