Boxing training at home involves doing punching bag exercises. Another training technique that boxing enthusiasts can use is shadow fighting. See the training plan for beginners prepared by personal trainer and boxer Tomasz Piotrowski.
Boxing trainingcan be successfully done at home - however, it requires basic accessories, such as gloves and a punching bag. After completing them, you can start exercises to improve your reflexes and perfect your punch technique.
Read tips from coach Tomasz Piotrowski on how to train boxing at home.
Variants of boxing training
Each boxer in his training plan always includes punching bag exercises and fighting with shadows.
- Shadow fight
Fighting a shadow involves imagining your opponent and pretending that you want to hit him, while reacting to his imitated blows. This training technique works great even in a narrow space. It forces us to skillfully use the environment, work our legs and inflict blows. The exercise can be performed in the form of rounds. A 3-minute working time with a one-minute break in between will work best.
- Working with a punching bag
Another form of training is working on a punching bag. With its help, you can work on the strength of the blows or the speed and dynamics. A great option is to make a few rounds of strokes in a form such as shadow fighting, i.e. 3 minutes per 1 minute break. After, for example, 3-6 such rounds, you can move on to the so-called tempos. Initially, we set ourselves 10 work rounds, each of 20 seconds for a 40-second break. While working, you can perform a very fast and dynamic boxing run on the bag. Another option is to stand firm in a boxing position at an appropriate distance from the bag and work only with straight blows with full hip twists and extension of the arm. In this case, the correct technique will be important, of course, we perform the exercise by dealing blows as soon as we are able to get up.
See also: Sambo - Russian martial art. Kinds and grips of sambo
See how to train correctly with a punching bag:
You can also do a great job on the sack andwork on the force of the blows. To achieve this effect, we work at a half distance, which means we have to be close to the bag. We focus on hooks and hooks. We are not able to deal straight blows at close range. Each blow is to be hit with maximum force and dynamics. We also work in the form of short rounds.
- Exercises with a jump rope and a tennis ball
I will not write about how to jump rope, because it is only a matter of practice and practice. You just have to do it so that jumping comes light and easy.
But I will say a few words about working with a tennis ball, with which you can perform a really difficult exercise. It consists in moving in a boxing position, observing all the rules of the correct boxing gait and at the same time dribbling a tennis ball. We bounce the ball once with the left hand and once with the right hand. Here, perform the same rounds as in the shadow fight.
Do you know the boxing punch technique? Check:
Boxing training - an exemplary training plan
- Warm-up;
- 3 rounds of 3 minutes of shadow fighting;
- 3 rounds of 3 minutes on the bag;
- 3 rounds of 3 minutes of skipping rope;
- 10 rounds of tempura on the bag - 20 seconds of work per 40 seconds of break;
- 5 rounds of the punch bag at half distance - 15 seconds of work per 45 seconds of break;
- 3 rounds of 3 minutes of bouncing a tennis ball;
- Cool down with muscle stretching and rolling.
Boxing abdominal training - exercises
Boxers must have very durable abdominal muscles. Even if they do not have a "six pack", they will not feel the impact in the same way as the average person. However, it requires skillful training and appropriate exercises.
- Straight mountain run- this is an exercise performed from the push-up position. It involves slowly drawing one knee to the chest and then the other. It perfectly strengthens the deep muscles and the lower part of the rectus abdominis muscle.
- Russian twist- this is an exercise for oblique muscles. They are performed in a sitting position. By keeping the legs up and leaning back, the abdominal muscles are very tense. From this position, we turn the torso left and right.
- Hanging Leg Raise- challenging but ideal for strengthening muscles. While hanging on the bar, raise your knees to your chest and try not to swing. We work on stabilization and strengthen the grip at the same time. We can also ask a partnerbetween the knee lifts, so that it hits us lightly in the stomach. In this way, we intensify the training and accustom the muscles to the blows received during the fight.
See an example of abdominal training for boxers on VIDEO:
Benefits of boxing training
Boxing training is demanding and will be a great complement to the gym. It allows you to get rid of negative emotions and burn fat. Correct technique is difficult to learn by yourself. Bad habits, on the other hand, are easy to catch. It is much more difficult to unlearn them afterwards. If you are serious about this sport, it is best to join the club. However, for your own satisfaction and he alth, you can train without major obstacles at home.
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