Yoga for seniors are classes tailored specifically to the needs and capabilities of older people. They do not require the participants to be in good physical condition or stretching - the exercises take place in a calm atmosphere, and their execution is not difficult. At the same time, yoga for seniors significantly improves well-being and increases vitality, which is why it is an important factor reducing the risk of senile depression.
- Yoga for seniors and physical and mental fitness
- Yoga for seniors - what are the classes like?
- Yoga for seniors - contraindications
- Yoga for seniors - cost and duration of classes
Yoga for seniors , although not very popular in Poland yet, is becoming more and more popular among older people. The stereotype of a pensioner who spends his time not being active enough is slowly becoming a thing of the past - seniors willingly participate in classes at universities of the third age, join clubs associating older people and take care of their physical condition.
Many of them choose yoga for seniors, which offers a number of physical and mental benefits to the elderly.
Yoga for seniors and physical and mental fitness
When older people lose the ability to do things on their own, it is not just because they are elderly. Usually, the main culprit is lack of exercise. The fact that they are not physically active forces more frequent visits to the doctor, more frequent hospitalizations and the need to buy more drugs1- we read in a publication prepared by the National Institute of Aging in the US Department He alth and Welfare. Yoga is listed as one of the most effective and friendly for seniors to maintain physical fitness for a long time. Why? Because yoga:
- strengthens and stretches muscles;
- restores natural mobility in the joints;
- restores the static balance, thanks to which the organs of movement are relieved;
- minimizes back pain and muscle pain;
- improves blood circulation;
- stimulates the immune system;
- supports the work of internal organs;
- improves memory and concentration;
- reduces stress levels;
- relaxes;
- works for sleep problems;
- prevents senile depression;
- works comprehensively, strengthening and streamlining the whole body.
All the above-mentioned aspects of yoga are especially important for the elderly, who often complain of muscle and joint pain, memory and concentration problems, insomnia or poor blood circulation.
Importantly, yoga helps seniors to cope with the limitations of old age. The aim of the exercises is to achieve the greatest possible flexibility of the body and to remove the tension and stiffness caused by inactivity. An important element of exercise is the prevention or slowing down of the progression of degenerations within the skeletal system. When practicing yoga for seniors, the idea is that everyday activities, such as going to the third floor or running to the bus, should not be a problem for older people.
Worth knowingPracticing yoga for seniors was recommended by B.K.S. Iyengar, the founder of Iyengar yoga and one of the greatest authorities in hatha yoga. As he said:Yoga is a gift for people in old age, in which strength and resistance to diseases decline. Yoga generates energy and does not waste it. With yoga, you can look forward with hope for a satisfying future, instead of mourning your past youth .
Find out more: YOGA IYENGARAYoga for seniors - what are the classes like?
When designing yoga classes for seniors, instructors take into account the needs of older people. The very possibility of exercising with people of similar age gives seniors psychological comfort. Knowing that they will be practicing with their peers, they feel more at ease and less ashamed of signing up for classes.
In its assumptions, yoga should not be a problem for any elderly person, so compared to traditional yoga classes, more static asanas are performed in classes for seniors, especially those in a sitting position. Particular attention is paid to the pelvis, removing tension from the hips and the lumbar spine. His pain is especially common among the elderly. Static asanas also help combat stiffness in muscles and joints, restore flexibility to the body, and allow energy to flow to stiff areas. Seated positions strengthen the lower abdomen, increase the overall stability of the torso, and promote relaxation.
Yoga for seniors also includes standing poses - they reduce the stiffness of the legs and hips, relieve hip pain and strengthen the ankle area. They also allow you to develop a strong, stable posture, which is especially important for beginners,having little body awareness.
The most common yoga poses for seniors are:
- sitting asanas:butterfly pose, baby pose, cat pose;
- standing asanas:triangle position, warrior position;
- lying asanas:cobra pose, locust pose.
In yoga for seniors, you do not stay in one position for too long, and the transitions between them are not fast. Equipment is sometimes used, especially if participants have limited mobility. The asanas strengthen the hips, ankles and spine, but do not put stress on the wrists.
At the end of the class, there are lying asanas for relaxation and stress relief. They are accompanied by breathing exercises, i.e. elements of pranayama, as well as concentration.
Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharyi, guru of modern yoga and founder of the concept of yoga for the six stages of life, recommended that yoga for seniors should be more therapeutic than complex sequences. The combination of movement and breathing makes exercises for older people less stressful, while retaining their therapeutic values.
Worth knowingYoga for seniors will bring better results if it is accompanied by a proper diet. Whole grain products are beneficial: rice, oats, groats as well as sweet fruits, nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds. In the kitchen, it is also worth using vegetable fats: coconut oil, olive oil or sesame oil. What to Avoid? Mostly white sugar and fried foods.
Yoga for seniors - contraindications
Participation in yoga classes for seniors does not entail any requirements as to physical fitness - every senior, even those who have not exercised for years, should be able to perform specific positions and breathing exercises. The only exception are people who have difficulty maintaining balance.
However, to be on the safe side, discuss yoga with your he althcare practitioner before enrolling in a class. Contraindications are very severe back pain, osteoporosis and artificial joints. Exercises cannot be performed by people suffering from glaucoma and those with very high pressure surges.
Yoga for seniors - cost and duration of classes
Yoga for seniors usually lasts 90 minutes, less often an hour. These types of classes are offered by many yoga schools, not only in the largest cities. Their cost is often lower than that of other yoga classes and ranges from PLN 15 to PLN 25 for a single class or PLN 70-80 for a pass covering 4 classes a month. Season tickets are also availableopen at the price of about PLN 100-120 for any number of entries.
It is worth adding that specific schools define "senior" differently: as a person aged 50 or 60.