The cutting board is a basic and indispensable device in every Polish kitchen. It looks nice at first, but after some time of use, it becomes a habitat for bacteria if not properly cared for. Up to 200 times more fecal bacteria can penetrate deep into the cutting board than on the toilet seat. Why is this happening?
The cutting boardbecomes a "walking breeding ground for bacteria" if not taken care of. Who would have thought that the board on which we mostly cut breadhas so many faecal bacteria!But shouldn't it be a toilet seat? It turns out that, according to specialists, not!
Cutting board: where do dangerous bacteria come from?
Raw meat is a haven for bacteria. They penetrate the surface of the cutting boardas a result of the contact of the raw meat with the wood . Usually, we are convinced that when we clean the board after filleting the meat, we can safely use it for cutting vegetables, fruit or crisp bread. And this isvery high temperature kills most microorganisms.
To maintain hygiene in the kitchen, it is worth having several cutting boards, and one of them should be used only for meat. Thanks to this, we will reduce the risk of serious poisoning and diseases. Above all, we must not forget proper maintenance of the cutting board , especially the wooden one.
There are many cutting boards and they differ from each other in terms of the type of materials and colors.Specialists subjected them to bacterial tests . As a result, they noticed thatbacteria multiply faster on marble, glass and plastic cutting boardsthan on wooden cutting boards. The smoother the surface of the cutting board, the better the environment it is for microbes.
Cutting board: how to care?
The cutting board must becleaned thoroughly, preferably after each use . We have no doubts here. But how to care for them? A plastic cutting board can be safely put in the dishwasher or washed by hand with washing up liquid and disinfectants. On the other hand,with wooden boards is not so easy . They are less resistant to water,therefore, in their care, some smart tricks work.
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5 ways to care for the cutting board
1. S alt
S alt is very helpful in cleaning the cutting board. It is enough tosprinkle the surface of the board with s altonce every few days and leave it overnight. On the second day in the morning we have to rinse it under running water and the board will be ready for use.
2. S alt with vinegar
This potion is made very quickly. Just pour hot water into the vinegar, add a pinch of s alt and mix it. This way, we get home-madecutting board cleaning fluidand other kitchen utensils.
3. Oil with s alt
The combination of oil and s alt produces an effective cutting board cleaning fluid. Everyone has these products in their kitchen, so you should also use them for purposes other than cooking.Rub the mixture into scratched, cracked placeson the cutting board and that's it. The disinfection is complete.
4. Lemon
Lemon juice is great for cleaning. It will also work in this case. Rubbing the chopping board with lemonis a good way to protect it from bacterial invasion .
5. Lemon and s alt
Lemon works great in combination with s alt . We need to cut the fruit in half, sprinkle it coarsely with s alt and then scrub the cutting board. After such a procedure, it can be used again.
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