Corrective exercises for bunions will minimize pain associated with hallux valgus and prevent the progression of this degenerative disease. Learn about effective corrective exercises for bunions, exercises to prevent bunions and exercises after bunion surgery.

Corrective exercises for bunions(or halluxes, halluxes or hallux valgus) are aimed at reducing the damage caused by this deformation of the feet as much as possible. It is estimated that almost half of adult women have problems with bunions, but they are less common in men.

Bunions are manifested byunnaturally bending the big toe (big toe)towards the other toes. Moreover, this flexion is accompanied by a painful bulge on the outside of the foot, at the base of the big toe.

The most common reason for the appearance of bunions is wearing the wrong footwear: not only shoes with heels, but also too tight, too small, too narrow. On the other hand, hiking all day in flat sandals is also inadvisable. Hallux valgus can alsoaccompany neurological diseases(e.g. cerebral palsy) or other degenerative diseases.

Unfortunately, the risk that one day we will have to do corrective exercises for bunions is greater if someone in the family also has hallux valgus. We inherit more laxity of connective tissue than in the rest of the population or the wrong shape of the surface of the metatarsophalangeal joint - these factors increase the risk of hallux formation. Same asso-called Egyptian foot , when the big toe is longer than the other toes - although this shape is called the perfect foot, it also increases the risk of bunions.

The emergence of bunions is also favored by working (or simply staying for a long time) in a standing position and being overweight, especially in combination with inappropriate footwear.

Exercises to prevent bunions

Doing the following anti-hallux exercises regularly will help you avoid the risk of hallux valgus.

1. Achilles tendon stretching with a towel

Sit on the floor with straight legs, and then pass a towel around the metatarsus of one of your legs. Grab both ends of it and pull them towards you - the legkeep it straight at all times. Hold for 30 seconds and take a 30-second break. Repeat the exercise in 2 series of 10 repetitions for each leg.

2. Rolling a Golf Ball

Sit on a chair, and then place a golf ball under your foot. Roll it under the arch of your foot for as long as possible, for at least 2 minutes.

3. Lifting balls with feet

Sit on a chair, place your feet firmly on the floor, and sprinkle a dozen or so small balls around it. Place a bowl nearby. Use your toes to grab the balls and place them in the bowl, but remember not to sprinkle them too far away from your feet - this is just the ball grip, which will train your plantar flexors, not stretching your leg towards the balls. The exercise will be finished when you have collected all the marbles.

Read also: Exercise for the wrists will help eliminate pain and strengthen the wrists

Worth knowing

How to prevent bunions?

It is widely known that prevention is better than cure, so if you want to avoid the need to perform corrective exercises for bunions later, remember:

  • Avoid wearing shoes with high heels and those with narrow build, also tapered at the toes - pointed tips are definitely not recommended.
  • Avoid wearing flat sandals all day.
  • Try to walk barefoot from time to time, walking on soft surfaces such as sand or grass will also work.
  • Change shoes two or three times a day if possible.
  • Take care of physical activity and control your weight - but do not choose sports that weigh on your feet, opt for swimming or cycling.
  • Always keep your feet straight when you walk.
  • Avoid buying shoes in the morning, as after a few hours of walking and standing, your foot may be slightly wider and longer (approximately 5mm).

Corrective exercises for bunions

Corrective exercises for bunions are performed when we want to prevent the progression of a degenerative disease and minimize pain and swelling.

1. Finger stretching with toe abduction

Stand on the floor, place your feet on the floor. Try to point the big toe (big toe) towards the outside, and the other fingers - in the opposite direction, towards their outside (try to separate the big toe and the rest). Thanks to this, you will increase the activity of the big toe abductor. Do this exercise for 2 minutes.

For bunion exercises to be effective, do it at least 4 times a week.

2. Big toe exercise with tape

Stock upinto an elastic band and on one side put it on the big toe, and on the other side tie it around the leg of a chair or table. Bend the toe dorsally (i.e. just point it towards you), hold the tension for 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise in 2 series of 10 repetitions.

3. Roll up towel

Sit on a chair, rest your feet on the ground. Spread a towel on the floor in front of you. Grab the center of the towel with your fingers and roll it towards you. The exercise will be more difficult if you put a light weight on the towel. Repeat the operation twice.

4. Alphabet written in the air

Sit on a chair, but do not place your feet on the ground - keep them in a comfortable position above it and draw letters of the alphabet in the air with your feet. Try to keep the big toe running and the rest to follow. Repeat this exercise in two series, trying to "draw" the entire alphabet.

5. Bringing the heel to the toes with pressure on the floor

Put your foot on the ground and try to firmly press your heel and toes to the floor - as if trying to bring them closer together without lifting your toes off the ground. This way you can correct the longitudinal curve. Do this exercise for 2 minutes.

Also read: Exercises for tennis elbow and golfer's elbow

Worth knowing

Home bath for bunions

A home bath will help to minimize swelling and pain accompanying bunions. Pour water into the pelvis up to the middle of the calves, add rosemary or eucalyptus oil, if you do not have them at home, you can use table s alt. After bathing, put pressure on each of the toes in 3 places: at the joint, on the nail plate and at the base of the toe. Then massage the entire foot - from the toes to the heel.

Exercise after bunion surgery

People with bunions cope in different ways: they use special patches for bunions, buy inserts and half insoles, bands or corrective braces for day and night. In some cases, however, surgery is necessary, and then you need to continue working on your he alth. Here are the post-surgery exercises for bunions that patients with this degenerative disease do. However, it is worth remembering that in the case of rehabilitation after surgery for hallux valgus, we go under the care of a physiotherapist who recommends specific exercises. Before performing the following exercises, consult a specialist.

1. Bending fingers in metatarsophalangeal joints

Sit on a chair with your feet firmly on the floor, and then begin bending all the toes of both feet at the same time - as if you were trying to gather them together as ifthe most sand. Do this exercise for 2 minutes.

2. Finger spreading

Stand on the ground, rest your feet firmly on it, and then start lifting all the toes of both feet upwards. Each of the fingers should be as far apart as possible and directed upwards and to the sides. Do this exercise for two minutes.

3. Quadriceps exercise

Lie on the bed on your back with your legs straight and your arms along your torso. Tighten the quadriceps muscle of the thigh so that the heel is slightly above the level of the bed. Hold for 5 seconds and take a break of a few seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times a day.
