Check out our training plan for muscle mass for beginner bodybuilders prepared by trainer Tomasz Piotrowski. In addition to the training plan, the expert gives tips on what training system to use to build muscle mass and how to eat to accelerate the effects of training.
- Training for muscle mass for beginners - practical tips
- Diet for muscle mass
- Weight training plan for beginners
Training for muscle mass for beginnersis an effective way to increase energy levels, improve metabolism, well-being and, as a result, achieve the desired athletic figure!
However, mass training for beginners may seem like an almost abstract concept. This is due to the fact that the muscles of the person starting training in the gym will react quickly as a result of an even lighter training impulse.
The situation is different with people who already train, but only after some time decided to build more muscle mass. Their training sessions will be completely different. There are several schools of mass building and hypertrophic training. Here are the most important aspects of this type of exercise.
Training for muscle mass for beginners - practical tips
When building muscle mass, you should remember about a very important aspect that makes it possible. I am talking about strength, of course. It is an elementary motor feature. It is not strictly related to the increase in muscle mass. It can be shaped independently of hypertrophic processes. However, it is the key to the development of muscles, allowing you to increase the load that we put on the muscles. Weight acts as an impetus for muscle development.
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The best athletes know that each training must be performed with maximum commitment. They realize that they cannot let go of even one repetition. This means that we should train in a similar way. You should stick to the training assumptions.
Training time
Always train with a stopwatch that will keep you under control of break times. The break time between series of weight training should not exceed 90 seconds. In between exercises, he shouldbe up to 3 minutes.
This will allow you to regenerate the ATP level in the muscles, which is responsible for quick, short and intensive work.
Training method
One of the most effective, and at the same time the most popular, methods of building muscle mass is pyramidal training. It was created by Joe Weider to prepare the body well for the maximum load it will be subjected to.
It looks like this:
- 60% of maximum weight - approx. 12-14 repetitions;
- 70% of the maximum weight - 8-10 repetitions;
- 80% of max weight - 6-8 repetitions;
- Until we get to 90% x 4-6 repetitions.
See also: Aerobic 6 Weider (A6W): exercise, training plan, diet
Many people also use the inverted pyramid. In both cases, however, the first thing to do is to master the exercise technique. With higher loads, it is easy to get seriously injured during incorrect movements. For this reason, beginners should first get their body used to strength training for a few weeks using FBW training, i.e. full body workout. Only then should we move on to mass training, which, contrary to popular opinion, does not have to be based on the split methodology.
Research clearly indicates that the perfect method to improve muscle hypertrophy is to extend the negative phase of movement. This means that the weight should be lowered for 4 to even 6 seconds, while squeezing only 1-2 seconds. This extends the time the muscles are under tension. This results in their better and faster development.
During negative repetitions, which are also one of the training methods, the muscles are stronger, which means that, along with better control of the load, we can subject them to greater weights. I recommend using it as follows:
- Make movements while counting down.
- Pushing the load should be done at once.
- When exiting, count to 4.
- Only on 4th it is supposed to be in the lower plane;
Many people believe that the growth of muscle mass depends on the isolation of a given group. This is not entirely true. When we train bodybuilding, we often isolate our muscles in order to better overtrain them. The greatest stimuli for muscle growth, however, come from multi-joint exercises. The heavier it is, the greater the body's hormonal response.
The best results, both strength and mass, can be obtained using exercises such as sit down, pulls and presses. Rather, isolation exercises will be a supplement and a tool used for improvementdefinition of a muscle rather than the development of its mass.
In addition to intensive training and a proper diet, you also need to regenerate. For this purpose, it is worth stretching the muscles and rolling them. I also recommend going to the swimming pool at least once a week.
Active rest is the best option as it speeds up the regeneration processes. Large muscle groups need a minimum of 72 hours between sessions, small - about 48 hours.
A lot of course depends on training, but we are talking here about the purely physique aspect. Training volume will also play an important role in terms of the time needed for regeneration. The FBW method allows you to train more often.
See also: Volumetric training - what is it?
Diet for muscle mass
When building muscle mass, you should provide the body with a so-called caloric surplus. It is a necessary foundation. It is worth noting here that body and body training do not have to differ significantly from each other, because diet plays a key role.
By providing the body with less energy than it consumes, we will burn reserves in the form of adipose tissue. By eating more calories than he needs, we give him the opportunity to use them to build muscle fibers, i.e. to increase muscle mass.
Merely providing a caloric surplus is not enough to build muscle. It must be a well-thought-out process, also supported by training. Otherwise, we will only increase the level of body fat. You also need to ensure the proper distribution of nutritional macronutrients, as well as a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.
Carbohydrates, fats and proteins fulfill various functions in our body and it should be realized that their proportion in the diet is of great importance. On the other hand, without trace elements, minerals and vitamins, we will not be able to function properly. They are necessary not only for the development of muscle mass, but above all for life.
Proper nutrition supports every training goal, it is also the basis of our he alth. So the statement that diet is 70% success is not exaggerated.
They are the basic source of energy for our body. One gram of them provides 4 kcal, just like proteins. However, this energy can be used in full by the body. In the case of amino acids, part of it must be allocated to their assimilation. Experts more and more often agree that high-carbohydrate diets, i.e. the so-called high carb, are beneficial for people who want to build their body.
Muscles duringgym workouts consume large amounts of glycogen, which is synthesized by the body from carbohydrates. It is recommended to keep the sugar supply in the diet at the level of 60% of calories. In the case of people on such a diet, however, it can be problematic and then it is worth thinking about increasing the amount of fat in the diet, one gram of which is as much as 9 kcal.
Carbohydrates are best consumed around training. Thanks to this solution, we provide the body with energy before training and support glycogen resynthesis after exercise.
In my opinion, a good solution is also to eat more of them in the last meal of the day (the so-called carboloading).
This solution has two benefits:
- Better sleep quality and faster regeneration process.
- Lack of a bloated belly, which is a side effect of the long retention of carbohydrates in the digestive tract.
With this style of eating, it's a good idea to eat a protein-fat breakfast. This makes it possible to maintain the right proportions between macronutrients.
Read also: How much carbohydrate before and after training?
The building blocks of our body are proteins, of course. In order to increase muscle mass, you should provide 1.5 to 1.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. The value of 2 and more grams is already falling off during the mass period.
However, each organism is different and reacts differently to dietary factors. It is worth experimenting a bit to see what supply of macronutrients is best for our body. In some cases, an increased supply of proteins, even up to 2.5 g / kg of muscle mass, may result in faster regeneration and greater gains. Protein can be effectively supplemented with protein cocktails.
The last but not the least important macronutrient are fats. The work of organs and hormones depends on their correct level in the diet. Studies show that men should provide up to 35% of their caloric intake to maintain optimal testosterone production. This solution will also be beneficial for people who have a high caloric supply in the diet.
You need to provide good fats containing omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. It can be, for example, linseed oil. Note here, because good quality linseed oil must be kept in the refrigerator. It's also a good idea to include oily sea fish and nuts in your diet.
It is assumed that the distribution of macronutrients in the diet on weight should include:
- 60% carbohydrate
- 20% protein
- 20%fats.
In my opinion, however, a much better solution is to use:
- 50% carbohydrate
- 30% fat
- 20% protein.
This gives us about 1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight on a 3600 kcal diet.
Check here how to calculate your Daily Caloric Requirement (BMR)
When you start mass training, you will feel the first sore muscles. You can overcome post-workout fatigue with caffeine, beta-alanine or nitric oxide pre-workouts.
It is also worth taking care of general supplementation, which includes vitamin D3 needed for bone building and the proper functioning of muscles, B vitamins, magnesium - for the proper functioning of the nervous system.
It is also important to keep an eye on your electrolyte balance - remember that sodium and potassium are washed out during intense workouts. Hydration is very important because we are 75-90% water and the lack of fluids threatens our he alth. Dehydration also puts a strain on your cardiovascular system and increases your body temperature.
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Weight training plan for beginners
It is widely believed that the best method of weight training is split. However, I am not a supporter of it, especially in the case of beginners.
The issue is different, as I have already mentioned, in the case of people who have training experience, but who are just starting the first mass period. Such people already have the technical skills and a certain degree of training needed to apply split training.
When building your training plan, you need to consider several factors:
- The first and foremost is the goal. The question is, do you want to improve the appearance of your figure or ultimately compete in body contouring or bodybuilding competitions.
- People with high levels of body fat should first reduce their level. Of course, you can build muscle mass while having a large excess of fat. However, this is a disadvantage because you cannot really control the visual effects. It's also worth remembering that you want to build muscle, not just gain weight. The process of building muscle is slow - slower than reducing.
- Another aspect is your options. You have to realistically assess how often you are able to train, how hard and how much time you can spend on taking care of your figure. I am talking not only about the time spent in the gym, but also in the kitchen.
- You should also plan your budget for supplements and diet. The gym membership itself is a marginal cost.
The training plan I will give below is based on FBW and a pyramid. This has two benefits:
- The first is better regeneration and more frequent impulses to each of the muscle groups.
- The second less overload of the nervous system and greater control over the exercise technique.
We must start each training with a good warm-up. At the start, I recommend using an airbike or a rowing ergometer for about 6 minutes. Then it is worth doing a few mobilizing exercises. Below are four that I think are the most universal.
- Bertzel - is an exercise that allows you to work on the muscles of the thigh, buttocks and the thoracic spine. We make 2 series of 30 seconds on each side.
- World Greatest Stretch - exercise to improve the range of motion in the pelvis and thoracic spine. One of the best exercises you can do during mobilization. We perform 2 series of 10 repetitions per hand.
- Cossack squats - stand up straight and spread the weight of the body first on the left and then on the right leg. The second one is straightened all the time, we also place it on the heel to stretch the muscles. 2 sets of 10 squats for each leg will be enough.
- Caterpillar walk + dog with head down + dog with head up - while standing in extension we bend by touching the floor with our hands. Then we go forward to the push-up position and first firmly lift our hips up, then place them on the ground while keeping our arms straight. Then we return to the classic support and go back to standing. We perform 2 series of 10 repetitions.
After warming up the body and performing a simple, but very important mobility, we can move on to the proper training. However, it is worth first to perform 2 warm-up series of the heaviest exercises with a weight of about 50% of the maximum load, for 10-12 repetitions.
Workout A:
- Romanian deadlift - 4 sets of 12,10,8,6 repetitions with increasing load. I recommend using straps, because the first thing that will not last for beginners is the grip.
- Pulling up with an overgrip slightly wider than the shoulder spacing - 4 sets with additional weight. First series without load. The number of repetitions may be lower than the assumed 12,10,8,6 due to the difficulty of the exercise. We can be 8,6,4,2.
- Dumbbell press on a flat bench - 4 sets of 12,10,8,6 repetitions with increasing load. The use of dumbbells will allow a greater range of motion.
- Soldier press with barbells standing - 4 sets of 12,10,8,6 repetitions with increasing load.
- Pressing French Barbells while lying down - 4 sets of 12,10,8,6 repetitions with increasing load.
- Bending your forearms with dumbbells while sitting on an inclined bench. Hands behind body - 4 sets of 12,10,8,6 reps with increasing weight.
- Classic plank - 4 series of 40-60 seconds depending on the possibility.
Workout B:
- The barbell squat in the neck - 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6 repetitions with increasing weight.
- Undergrip barbell row - 4 sets of 12,10,8,6 repetitions with increasing load.
- Pressing the bar on a positive slant - 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6 repetitions with increasing load.
- Push-ups on parallel bars with weights - 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6 repetitions with increasing weight.
- Side circumference - 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6 reps with increasing weight.
- Pulling the line of the upper lift with the triceps overhang - 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6 repetitions with increasing load.
- Forearm curls with a broken barbell in a preacher - 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6 repetitions with increasing weight.
- Abdominal cramps on a Swiss (fitness) ball - 4 sets of 30 repetitions with a 6-second stop in the tension phase.
Workout C:
- Bulgarian squat - 4 sets of 12,10,8,6 repetitions with increasing load.
- Machine leg curl - 4 sets of 12,10,8,6 repetitions with increasing load.
- Pulling the pulley narrow to the chest - 4 sets of 12,10,8,6 repetitions with increasing load.
- Dumbbell Rowing on a Bench - 4 sets of 12,10,8,6 reps with increasing weight.
- Flat bench spreads - 4 sets of 12,10,8,6 repetitions with increasing load.
- Reverse Lenghts in Torso Drop - 4 sets of 12,10,8,6 repetitions with increasing weight.
- Sitting Dumbbell French Press - 4 sets of 12,10,8,6 repetitions with increasing weight.
- Hammer Grip Forearm Curl - 4 sets of 12,10,8,6 reps with increasing weight.
- Russian twist with weight - 4 sets of 30 reps.
Every workout should stayended with stretching and muscle rolling. This will aid the regeneration process. We can train, for example, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. By devoting Tuesday and Thursday to rest, and Saturday to active regeneration. You can also do workouts on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. It all depends on our weekly plan.
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