The muscle pump is a phenomenon known to every enthusiast of strength training. Increased blood flow to the muscles makes them appear swollen and larger, giving the illusion of muscle growth. In a bodybuilding environment, pump is a highly desirable phenomenon, and training without this feeling is considered wasted training. Find out what the muscle pump gives, how to increase this phenomenon and maximize the effects it brings.
- Muscle pump - what is it and what is it for?
- Muscle pump - pump diet
- Muscle pump - supplements
- Muscle pump - pump training and training methods
- Muscle pump - a sample training plan
The muscle pumpis the desired effect of strength training. The pump is the optimal muscle gain after training. It gives the impression of a sudden increase in muscle mass. As it turns out, this is something completely different than muscle growth.
Muscle pump - what is it and what is it for?
A muscle pump is nothing more than the inflow of a large amount of blood to an exhausted muscle. This causes it to become swollen and swollen. The effect of this phenomenon is a temporary increase in the volume of the trained parts of the body.
It cannot be denied that despite the short duration of the pump, it gives enormous satisfaction to all trainers. It is commonly believed that this is the best method to build muscle mass.
This conviction was reinforced by the already cult statement by Arnold Schwarzenegger from the movie "Pumping Iron", in which he said that it is better than orgasm. Every person who cares about their figure strives for this feeling.
As a result of heavy strength training, the body sends an increased amount of blood to muscle tissues for better nutrition and oxygenation. It is the body's defensive response. The blood, rich in life-giving oxygen and nutrients, allows the muscles to continue to work intensively. This is what we commonly call the muscle pump.
The question is, what gives us this phenomenon in the context of the effectiveness of training and the growth of muscle mass. First of all, it carries a large burst of endorphins, the happiness hormone.
For many people, the feeling of pump is itself a goal that gives them enormous satisfaction and motivation tofurther training. This fact alone makes this phenomenon useful for people who train.
Apart from the extremely important psychological aspect, there are also physiological benefits of this phenomenon. The flow of blood to the tissues indicates a well-functioning circulatory system. Its excess in muscle tissues also pushes up the membranes and fascia, creating space for the muscles to grow.
Larger muscles also have a greater potential to become stronger and more enduring. With proper training, they will also increase the efficiency of the body.
An additional advantage of the pump is the fact that the body delivers amino acids and glucose to the tissues together with the blood. The function of proteins is to rebuild damaged muscle structures. Sugars, in turn, regenerate the level of glycogen, which is the basic fuel of our body. This combination creates an ideal environment for the growth of muscle fibers.
Studies show that the muscle pump is a phenomenon that can be a good means of achieving the goal of improving the figure and strength.
Muscle pump - pump diet
The muscle pump is a phenomenon that occurs the more the better the body is nourished. The guarantee of its appearance during intense strength training is to provide the body with a sufficient amount of carbohydrates that create reserves of muscle glycogen and hydration.
Glycogen is the basic source of fuel for our body. Adequate hydration, in turn, thins the blood and facilitates its transport of nutrients to each of the body's cells.
It is very important that an appropriate or even increased supply of carbohydrates facilitates the transport of water to the muscles. During a reduction period or a diet rich in protein and fat, it is difficult to get the feeling of a muscle pump. It can therefore be said that this phenomenon is closely related to the supply of carbohydrates in the diet.
Sugar rotation is a good solution for people who are in a reduction period or have a low-carbohydrate diet. Around the training time, an increased amount of them is provided, which provides the muscles with energy for intensive work and enables the phenomenon of a muscle pump.
It will not negatively affect the reduction of body fat. On the contrary, it will allow you to perform more intense workouts that will burn more calories and boost your metabolism more, causing oxygen debt.
Physically active people should also consume more water. Commonly used is 0.04 liters per kilogram of body weight. For a person weighing 100 kilos, this gives a minimum of 4 liters per day. Contrary to appearances, it is nota lot of. During hard training, we are able to sweat even 2-2.5 liters of fluids, which must be refilled.
Many people may ask why so much? Water makes up about 60% of our body weight. Already 1% dehydration can be negative for the body. With 2% water loss, our efficiency drops by as much as 10%. It proves the undoubted need of current fluid replenishment.
To sum up, dietary issues are a very important role in the appearance of the muscle pump during strength training. Adequate supply of carbohydrates, at least around training, and water will make the body better nourished and regenerate faster.
Muscle pump - supplements
It is commonly believed that the use of creatine and beta-alanine increases the feeling of a muscle pump. Creatine is a naturally occurring substance in our body. Unfortunately, its amount is not enough for the muscles to be 100% saturated with it.
With food, we provide a maximum of 3 grams a day. Therefore, it is worth taking care of providing it in the form of a supplement. Dosing 5 grams a day, even without any breaks, will make the muscles reach the maximum level of saturation with this substance. This will cause more water to flow into their cells. Water, in turn, will support the transport of nutrients.
Creatine will also be used by the body in one of the energy routes that we work with during strength exercises. It is important that he althy people do not have to take any breaks from creatine supplementation. Such a break will reduce the body's saturation with it. This, in turn, will result in a reduction in muscle endurance and strength.
This phenomenon is definitely unfavorable for athletes. A break from the use of creatine can be used by athletes who must fit into a specific weight category.
Beta-alanine causes a tingling sensation that is pleasant for people who train. However, this is only a side effect that is motivating for the psyche. The action of this substance is much wider. Among other things, it improves muscle endurance.
Another pre-workout supplement is arginine, which increases the volume of blood vessels and improves blood flow. It also increases the production of nitric oxide, which is a gas that plays a number of very important functions in our body.
Citrulline is also involved in the body's production of nitric oxide. Additionally, it supports the processes of muscle contractions. The citrulline malate compound, which can most often be found in supplements, also affects the dilation of blood vessels anddirectly facilitates the occurrence of the muscle pump.
The last supplement that can support training for the muscle pump is caffeine. Its action blocks the receptors responsible for the appearance of fatigue. It allows us to train harder and longer.
Muscle pump - pump training and training methods
The first training method that has many benefits is increasing the duration of each repetition. This increases the amount of time the muscle is energized.
It is worth doing the positive part of the movement for 2-3 seconds, and the negative part for even 4-6 seconds. This will contribute to increasing strength and faster occurrence of the muscle pump phenomenon. In order to fatigue the muscles faster, which will translate into the occurrence of a pump, it is worth combining this method with shortening the breaks between series and exercises. Higher intensity will also contribute to achieving faster training and figure effects.
Another popular method are the so-called drop sets, which consist in reducing the load during the execution of a given series. For example, we perform 8 repetitions with a load of 80% of our maximum weight, then quickly remove 5 kilograms from the bar on each side and again perform 6 to 8 repetitions.
Drop sets can be single, double or even quad sets. It is important to maximize the potential of this training method by reducing the time needed to reduce the load. For this purpose, we can train either with a partner or on machines and lifts.
When exercising with free weights, it is best to use dumbbells. We simply place a few of them with us and quickly change the load.
Many people also use the method of muscle collapse. It consists in performing the last series in a given exercise until we are not able to perform a single correct repetition more.
A good training method that also allows you to shorten the training time is the combined series method. It consists in performing two exercises on the same body part directly after each other, without any interruption. The option of combining a multi-joint exercise with isolated movement works well here.
For example, we make sit-ups and then extend the legs on the machine. It is important to attack the muscles from all sides as possible, which will contribute to their maximum development. The series can also be combined three times. In this case, after squats and leg extension, you can also perform leg bending on the machine.
Muscle pump - a sample plantraining
Training for the muscle pump is intended for fully he althy people. It is a very hard and demanding way to train your muscles. I recommend using the split method here, i.e. split training. It is one of the most effective methods in body training.
The following plan will not be suitable for beginners in this version. Such people should not only train with the FBW method in the first place, but also learn how to perform all the exercises technically correctly. Only after approximately 6 months of training can you begin high-intensity split training.
We train our legs on Monday because it is the largest muscle group.
- Neck squats + forward lunges 12 repetitions of each exercise, with a 30-second recovery between sets.
We make 4 series:
- Stuffing the legs on the crane + Bulgarian squat 10 repetitions in 4 sets with a break of 30 seconds;
- Access to the chest with a sandbag on the nape + leg extension on the machine + leg curl on the machine for 12 repetitions.
The pause may be 1 minute. We also make 4 series:
- Standing Calf Raises + Sitting Toe Raises 20 repetitions per exercise. We perform 4 series with a break of 30 seconds.
Breaks between exercises can be up to 2 minutes. This is the time needed to prepare the equipment for the next exercises.
We do chest and back training on Wednesdays:
- Classic deadlifts, 5 sets of 5 reps, with intervals of up to 2 minutes between exercises.
- Pulling the lift stick to the chest with overgrip + undergrip + neutral after 10 reps, in 4 sets.
- Overgrip rowing in torso drop + undergrip rowing in torso drop + neutral dumbbell rowing in support against bench for 10 repetitions, in 4 series.
- Dumbbell press on a horizontal bench with a double drop set, in 4 series.
- Incline bench press + flyovers, 10 reps, 4 sets.
On Friday we do shoulder and arm training:
- Military press + sideways circumference for 10 repetitions in 4 series
- Push-ups on the bars + reverse flaps in the torso drop 10 repetitions of the first exercise and 20 flyovers in 4 series.
- Straightening the arms with the upper pull bar with the overgrip + undergrip + lines with a neutral grip after 10 repetitions in 4 series.
- Barbell curlsbroken on the prayer book + bending the forearms standing with dumbbells hammering 12 repetitions in 4 series. The last set of muscle collapse in both exercises.

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