Creatine malate has an anabolic effect, and the effect of its use is the increase in high-density muscle mass. Opinions of many bodybuilders indicate that creatine malate is better than monohydrate because it is absorbed faster and its effects are more long-term. So what to choose: malate or monohydrate? What is the correct dosage of creatine malate and what side effects can this supplement have?
Jabłczan is one of the forms of creatine- one of the oldest and best-studied supplements used by athletes. As of today, many keratin forms have been created, which are advertised as better and better.
The truth, however, is much simpler. The most studied form is the plain and cheapmonohydrate . However, people who care about the benefits of using creatine and at the same time cannot gain too much weight should pay attention tocreatine malate .
What is creatine malate and how does it work?
Creatine malate is acombination of creatine and malic acid . This gives a more stable structure as it makes the agent more resistant to gastric enzymes. Thanks to this, it is not broken down into creatinine. As a result, creatine malate is safer for long-term use.
Malic acid itself is known as an additive to many products. It is used as an acidity regulator. It is found naturally in fruits, medicines and food products. It has a positive effect on intestinal peristalsis, reduces the growth of fungi and bacteria. It also demonstrates the effect of supporting the building of strength and endurance of muscle mass.
The action of creatine malate is similar to that of monohydrate. Its task is also to transport ATP - adenosine triphosphate to the muscles. There it is converted into phosphocreatine which the body can use. Phosphocreatine plays an important role in the production of energy necessary to cause muscle contraction. By itself, it is not a source of energy like ATP, but an essential element in the cyclical chemical reactions that take place in the mitochondria of each cell.
Additionally, it's worth knowing that there is malatemore soluble in water, and due to the malic acid content it has a specific taste. Ideally, it will be consumed, for example, with orange juice.
Creatine malate - what are the effects?
Creatine malate shows better effects than monohydrate, because it makes the built muscle mass better. This type of supplement shows a weaker ability to bind water in muscle cells. As a result, water retention is lower. The overall weight gain with malate will therefore also be smaller, but it will last longer.
By consuming creatine in the form of a supplement, you can increase the saturation of the body with it. This will translate into increased muscle strength and endurance. People using creatine malate notice an increase in lean body mass and better regeneration. They are also able to train longer and harder.
It is worth remembering that the effects of malate supplementation in relation to monohydrate will not be noticeable so quickly, but will be more long-term.
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- Creatine - dosage, effects and side effects of using the supplement
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Creatine malate or monohydrate - which form is better?
It is difficult to answer this question because it depends on many factors - largely on the type of sport.
For people who stick to a certain weight category and practice endurance sports, creatine malate will be a much better solution. People who want faster weight gain and who practice typical strength sports should pay more attention to monohydrate.
The advantage of malate will also be greater safety of use. Thanks to the content of malic acid, creatine does not break down into creatinine. Creatinine is excreted in the urine and is one of the markers that is taken into account when examining the kidneys.
Many people, however, use both forms of creatine for years, often without interruptions and without he alth problems. That is why it is worth checking yourself at the beginning of the adventure with supplementation to check whether the body shows a deficiency or surplus of various types of chemical substances. In this way, with the help of an experienced dietitian, it will be possible to determine the appropriate, individual supplementation.
The choice between monohydrate and malate also depends on the body's response. Some people say that there are no effects afterusing one of these forms, and therefore uses only the other. Each organism is different and will react differently to specific chemicals. You should observe your own body to find out what works best for you.
Who is creatine malate recommended for?
Creatine malate is recommended for all people practicing endurance sports, martial arts and running. Thanks to lower water retention, you can get all the benefits of taking creatine without significantly gaining weight.
Another group that should use malate are people who are on the reduction of body fat. Weight loss will always be associated with a decrease in strength. Especially in the initial phase of weight loss. The use of creatine will protect muscle mass against breakdown and support its development.
Creatine malate - dosage
What is the recommended daily amount of creatine malate?
There are many schools of thought regarding creatine intake. Recent studies, however, confirm that the most effective dose is5 g daily .
Do saturation phases?
There is no need to do so-called saturation phases. The body becomes saturated with creatine gradually and will not be able to absorb doses of 15-30 g per day as recommended by the advocates of using the saturation phases. From the consumer's point of view, this will be a waste of the supplement that will be excreted in the urine.
How to take creatine malate?
You should not take creatine on an empty stomach. It can irritate the stomach and intestines. Its absorption will also not be so effective. A better solution seems to be the consumption of creatine with breakfast on non-training days and immediately after training on training days.
If you train twice a day, you can increase the dose from 5 to 19 grams a day. One serving after each training session.
There are also no contraindications for consuming creatine with juices or even coffee. Creatine malate dissolves well in water, so there will be no problems with drinking sand.
Creatine malate - side effects
The most serious side effect of creatine use often reported in the literature is weight gain. Research shows that it will mostly be pure muscle mass. The rest is water accumulated in the intercellular spaces of the muscles.
In the case of creatine malate, fortunately, the water retention effect is minimal. At the same time, the increase in lean muscle mass is maximized. The combination of malic acid with creatine minimizes the most common effectunwanted.
Some people have reported stomach problems and even diarrhea after consuming creatine. It was caused by the organism's individual tolerance to the supplement. Creatine has also been suspected for a long time. However, it is already known that in the case of he althy people the risk is practically zero.
Many bodybuilders and athletes use continuous creatine supplementation in the form of a dose of 5 g per day for many years. Regular tests do not show any negative symptoms of its use.
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