Yoga during pregnancy can be practiced not only by women who have practiced it before, but also by novices in this field. Yoga exercises bring many benefits to mothers-to-be: they allow you to train your breathing, relax, stretch your muscles and prepare for childbirth. Read about the benefits of yoga in pregnancy, which asanas (positions) are worth doing, and what are the contraindications for practicing yoga at this particular time.
Practicingyoga during pregnancyallows the future mother to keep not only good physical condition, but also mental condition, as well as properly prepare for childbirth. Pregnancy is not a reason to stop yoga, it is also okay for the expectant mother, who has never practiced yoga, to start her adventure with her when she is pregnant.
Pregnancy yoga classes are accompanied by relaxing music, and specific asanas can be slightly modified to take into account the condition of a particular woman.
From what week of pregnancy can you practice yoga?
Yoga exercises during pregnancy are safe if done properly. Yoga is a physical activity very often recommended to pregnant women, because the classes are carried out at a slow pace, and in performing individual asanas (positions), their accuracy and the ability to breathe properly (pranayama exercises) are more important than the number of repetitions.
Which week of pregnancy should I start practicing yoga from? Although the classes are not very demanding, you should always consult a doctor for safety. Although such persistent ailments as dizziness, nausea, depressed mood, pelvic pain, spine pains, swollen legs tease pregnant women already in the first trimester, and yoga copes with them perfectly, its practice is not recommended at such an early stage - especially in the case of women who have never had sex before.
Pregnant yoga is recommended to be practiced from the second trimester until the solution . Why not from the first weeks? This is mainly due to caution: at the beginning of pregnancy, the baby's nervous system and its most important organs develop, and there is also a greater risk of miscarriage. However, in the case of women with yoga experience, it is possible to practice yoga during pregnancy fromat the very beginning, but also under the constant care of a doctor.
You can exercise until the end of pregnancy, although it depends mainly on the condition of a particular woman. At the end of the third trimester, the greatest emphasis is on relaxing asanas and pranayama.
ImportantYoga in pregnancy - contraindications
Contraindications for practicing yoga during pregnancy are:
- pregnancy at risk;
- multiple pregnancy;
- leading bearing;
- pregnancy-induced hypertension;
- bleeding in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters;
- premature birth in previous pregnancies / risk of premature birth in the current pregnancy;
- diabetes;
- cervical insufficiency;
- gestosis;
- pyelonephritis;
- polyhydramnios and low waters;
- seam on the cervix;
- circulatory diseases.
A woman who practices yoga during pregnancy gets to know her body better and prepares it for childbirth. It strengthens the pelvic muscles and improves blood circulation around it, relaxes the abdomen, and makes the thigh adductor muscles more flexible.
The effects and effects of yoga in pregnancy
Yoga prevents nausea and heartburn
Selected standing poses will be great remedies for nausea (which occurs around the 3rd-6th month of pregnancy, but may continue until the end of pregnancy), and heartburn asanas that open the chest.
Yoga relieves back pain
Many mothers-to-be suffer from back pain and attacks of sciatica. These symptoms are related to the unknowingly taking of the wrong posture by pregnant women - their center of gravity shifts forward, so they tilt their arms back, which helps them to stay balanced, but puts pressure on the sciatic nerve roots. Therefore, when practicing yoga during pregnancy, asanas are introduced to strengthen the spine and back muscles.
Yoga prevents spasms and varicose veins
During pregnancy, the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the blood vessels in the pelvis, which in turn obstructs blood flow in the legs and leads to muscle hypoxia and lactic acid accumulation, and consequently - muscle cramps in the legs. Practicing yoga during pregnancy allows these muscles to stretch, thus improving blood circulation and counteracting cramps. On the other hand, blood stagnation in the lower extremities leads to the formation of varicose veins - asanas stretching the legs will minimize the risk of their appearance.
Yoga counteracts constipation and circulation problems
Progesterone, an important pregnancy hormone, also relaxes the muscles in the bodyintestinal walls, which in turn leads to constipation. Asanas will help again, as with palpitations and dizziness. Yoga strengthens the body and allows you to get rid of toxins from it, regulates blood pressure.
Yoga calms the mind, relaxes and improves the mood
It is worth adding that yoga during pregnancy works not only on the body, but also on the mind. Future mothers, especially those who will become mothers for the first time, are faced with many fears about their new life role. Days of hope and joyful expectation alternate with days of anxiety. Pregnant yoga relaxes women, calms them down and, just like any physical activity, puts them in a positive mood - during exercise, "happiness hormones" - endorphins are produced. In addition to the asanas, pranayama, or practicing breathing, helps to achieve mental balance.
Yoga in pregnancy - a set of exercises in the first trimester
The exercises are intended only for women who have already practiced yoga.
- tadasana (top position)
Stand up straight, hip-width apart. Point the heels outwards, the weight of your body should rest on the toes. Place your hands loosely along your body, with the palms facing you. Hold this position for a few minutes.
Exercise strengthens the body: opens the chest, stabilizes the knees and elbows.
- supta baddha konasana (lying with legs at an angle)
Sit with your legs stretched forward and your torso straight. Place a 2-3 piece blanket under the sacrum and slowly lie down on it. Gently bend your knees outward to join the soles of the feet. Then, pull them towards your buttocks. Try to press your torso to the floor, place your arms freely along your torso, with your palms facing the ceiling, and your chin facing your sternum. Stay in this position for a few minutes, breathe, relax, close your eyes.
Exercise stretches the thigh muscles, opens the chest and hips. It also harmonizes breathing, improves digestion and the functioning of the reproductive organs.
- viparita karani (position of the legs raised on the wall)
First, make your buttocks as close to the wall as possible. To be able to perform this position, you can first sit sideways to the wall, with your buttocks as close to it as possible, and then turn around so that your buttocks are just as close to the wall, and your raised legs are against it. The legs and torso should form a 90 degree angle. To make it as comfortable as possible, place a blanket or pillow folded in several parts under your buttocks. If you experience pains in the area of the cervical spine, you can also put a blanket / pillow there.Keep your legs lifted up - straight or out to the sides - as comfortable as possible. You can stay in this position for up to 10-15 minutes, and in the meantime read a book, cover yourself with a previously prepared blanket.
The exercise prevents back pain by gently stretching the back of the legs. It brings relief to legs and feet, and allows you to get rid of the swelling formed on them. It minimizes headaches and fights insomnia, relaxes.
- savasana on the side
Lie on your side on the mat, place a folded blanket under your head and neck, and a blanket or roller between your thighs. Bend your knees, place your outer arm on the side of your torso and your hand on your hip to keep your chest from closing. Stay in this position for several minutes. The exercise is best done at the end of the pregnancy yoga series as it leads to deep relaxation and some even fall asleep.
Worth knowingWhat is not allowed to do while pregnant?
- do any asanas in the prone position after the 1st trimester of pregnancy as they can reduce blood flow to the uterus;
- From the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, when your center of gravity is shifting sharply forward, reduce the number of standing asanas, and if you are doing them - preferably against a wall or chair to help you stay balanced;
- do not jump during pregnancy;
- in pregnancy, do not perform asanas on the stomach, with strong bends and twists and requiring balancing;
- do not do pranayam when pregnant: kapalaphati, bhastriki, kumbaki;
- if you have not performed inverted asanas before, do not practice them during pregnancy;
- do not perform any exercises that cause pain or discomfort.
Yoga in pregnancy - a set of exercises in the second trimester
- bharadvajasana (turn)
The twist position is perfect for pregnant women as it does not constrict the abdomen.
Sit on the mat on the blanket, then bend your knees and move your legs inside out so that only your right buttock rests on the blanket. Place your right foot over the left foot and place your left ankle on the inner arch of the right foot. The left lower leg and right thigh are to be placed parallel to each other and to the side edges of the blanket. Then lift your right arm up and place your hand on a slight platform, such as a thick book. Raise your left arm up and grab your right knee while exhaling. Then, on the exhale, lift the sternum and open your chest, and on the exhale, make a twist while gently pushing yourself off your right knee. This way you will stretch your spine. Hold this position for 1 minute. Then relax your arms and on the exhale, change sides. While exercising, gently breathe through your nose.
The exercise relieves shoulder, back and neck pains.
- uttanasana (stretching forward bend)
Stand on the mat, inhale and raise your arms outstretched above your head. Then take the exhale and bend down to form a right angle with the torso and legs. Put your hands freely to the sides. Bend your legs with your back straight, place your hands not on the floor, as in traditional uttanasana, but on high ankles or on the seat of a chair - to be comfortable. Relax your head and neck, stay in this position for a few seconds, and very slowly come back to the starting position.
Exercise helps to cope with back pain and sciatica, insomnia and dizziness, and lowers blood pressure.
- upavistha konasana (sitting angle position)
Sit on the mat with your legs wide apart, legs straight and feet pointing towards the ceiling. Press your buttocks and legs firmly to the floor, and place your hands on either side of your hips. Pull out the spine, raise the chest, pull in the shoulder blades. Then with your hands "run" forward between your legs, keep your arms long and the front of your torso long. Hold this position for a few seconds and slowly return to the starting position.
The exercise opens the hips, stretches the insides of the thighs, and helps with backache and sciatica.
- ardha uttanasana (stretching forward bend)
Stand against a wall or ladders with your feet parallel and your legs apart at shoulder width. Then, on the exhale, bend forward and lean against the ladder / wall / chair so that your torso and legs form a right angle. Extend the sides of your body and stretch your back, your head should be in line with your shoulders. Hold this position for a few seconds and slowly return to the starting position.
The exercise regenerates the nerve connections and cells of the cortex of the brain, relieves fatigue, and stretches the tendons on the back of the legs and hips. It helps to cope with insomnia.
parvatasana svastikasana (cross-legged mountain)
Sit cross-legged, then clasp your fingers together, turn your palms outward and raise your arms above your head in a slow motion. Separate your palms, stretch your wrists up, and lower your shoulders. Stay in this position for a few seconds, pull with your arm, straighten your elbows completely, open your shoulders and armpits. Slowly lower your arms and lift them up again, repeat the exercise for several minutes. Raise your hands on the inhale and lower them on the exhale.
The exercise strengthens the side muscles of the spine and opens the chest.
Worth knowingYoga in pregnancy has a positive effectnot only to the mother, but also to the fetus. In 2005, the results of a study conducted on 335 women were published in the New York "Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine"1 . Some of them practiced yoga every day, and some walked. It turned out that children of women who practiced yoga during pregnancy were less often born with a weight of less than 2500 g. There were also fewer premature babies.
Yoga in pregnancy - a set of exercises in the third trimester
- marjariasana (cat pose)
Kneel on the mat, support yourself with your hands, place your knees shoulder-width apart. Inhale, round your back and point your head towards your chest. Stay in this position for a few seconds and then return to the starting position on the exhale.
Exercise increases the flexibility of the spine, relieves back pain, and improves digestion.
- baddha konasana (chained angle position)
Sit on a mat against the wall, then bend your legs at the knees, bring the soles of your feet together so that the outer edges touch the ground and the heels touch the crotch. Grasp your toes with your hands and pull your back up. Knees, calves, and thighs also point towards the floor, belly up, and the top of the head towards the ceiling. Stay in this position for a few minutes, breathe freely, relax.
The exercise relaxes the muscles of the inner thighs, the bottom of the uterus and the articular ligaments in the pelvis, helps with sciatica, hernias and constipation.
- virasana (sit down with feet out)
Sit on a mat and on one or two blankets, with your knees slightly apart and your feet pointing outwards from your buttocks. The knees, calf and heel should form one line. Point your arms back and clasp your hands behind your back, resting them on the blanket you're sitting on. Open your chest, pull your shoulders down, and breathe gently. Stay in this position for a few minutes.
The exercise removes fatigue from the arms, prevents varicose veins, tones the muscles of the shoulder girdle.
- surja bhedana pranayama (breathing exercise)
Sit down in Japanese with straight back. Then raise your right hand towards your face and close your left nostril with your ring finger. Take a deep breath through the right nostril and count to four, close the right nostril with your thumb and hold your breath for up to 4 seconds. Then unclog the left nostril and breathe out for a few seconds. Then, use the same left nostril to take a 4-second breath and close it again with your ring finger, holding it for up to 4 seconds. Exhale with the right nostril, also for a few seconds. This way you will perform alternating breathing.
Exercise helps with insomnia, relieves headache,calms the nervous system.
1. [accessed on 02/01/2017]
About the authorAnna SierantEditor in charge of the Psychology and Beauty sections, as well as the main page of As a journalist, she cooperated, among others. with "Wysokie Obcasy", the websites: and, the quarterly "G'RLS Room". She also co-founded the online magazine "PudOWY Róż". He runs a blog jakdzż more articles from this author