An attack of the nerve roots, or sciatica, is a severe pain in the lower back that paralyzes the entire body. Root inflammation proves the poor condition of the spine and requires professional treatment. See if sciatica attacks can be prevented.
Sciatica( radiculitis ) is a disease classified as root syndromes, i.e. rootlets.Korzonkiis the common name for the bundles of nerve fibers that extend from the spinal cord between individual vertebrae - from the cervical to the lumbar vertebrae. Roots appear in pairs - two on the right and two on the left side of the core. Their location makes them very sensitive to any changes in the he alth condition of both the spine itself and its immediate vicinity. The pressure on the nerve roots causes severe discomfort, which is like neuralgia. Among them, apart from sciatica, we also distinguish the femur and the brachial gland. An unexpectedattack of nerve rootsindicates that the spine is in poor shape. Usually, the pain is in the lumbar region, but nerve tangles around the thigh and shoulder can also be irritating. It is a consequence of the mechanical pressure of the damaged intervertebral disc (disc) on the nerve roots in its vicinity. Such problems are more common after the age of 30. This is because the spine wears down with age and degenerative changes progress.
Sciatica: causes
The spine is made of vertebrae, between which there are discs, i.e. discs, acting as shock absorbers. Each disc is a strong fibrocartilage ring with a gelatinous core. In a he althy spine, the vertebrae and discs form a line resembling the letter S - its natural curves ensure elasticity and resistance to shocks.
1. Degenerations, injuries
However, when the spine becomes ill (e.g. due to degeneration, injuries), a fibrous ring bulges in the vertebrae or a gelatinous nucleus falls out. The discs begin to protrude beyond the axis of the spine and put pressure on the nerve roots, causing excruciating pain. It radiates from the pressure point to the legs or arms. The most common damage is the lumbar spine - the pain radiates to the buttocks, and sometimes goes down the thigh to the calf and foot.
2.Intense physical exertion
The attack of the roots may be caused by too intense physical exertion. This is especially true for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle on a daily basis and suddenly start exercising strenuously. Weak back and abdominal muscles cannot support the spine well and the intervertebral discs bulge. The same can happen every time the spine is overloaded, e.g. incorrectly lifting a weight or lifting up from a chair.
3. Diet low in vitamins, minerals, calcium
People whose diets are low in calcium, minerals and vitamins quite often have root attacks. The emergence of ailments and their recurrence is also conducive to rapid cooling of the body, e.g. entering cold water on a hot day or lying on the damp ground. The root cause attack may be local inflammation and some infectious diseases.
Symptoms of sciatica
During an attack of the roots, you may have sensory disturbances (paraesthesia - tingling, numbness, hyperalgesia), problems with urinating or stool. Sometimes it is paralyzed in places where there are damaged nerves. Then there may be paresis of the muscles, for example of the foot, which becomes inert and "escapes" when walking. In addition, the pain is aggravated by sneezing, coughing, laughing or pushing. This is because each of these activities increases the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid and thus the pressure on the nerve roots.

Treatment of sciatica
An attack of the roots always requires professional treatment, and if it is accompanied by sensory disturbances and paresis, you must immediately consult a doctor. Depending on the severity and causes of the disease, he may recommend painkillers, anti-inflammatory and diastolic medications, as well as physical therapy, massages, and sometimes exercise on an extractor. Sometimes intramuscular injections and wearing a corset are needed. If the therapy does not work, a neurosurgeon can help to remove the cause of the pressure on the nerve root.
Pain in the roots: temporary relief
Pain relief is provided by resting in the right position - lie down on a hard surface, bend your legs slightly and place a rolled blanket or pillow under your knees. It is good to take a painkiller and an anti-inflammatory drug. Sometimes it helps to heat the painful area with a hot water bottle or an electric pillow.
This will be useful to youThree types of rootlets attacks
- Brachial gland- the pain radiates from the neck to the shoulder and continues to the end of the arm. Paresthesia, which is a painful sensation of tingling, numbness, and is commonparesis and muscle spasms.
- Sciatica- pain occurs in the lumbar spine, buttocks, runs along the entire leg up to the big toe in the foot. There are paresthesias, paresis and muscle spasms.
- Thigh pain- the pain is located in the lumbar and sacral sections, it runs along the anterior leg wall. There are paresis, muscle contractures and paresthesias. The severity of the pain depends on the severity of the disease and the amount of pressure on the nerves.
Prevention of sciatica attacks
In the case of the spine, the saying is confirmed: prevention is better than cure. An efficient spine guarantees that you will not be pierced by unexpectedly severe lumbar pain. But you should remember about respect for your spine while performing everyday activities:
- Evenly put pressure on your buttocks and back while sitting. Don't cross your feet. Keep your back straight.
- When driving the car, sit down so that your whole thighs are touching the seat.
- Try to bend your spine as little as possible when you get up.
- Do not lift weights that can be moved. If you have to lift anything, do a squat, but keep your back straight.
- If you are carrying heavy purchases, spread them into two nets to evenly load both sides of your back.
- Instead of ordinary suitcases, use a backpack or a bag or a suitcase with wheels.
- Rest on your stomach whenever you can. The spine is also favored by lying on the back on a hard surface with the legs slightly bent at the knees.
- Change your position frequently while you are lying down, and when you are working at your desk, do not forget to get up from time to time, straighten up and walk a few steps, stretch or do a so-called cat's back.
- Sleep on a firm mattress, with a small pillow under your head, in an upright position (also on your side), not curled up.
Sciatica: the McKenzie method will help
The McKenzie method offers effective exercises for backache, which will not only get rid of unpleasant pain, but also remove the causes of pain, and thus prevent its re-development.
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