Strength training during pregnancy may seem inappropriate at first glance. However, when the pregnancy is going well and the expectant mother is experienced in weight-bearing exercises, such training can bring many benefits. It must also be remembered that there are contraindications to it, and any such activity should be consulted with a doctor. See what strength exercises you can safely do during pregnancy.

Giving up strength training during pregnancy for physically active mothers would be a difficult challenge. Fortunately, if the pregnancy is going well and the doctor sees no opposition to training, exercise can be successfully continued. Although you have to remember that weight training in pregnancy has its limitations.

Strength training in pregnancy - safe exercise rules

1. Exercise at a moderate pace

During pregnancy, progesterone and relaxin lead to changes in the pelvic area, so you should refrain from any activities that require bending at the waist and pressing over the head.

Although pregnancy is not a reason to give up exercise, it is also not a time when you need to push yourself hard. The pace of exercise should be moderate. For women who train intensively before pregnancy, the heart rate during pregnancy strength trainingshould not be higher than 140 beats per minute , for less active women -not greater than 120 beats / min . The easiest way to measure them is with a heart rate monitor, but you can also just listen to your body - if you exercise and talk without any problems, you definitely don't have a very high heart rate, but if you can't catch your breath - slow down.

2. Don't train when your day is bad

Pregnancy, especially its first trimester, may be associated with inconveniences: vomiting, nausea, fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness. It all depends on a specific day, sometimes a pregnant woman feels better and then she can exercise safely, but sometimes she suffers from the aforementioned ailments. In such cases, it is definitely better to give up training, because it will not be possible to carry it out effectively.

3. Remember to breathe

During trainingTherefore, it is worth remembering about breathing exercises during pregnancy, because at this time the body's need for oxygen increases. These exercises strengthen the respiratory muscles, especially the diaphragm, and thus increase the capacity of the lungs. They also reduce nervous tension.

4. Don't overheat

During pregnancy, your body produces more heat than usual. Overheating can cause severe uterine contractions, and when accompanied by increased sweating and dehydration - even detachment of the placenta. Therefore, the temperature in the place of exercise should be adequate - preferably with air conditioning or an open window when it is too hot. Thermal sweat-wicking clothing is also a good solution. Clothes for exercises during pregnancy should be airy and not restrict movement.

6. Drink water and replenish carbohydrates

When training during pregnancy, you should remember to drink water regularly. Dehydration causes the body temperature to rise, which in turn leads to the above-mentioned overheating and its consequences. Already two hours before training, you need to drink 1-2 glasses of water, and just before it - half a glass. During training, drink another glass of water every 20 minutes, and two glasses after training.

How do you know if you are drinking too little water? If you notice that your urine is darker than usual in the evening after exercising: dark yellow, orange, or brownish, it is because you are not drinking enough fluids.

During pregnancy weight training, you should also remember about carbohydrate supplementation, which is an easily digestible source of energy. It is best to drink a cocktail made of milk (can be vegetable) and fresh fruit right after exercise - you will also provide your muscles with protein.

7. Exercise regularly

Regular strength exercises during pregnancy are absolutely advisable - expectant mothers can afford 3 workouts a week for about 30 minutes.

Worth knowing

Also remember about this when exercising during pregnancy:

  • in pregnancy, the priority is the proper mobility of the joints, therefore, in addition to strength training, focus on stretching the leg adductors;
  • avoid exercising in the supine position - this applies to the entire period of pregnancy, but it is especially important at the end of pregnancy, when the uterus grows larger and heavier, and exercising in this position may cause compression of the vena cava;
  • do not jump exercises;
  • do not perform any exercises that require sudden movements;
  • do not perform exercises involving the rectus abdominals;
  • use less training loads than usual during pregnancy.

Contraindications to weight training in pregnancy

Although strength training during normal pregnancy does not carry a risk for the mother and child, there are contraindications that exclude it. These are, among others:

  • multiple pregnancy,
  • preterm labor in previous pregnancies,
  • front bearing,
  • hypertension that did not develop until pregnancy,
  • gestosis,
  • bleeding and spotting,
  • cervical pressure failure,
  • premature contraction,
  • polyhydramnios and polyhydramnios,
  • pyelonephritis,
  • anemia,
  • diabetes,
  • mother's heart and lung disease.

However, remember to always consult your attending physician before starting any exercises - he or she will best judge if the training will not hurt you!

Warming up before weight training in pregnancy

Warming up is an important part of any weight training during pregnancy. It will allow you to properly prepare for exercise, make muscles and joints more flexible and reduce the risk of shortness of breath. Warming up should take 5 to 10 minutes. It can include the following activities:

  • spinning your hips back and forth and around;
  • rolling your hips forward and backward in an inclined position - on bent knees, with your hands on them;
  • stretching your torso by stretching your arms up with your hands clasped above your head;
  • stretching your neck by moving your head left and right, and tilting your head back and forth;
  • circling the arms back and forth;
  • standing with your legs slightly bent and slowly stretching your arm alternately right and left up;
  • alternating kicking of the legs forward;
  • raising the heel to the buttock.

Sample pregnancy strength training

Strength training during pregnancy should last no more than 40 minutes.

Below we present examples of exercises for weight training in pregnancy: with dumbbells, with your own body weight and with machines. Do only one workout per day (either with dumbbells and your own bodyweight or at the gym).

Before you start exercising on the machines, ask a professional instructor for help, who will explain exactly how to set the equipment and choose the load.

Pregnant training with dumbbells and your body weight

1. Przysiady plié

Stand shoulder-width apart, with your toes pointing outwards, and lower your arms at the sides of your body. Slowly come down into the squat, bending your knees to the point whereyour thighs will be parallel to the ground. Raise your arms above your head as you lower your body. Stop in this position, then slowly straighten your legs and place your arms back along your body. Repeat the exercise 5 times, with 1-2 second breaks after each repetition.

Note: You can also do this exercise by holding onto the back of the chair for better balance.

2. Side leg elevation

Lie on your side - On your right side, rest your head against your bent right forearm. The other hand is free to rest on the mat or pillow to give you more stability. Bend your right leg at a 45-degree angle and keep your left leg straight. Slowly raise your right leg as high as you can and then lower it. Repeat the exercise with the other leg - do 5 repetitions for each leg.

3. Alternate lifting of the arm and leg in a propped kneeling

Kneel on the mat and lean on straightened arms. The wrists should be placed exactly under the shoulders. Then lift your right arm and straighten your left leg up for one easy inhalation and exhalation. Then slowly lower your leg and arm and do the same exercise with your left arm and right leg. Repeat 5 times on both sides.

4. Bending and lifting arms with dumbbells

Sit on the edge of the chair with your back straight and your feet on the floor. Take handles weighing from 0.5 to 4 kg in each hand (the weight depends on your predispositions). Then, keeping your elbows close to your body, bend them 90 degrees (with your palms facing you). Keeping your arms bent at the elbows, raise the dumbbells to shoulder height. Lower them slowly to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5 times with 1-2 second breaks between lifts.

5. Raising dumbbells over the head

Stand slightly apart and take one dumbbell for each hand. Place your arms alongside your torso, then slowly raise your arms up until the dumbbells come together above your head. Then slowly lower your arms to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

6.Two-handed dumbbell swing

Stand slightly apart, with your arms folded freely alongside your body, one dumbbell in each hand. Bend your legs at the knees and bend your torso slightly forward. Then, at the same time, slowly raise your right arm forward - as high as you can get your thighs, and your left arm - backwards, also to the maximum height. Slowly return to the starting position and swap hands: lift the left one forward and the right one backwards. Repeat the exercise 20 times.

Strength training in pregnancy - exercises formachines

1. Leaflets on the butterfly machine (exercise for the chest)

Exercises in the gym are intended only for women who trained on machines before becoming pregnant. Do not join them if you have no experience in such training.

Sit on the seat of the machine with your back against the backrest. Place your feet slightly apart on the floor. Extend the arms to the sides and grasp the handles of the instrument. Then breathe out and pull your arms towards you. Hold your muscles as tight as possible for a fraction of a second, and then inhale. Come back to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times in 3 series, with 1-2-second breaks between repeats.

2. Leg abduction on the machine (thigh exercise)

Sit on the machine seat and place your legs on the pillows. On the inhale, spread your legs - you will make an outward abduction movement. Maintain as much muscle tone as possible for a fraction of a second, then return to the starting position on the exhale. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times in 3 series, with 1-2-second breaks between repeats.

3. Pressing on the machine while sitting (exercise for arms)

Sit on the machine seat with your feet firmly on the ground. Pull your shoulder blades down and rest your shoulders against the backrest of the machine. Use the grip to grab the handles and start lowering them. After the stick is fully lowered, begin to slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times in 3 series, with 1-2-second breaks between repeats.

4. Forearm curls on a stacked machine (shoulder exercise)

Sit on the seat, looking ahead, bend your arms slightly and place your wrists inverted. On the exhale, bend your forearms, still keeping your elbows on the backrest. Inhale, return to the starting position, leaving your elbows slightly bent. Remember to work your forearms at the same time. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times in 3 series, with 1-2-second breaks between repeats.

5. Sitting rowing on the machine (exercise for the back)

Sit on the seat, place your feet on the rollers, slightly push your chest forward and on the exhale begin pulling the arms towards you. Try to bring the shoulder blades as close as possible. Continue until your hands are halfway up your lower ribs. Inhale, slowly lower the weight and straighten your elbows. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times in 3 series, with 1-2-second breaks between repeats.

6. Straightening the lower legs on the machine while sitting (thigh exercise)

Sit onseat, rest your back steadily. On the exhale, straighten your lower legs until you tense your quadriceps as much as possible. Inhale, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times in 3 series, with 1-2-second breaks between repeats.

Strength training in pregnancy - cooling exercises after training

Just like warming up, you can't forget to finish your training properly. The stretching exercises should last about 5 minutes. After strength training in pregnancy, it will be easier to switch from strenuous to calming down if you do the following exercises:

  • stand slightly apart and stretch your arms up as much as possible;
  • lower your arms and clasp your hands behind you, straighten your arms as high as possible behind you;
  • in a standing position, bring your straightened right hand to your left shoulder and hold, repeat with your other hand;
  • sit down with one leg extended and the other leg bent 90 degrees, then slowly lean towards the extended leg and repeat the exercise with the other leg;
  • stand astride and inhale as you tilt your head back, and exhale as you bring your head to your chest, do 6 repetitions of the exercise.
