Crossfit is currently one of the most popular workouts around the world. You want to start exercising too, but don't know where to start? Here are some tips and a sample set of exercises for beginners.

Crossfitis a strength and endurance training aimed at building general physical fitness. Exercises as part of training are performed in the so-called circuits, i.e. one below the other, with minimal breaks between them (until the heart rate stabilizes, i.e. from 1 to 5 minutes). A beginner should do the training 2-3 times a week. One circuit can contain 6-8 exercises, each of which takes 30 seconds (or 20 repetitions). After a break, the entire circuit should be repeated 1-3 times.

Before starting your workout, you should warm up for about 15 minutes. In turn, after its completion, you should take care of post-workout regeneration - reach for quickly digestible carbohydrates, e.g. banana, white rice, which will quickly supply the muscles exhausted with training.

Check: What to eat after training to make it more effective?

Crossfit - Beginner's Exercise Kit

Exercise 1 - push-up on one leg, against a tree, against a wall

Support your front palms against a tree or wall (your palms should be at shoulder height). The elbows should be straight. Lift and straighten your right leg backwards. Then try push-ups, that is, bend your elbows, bringing your head closer to your hand, while keeping your leg straight at the knee and your head at hand level. Breathe in when lowering, and breathe out when lifting.

This exercise involves the minor muscles of the chest, the triceps muscles of the arm and the minor muscles of the shoulder girdle.

View a sample crossfit training for beginners

Exercise 2 - squat with a 1-second pause (so-called isometric insertion)

The number of 1-second pauses is arbitrary. In this exercise, we suggest one when bent downwards and one when extending, or returning. More inserts will increase the intensity of the exercise.

Stand slightly apart, knees straight, hands in front of you at shoulder level. Then do the squat, remembering to pause for 1 second. Buttocks should be at knee level, afeet under the knees. The back should be straight. Exhale during each isometric insertion, and inhale before making any remaining movement.

This exercise involves the buttocks and smaller muscles of the front of the thighs.

Exercise 3 - alternating jumps upwards with arms

Stand on one leg and bend the other leg with the other leg (90 ° angle in the knee and hip). Then, lift and extend the arm opposite to the bent leg. The exercise involves alternating lunges (remember the opposite arm and leg). During this exercise, breathe naturally.

This exercise involves the minor muscles of the shoulder girdle, the minor muscles of the hip girdle and the calf.

Exercise 4 - side lunges with dumbbell press

Grab dumbbells (or liter water bottles), stand slightly apart, raise your arms and bend your elbows at the level of your shoulders (90 ° angle). Then, alternate sideways lunges while raising your arms and weights above your head. Return to the starting position. Exhale as you lunge while lifting the weights and inhale when you come back to the starting position.

This exercise involves the muscles of the deltoids, glutes, and thighs.

Exercise 5 - throwing a medicine ball "into the basket"

Put a ball (regular or medicine ball) in front of you. Bend your legs with your bent legs - buttocks should be level with your knees and your back straight - and grab the ball. Then get up and twist your torso by raising your arms. Next, do a half-squat to prepare for the jump. The last stage is a jump up with your arms extended (just like during a throw for a basket).

This exercise involves the spine extensors, the quadriceps, calves and the minor muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Exercise 6 - backward pushups

Support your hands with your back on a bench or armchair. Your back and elbows should be straight, one leg bent and the other straight. Then bend your elbows and leave your legs in the starting position. Inhale while bending your forearms, and breathe out while straightening your forearms.

During this exercise, the triceps muscle of the shoulder and the minor muscle of the back of the thighs are involved.
