Buttocks amnesia is, contrary to appearances, a very serious problem. It turns out that they can lose muscle memory, which will cause problems, for example, with maintaining the correct body posture. So, jokingly speaking, it will be about a buttock that has lost its memory. Or about one who died, because this problem is also called DEAD BUTTON!
If you are obsessed with buttocks, then you know how to exercise them. You also know that neglect makes your buttocks saggy and doesn't have a lot of muscle in them. And if they are - it cannot be tense. This is the problem we want to bring you closer. Dead buttocks are a real problem!
Gluteal amnesia, dead buttock or dumb buttock syndrome
Gluteal muscles tend to forget about their functions over time (and it takes a while for that to happen). What are they responsible for? For the efficiency and smoothness of thigh movement and for maintaining proper body posture. If we really neglect them, their functions will be taken over by other muscle groups, which will grow, become tense and very overloaded. It is a simple path to posture disorders. Then there are problems with the spine, but also degeneration of the joints of the knees, hips and shoulders. Inflammation of overloaded muscles and tendons may also occur, including the calf muscles and the Achilles tendon.
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Who is affected by stupid buttock syndrome?
Well, anyone who leads a sedentary lifestyle could be affected by this problem. The sitting position translates into contractures of the muscles that bend the hip, i.e. those that activate the muscles in our buttocks. However, if you think that only these people are at risk, you are wrong. It turns out that people who do too much exercise involving the quadriceps (front of the thigh) can also experience gluteal amnesia.
In fact, buttock amnesia can affect anyone - people who exercise, but neglect strength training for fear of muscle growth, can also face a problem with gluteal memory.
Okay, but how does a dead buttock appear?
They're just very weak muscles. Our body forgets about them and "gives" their functions to other muscles. Just. Dumb buttock syndrome is a very weak gluteus muscle. If other muscles keep growing(specifically your thigh muscles), it's time to take a look at your buttocks.
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How to check it? Very simple - a simple exercise is enough. Do a squat in front of the mirror. The knees should be in line with the 2nd or 3rd toe. If they go down inside, it already means your buttock muscles are weakening. Thigh muscles have an advantage over them. Abnormalities in the posture will also be evidenced by the transfer of the knees in front of the feet and excessive pushing of the buttocks back.
How to deal with buttock amnesia?
First of all, you have to move. But beware - you have to do it wisely. Exercises to relax, stretch and strengthen the buttock muscles are the first phase of the therapy. You should work (we recommend exercises under the supervision of a physiotherapist) on the correct body posture, developing the right movement patterns.