BCAA amino acids is a supplement whose effects have been scientifically proven. Dosage of BCAA comes down to the principle: 0.5 to 1 g of supplement per 10 kg of body weight - this scheme guarantees the best results and eliminates side effects. BCAA is recommended to both amateurs and those who work systematically on building muscle mass. BCAA inhibits the breakdown of muscle tissue and strengthens its endurance. Check what composition of BCAAs has and what effects it gives.

BCAAis a universal supplement that is recommended to all physically active people who want to achieve better and better sports results. Due to its high effectiveness and proven action, BCAA is suitable for both beginners and advanced athletes. Check the dosage and properties of this supplement.


  1. BCAA - composition
  2. BCAA - effects
  3. BCAA - action
  4. BCAA - dosage
  5. BCAA - side effects
  6. Glutamine and taurine in BCAA

BCAA - composition

BCAA(Eng.branched chained amino acids ) is a set of three branched amino acids: leucine, valine and isoleucine. These are exogenous amino acids, which means that the body is not able to produce them on its own - they must be supplied to humans from the outside in the form of food.

  • leucine- inhibits the action of cortisol, a hormone that intensifies catabolic processes (breakdown of muscle tissue). In addition, leucine increases the synthesis of proteins in the muscles;
  • valine- like leucine, protects muscles against breakdown, influences the optimal concentration of growth hormone, improves the processes of obtaining energy in the muscles;
  • isoleucine- apart from the fact that, like other amino acids, BCAA works anti-catabolic and regulates blood sugar levels.

Read also: Amino acids - classification, properties and sources in food

BCAA - effects

The effects of taking BCAAhave been scientifically proven: for example, in a 2012 study, a group of young athletes taking 10 g of BCAA one hour before training and 10 hours after training showedmuch less muscle soreness after trainingthan the group not taking the supplement. In addition, it was found in significant increase in strengthandfaster muscle regeneration .

The effects of BCCA amino acids can be summarized as follows:

  • inhibit catabolism (breakdown of muscle tissue caused by endurance training),
  • accelerate anabolism (building muscle mass),
  • increase muscle endurance,
  • sculpt your body,
  • reduce body fat,
  • stimulate the nerves and inhibit the pain sensation process (neuromodulatory properties),
  • affect the activity of neurotransmitters.

BCAA - action

About 35% of muscle protein is made up of BCAAs, and during intense training, working muscles break down them quickly for energy. Most amino acids are broken down in the liver, but the metabolism of BCAAs takes place directly in the muscles with the help of calpains - special enzymes that are produced by the muscle mitochondria.

During intense exercise, the production of nitric oxide, which the BCAA amino acids transport from the muscles to the liver, is increased. There, the amino acid L-alanine is formed from its residues, which is converted into glucose in the process of gluconeogenesis. The resulting energy reserve is transported to the muscles. As a result, the blood glucose level is balanced and the athlete can safely exercise.

BCAA - dosage

The BCAA dosage is based on the0.5-1 g BCAA regimen per 10 kg body weight . For example, a person weighing 70 kilograms should take 3.5 to 7 g of the supplement. The specific dose depends on our daily physical activity - the greater our energy expenditure, the more branched amino acids we need to assimilate.

How to take BCAAs?

On training days, BCAAs should be takenbefore and after training . Before exercise, the supplement will provide the body with the necessary proteins to build muscle tissue, while a dose of BCAA after training will inhibit catabolic processes and accelerate muscle regeneration. Importantly, when taking amino acids after training, remember towait about 15 minutes after the end of exercise .

On non-training days, it is recommended to take BCAA in the morning after waking up (on an empty stomach) and in the evening before going to bed.

BCAA - side effects

So far, scientific researchhas found no side effects from BCAA use . Therefore, taking branched-chain amino acids is safe at the recommended doses. The exception may be when the doses taken are too high - excess protein may lead to impaired kidney functionand liver, and limit the absorption of other amino acids.

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Why is BCAA supplementation important?

Ammonia is a byproduct of the breakdown of amino acids. The higher the level of ammonia in the body, the more protein is broken down in the muscles. BCAA supplementation reduces the level of ammonia, and thus - limits the reduction of proteins and counteracts the reduction of muscle tissue. Therefore, people who regularly play sports should use the BCCA supplement before and after exercise.

Glutamine and taurine in BCAA

BCAA supplements are enriched with two amino acids: glutamine and taurine. Glutamine is an amino acid that is responsible for maintaining the acid-base balance of the body and supports its immune system. It is also essential for the proper functioning of enterocytes - the cells of the small intestine that are responsible for the absorption of nutrients into the blood.

In turn, taurine is an amino acid responsible for maintaining the body's water and electrolyte balance. In addition, it is also responsible for the process of transmitting signals to nerve cells. It also works anti-catabolic, i.e. prevents the reduction of muscle tissue, and supports the transport of nutrients, such as creatine and glucose, to muscle cells.
