Do you know why you should go on vacation in the mountains? When we are above 1000 m above sea level the body produces more red blood cells, dilated vessels accelerate the transport of oxygen and nutrients, and improves well-being and condition. But active recreation in the mountains also brings other benefits. Learn more about the advantages of going to the mountains.
Each of us, who is even a little bit interested in sport, must have heard the information that competitors, especially those taking part in endurance competitions, are training in high mountains. Thus, they improve the condition and ability to concentrate. And if staying in the mountains helps the professionals, can it help us? Probably yes, but the type and intensity of training must be selected according to our needs and capabilities.
Advantages of a stay in the mountains
- trekking instead of training
Mountains have a soothing effect on the body: they oxygenate, calm down and relieve stress. The concentration required when hiking on a more difficult trail is undoubtedly a method of forgetting about the problems left at home. For those who like active recreation, trekking in the mountains is a great training idea - regular hikes improve the condition and endurance of the body.
- you will get to know your abilities better
Hiking in the mountains is not only a challenge for the body, but also a test of organizational skills and dealing with unusual situations. In contact with nature and changing weather conditions, you will get to know your weaknesses and advantages better. You will learn if you can stay calm when, for example, there is an unexpected storm, and how you deal with stressful situations.
Trekking can also be a mutual test of partners in a relationship. A joint trip to the mountains in a difficult environment will show who has a tendency to complain and who is caring and resourceful. Of course, it is not worthwhile to translate the behavior of going out into the field one-on-one into situations in everyday life, but to some extent it may be an indication of what to expect from your partner.
- positive addiction
It is obvious that the mountains are chosen by people who want to spend their free time actively. Those who prefer to relax lying on the beach will not enjoy successive steep ascents.However, many of those who have tried trekking once again return to the trail regularly, saying they are addicted to adrenaline, the views and the mountain climate. Reaching the next summit becomes an ambitious challenge and gives no peace until it is achieved. Everyone who feels good on the mountain path wants to reach new peaks, climb even higher and overcome the limits of their abilities. Greater ambitions and a parallel increase in self-confidence often translate into, for example, professional life.
Those who like to spend time alone will find little-traveled mountain trails and wander for hours, enjoying the views and immersing themselves in their own thoughts. For most people, however, a trip to the mountains is the perfect time to spend time with friends or family.
He alth benefits of a stay in the mountains
The stay in the alpine climate puts completely new, high expectations for us, the inhabitants of the lowlands. Reduced atmospheric pressure, significant and frequent fluctuations in air humidity and temperature, and its slightly different composition (oxygen deficiency) make the body adapt. In a defensive reflex, it re-tunes the rhythm of work of the circulatory and respiratory systems, and changes the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems.
The body produces more red blood cells, the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood increases, and dilated vessels accelerate the transport of oxygen and nutrients. Well-being and condition improve. This is already the case when staying at an altitude of more than 1,000 meters above sea level. If we combine this stay with an activity adapted to our state of he alth and physical abilities, the effect will be strengthened.
What heights are not harmful to he alth?
Research conducted for the needs of athletes has shown that the most beneficial and long-lasting results are achieved by moderate physical activity at an altitude of 1800-2500. Such conditions can be found, for example, in a small part of our country - in the Tatra Mountains. However, if we think about the full variety of opportunities for active recreation at heights, let us turn our eyes to the Alps, a sea of mountains stretching over five countries, whose peaks exceed significantly more than 4 thousand. meters, and the vast valleys and resorts located in them are located at an altitude of over 1.5 thousand. At the same time, they have such an extensive offer that hiking, traditionally associated with recreation in the mountains, is just one of the numerous possibilities for an active stay.