Sit-ups are exercises not only slimming the thighs and firming the buttocks. Squats involve a larger group of muscles, so they are exercises to develop the entire body. Check the effects of squats.
Przysiadyare exercises that mainly engage the gluteal muscles as well as the muscles of the thighs and calves. As a result, they are one of the most effective exercisesfor shapely thighsandbuttocks . They are also a proven way to burn calories, thanks to which they contribute to the loss of unnecessary kilograms. However, these are not the onlyeffectsof this training.
What are the benefits of doing squats? What are the effects of these exercises?
When the knees are bent, mainly the back muscles of the thighs, known as the hamstrings, are involved. In turn, while straightening, all the muscles that make up the quadriceps muscle of the thigh are shaped. Other muscles such as the gluteal muscle, the gastrocnemius muscle, the external oblique abdominis muscle, and some back muscles are also involved in the bending and straightening movement of the knees. Therefore, the effect of these exercises is:
- strengthening the muscles of the back, abdomen, buttocks, thighs and calves
- improvement of joint mobility
- increase bone density
- developing a sense of balance
Ifsquatsare weighted, e.g.with a barbellorwith dumbbells , additionally, the shoulder and trapezius muscles are strengthened, as well as the biceps muscle of the shoulder, i.e. the biceps.
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Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreSquats - how many calories are burned while doing squats?
How many calories are burnt during squats depends on many factors, such as the intensity of the exercise, the body weight of the exerciser, and the duration of the workout. To work out how many calories you have burnt during no-load squats (barbells or dumbbells), use the following formula:
Body weight (in Ibs - pounds; 1 kg=approx.2.2 Ibs)0.96
Then the obtained result should be multiplied by the number of minutes. The total received is the number of calories you have burned.
For example, a person weighing 65 kg (i.e. about 143 lbs) will burn about 205 kcal during 15-minute exercises.
Trainer Jacek Bilczyński reveals the most frequently repeated myths about squats
Extending your knees in front of your toes does not put excessive strain on your knees, and going down below 90 degrees in a squat can be even he althier than bending your legs at right angles. See other myths about squats that Jacek Bilczyński deals with: