- Activities for women that help you get pregnant
- Reasonswhy you should exercise before pregnancy
- Moderate before pregnancy
- When to make love to get pregnant?
- Activities for men to improve libido
- Pregnancy-promoting exercises for women
- 1. Pre-pregnancy exercise: hip circulation
- 2. Pregnancy-promoting exercises: pulling up and loosening the pelvis
- 3. Pregnancy-promoting exercises: opening the pelvis
- 4. Pregnancy-promoting exercises: triangle
Exercise is one factor that can make it easier for you to get pregnant. Regular activity before a planned pregnancy strengthens and improves the general condition of the body of both parents, thanks to which their reproductive system works properly. Kegel exercises are especially recommended for women, as they facilitate fertilization and are responsible for the rapid course of labor. Learn about some examples of exercises you and your partner can do before pregnancy.
Exercisephysical exercisebefore pregnancycanhelp you fertilize . Their effectiveness is based on the fact that they eliminate the factors that are the most common cause of problems with conception, such as stress, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, hypoxia, lack of energy.
Importantly,exercises before a planned pregnancyshould be performed not only by women but also by their partners, because the quality of a man's sperm depends on his physical condition.
Find examples of activities and exercise that can help you get pregnant.
Activities for women that help you get pregnant
It is not recommended to start exercising suddenly if the woman has avoided them before. Although it's a good idea to start exercising before getting pregnant, it's best to do it gradually, starting with short and not too strenuous workouts, e.g. jogging, cycling or aerobics. The perfect sport for the expectant mother is swimming and aquaerobics, which not only allow you to get in good shape, but also take care of those parts of the body that are heavily strained during pregnancy, e.g. the spine. Ideal activities for women planning a child are also pilates, yoga or stretching, i.e. everything that will improve their physical condition on the one hand, and will not pose a risk of injury on the other hand.
More intense sports, such as competitive roller skating, crossfit or football, should be postponed until after giving birth. If we are exposed to an injury that requires pharmacological treatment, we can, at our own request, thwart plans related to conceiving a child.
Therefore, moderate physical activity is best when trying to get pregnant. It is recommended that you exercise at least 4 times a week.
Check: What are the first symptoms of pregnancy? How to recognize pregnancy? [TEST]
Reasonswhy you should exercise before pregnancy
- Physical activity of both partners increases the chances of fertilization. If a couple is in good shape by exercising regularly, they are more likely to conceive in less time than people who previously avoided physical activity.
- Playing sports can relieve the effects of stress, which today is one of the most common obstacles to getting pregnant.
- Physical activity minimizes the risk of obesity, which is also a serious problem in trying to have a baby.
- Exercise helps maintain the he alth that is essential for a happy conception.
- Thanks to the good condition of the body and internal organs, it is easier for a future mother to endure pregnancy and childbirth later.
Moderate before pregnancy
As in every area of life, also in sports, moderation is needed. Therefore, it should be remembered that too intense, exhausting workouts, instead of improving the condition of the body, may exhaust it.
Hyperactivity in the case of women trying to conceive may be bad for, for example, on the endocrine system, which is of great importance in trying for a child. Excessively strenuous training, heavy weight loss and a low-calorie diet can upset the cycle and even stop menstruation altogether. This is because the body judges its condition as unable to sustain the pregnancy. There is too little body fat and the diet provides too little energy.
These are unfavorable circumstances for pregnancy, so a woman's body often reacts with the inhibition of menstruation in such a situation. It is therefore impossible to get pregnant in this case. For this reason, women trying to have a child should exercise carefully and in moderation - so as not to disturb the balance in the body.
When to make love to get pregnant?
Activities for men to improve libido
Men planning offspring should also keep their body condition in mind. The type of sport you do is of great importance. Future fathers are not advised to engage in disciplines that may expose their genitals to mechanical injuries, e.g. cycling.
Note: If you want to start weightlifting in your forties, talk to your doctor about it.
The sex hormone testosterone is crucial for a man's reproductive capacity. It increases libido and sexual performance. Its concentration in the blood is increased by shorter but intense exercises, especially strength exercises with a load. As a result, the blood thickens and the rate of testosterone excretion by the liver slows down. The level of itof the hormone decreases with time, so it's best to train in the afternoon - thanks to this, the potency increases in the evening.
Besides, the afternoon session at the gym is a great opportunity to relieve the accumulated stress during the day. Skillfully dosed sport (not only strength but also aerobic sport) protects against diabetes, strengthens the heart and lungs, improves penile blood supply, ejaculation strength and sperm quality.
Worth knowingThe following pre-pregnancy exercises may aid conception through:
- oxygenation of the body and eggs,
- improving the blood supply to the uterus, which is preparing for embryo implantation,
- regulating the hormonal economy,
- inhibition of the production of stress hormones,
- improved well-being.
Pregnancy-promoting exercises for women
Many of the exercises to support you in trying for a baby can be done on your own at home. It is important that it be regular activity, adapted to your own abilities.
Kegel exercises are the most effective. If we strengthen the muscles of the uterine floor, we will make it easier for sperm cells to travel through the genital tract and reach the egg. Strong Kegel muscles will also reduce the risk of premature labor, facilitate labor and minimize the risk of perineal tear, and exclude some postpartum complications, e.g. urinary incontinence.
This will be useful to youHow to locate the Kegel muscles?
Before exercising, locate your Kegel muscles. They are easiest to "discover" when emptying your bladder. These are the muscles thanks to which we are able to stop the flow of urine while peeing and continue to pee in a moment. However, you should wait with the exercises and avoid doing them while urinating. It is best to practice lying down (on your back) or standing apart at the beginning. In this position, tighten the anal sphincter and Kegel muscles for 5 seconds and then slowly relax them. It is important not to tense your abdominal muscles while exercising.
This exercise should be repeated several times a day for about 15-20 repetitions. The exercises do not cause any effort and are not visible to the environment, so when we get into practice, they can be performed in almost all circumstances, also during everyday activities (e.g. standing in a queue, driving a car, watching TV, working at a desk, etc.).
1. Pre-pregnancy exercise: hip circulation
We stand slightly apart and rest our hands on our hips. We make them swing in a circular motion. We can gently rock or draw a figure eight with our hips. The exercise is to relax and open uppelvis, and thus prepare it for embryo reception.
2. Pregnancy-promoting exercises: pulling up and loosening the pelvis
We are in the spreading position, our hands are still on our hips and we are doing a series of back-to-front movements. During the movements, we try to tighten the muscles of the uterine fundus, buttocks and abdominals to make the exercise more effective. While moving forward, we additionally try to direct the symphysis upwards.
3. Pregnancy-promoting exercises: opening the pelvis
We lie down on the mat on the floor. Put something soft under your head, e.g. a roller. Taking a breath, bend the knee and pull it towards you, then move it outwards (to the side), thus opening the pelvis. Along with the exhalation, the leg returns to its original position. Then we switch to the opposite leg and do the same exercise by tilting the leg to the other side. In the next exercise cycle, you can add hand movement to this. While moving the leg, both arms are stretched out in circles - we raise them above the head and lower them at the same time, "opening" the arms outwards. In this way, we oxygenate the reproductive cells in the uterus.
4. Pregnancy-promoting exercises: triangle
We're lying on the floor. We connect the soles of the feet together, opening the knees wide outward. Place your hands in the lower abdomen, between the navel and the symphysis pubis. In this position, we try to focus on the breath. We loosen the pelvis and try to direct our attention to this place, breathing calmly and steadily.