Sambo is a Russian martial art that draws on the best fighting techniques from Europe and Asia. Sambo was created with a military purpose and its history dates back to the former Soviet Union. Currently, we can distinguish three types of samba, and each of them can bring us extremely satisfactory he alth effects - both mental and physical. Check what is sambo, what its types are and find out who this Russian martial art is recommended for.

Sambowas created for the needs of the military, and its history dates back to the 1920s. Sambo is now considered a sports discipline. In 1966, the FILA International Wrestling Federation recognized Sambo as a sport and assumed patronage over it.

Three types of sambacan be distinguished , each of them characterized by a different mi component. What all of these types have in common is treating martial arts as a comprehensive sport that strengthens us not only physically but also mentally.


  1. Sambo - history
  2. Sambo - types
  3. Sambo - exemplary fighting techniques
  4. Sambo - who is it recommended for
  5. Sambo - training effects

Sambo - history

The history of sambo dates back to the first half of the 20th century and its roots go back to the former Soviet Union. In a nutshell: sambo is a martial art that combines judo techniques with various types of wrestling techniques. The name "sambo" literally means self-defense - from the first syllable "alone", without weapons - from the second syllable "because". Currently, the sambo technique is a combination of the most effective combat systems from Asia and Europe, incl. wrestling, judo, boxing, jujitsu, kickboxing.

Sambo was initially used in the army in the USSR in the 1920s, and its techniques were used to fight the enemy. Currently, sambo is practiced recreational in order to increase fitness and strength, and improve the condition and performance of an athlete. Many mixed martial arts (MMA) fighters successfully use sambo fighting techniques in the ring. The first international sambo tournament was held in 1967 in Riga. In 1972, the first ever European sambo championship took place, followed a year lateralso the world cup.

Sambo - types

Sambo is divided into three types.

1. Sports sambo

This is the most popular type of sambo known almost all over the world. It consists of various types of throws, levers and flips. It requires a lot of physical strength, good endurance and condition, because this type of sambo draws from various martial arts such as judo and wrestling, as well as from Azerbaijani and Georgian martial arts.

The hallmark of sports samba are effective and painful levers on the knee and ankle joints as well as complex tactics of the ground fight. For recreational purposes of practicing sambo, no painful techniques are used during training, and the most important component of the training is the emphasis on improving the fitness and endurance of the player.

There is a sports variety of sambo in America called "freestyle sambo". It is full of a greater number of different tricks and their combinations (with particular emphasis on stews).

2. Military sambo (systema)

The military version of sambo was created for the needs of the Russian army, in particular for security agents and special agents (special units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation "spetsnaz"). Interestingly, the military sambo has its roots in the folklore of Russia and Bernsztajn's Theory of Dexterity, which is based on human biomechanics.

Systema is a martial art that uses not only physical abilities, but also mental abilities. These include, first and foremost, the psychic energy known as "chi", which reflects calmness and composure, two very important components of an effective warrior. Systema, unlike other types of sambo, places the greatest emphasis on breathing and controlling internal energy. The culmination of learning military samba is the ability to control your opponent by working on his energy.

3. Combat sambo

Combat sambo is characterized by multifunctionality and a complicated technique that allows you to use this martial art in various life situations.

Combat is a collection of fifty-two techniques from various types of martial arts. It consists of, among others from kicking, choking, hand blows, throws, overturns, painful levers and grips. Combat sambo is the most spectacular type of samba. It improves endurance, flexibility, strength and speed. The most famous athlete who practiced combat sambo is Fiodor Jemieljanienko, who for ten years remained on the podium of MMA competitions. Other famous players include Alexander Jemieljanenko, Sergei Kharitonov, AndreiArłouski.

See also: Deadlift - technique, variants and advantages of the exercise

Sambo - exemplary fighting techniques

Sambo, as a combination of many martial arts originating from both Europe and Asia, abounds in various types:

  • kicks,
  • hitting with hands,
  • fist fight,
  • flips,
  • choke,
  • levers,
  • inversions.

Sambo fighting techniques are derived from Moldavian Trînt, Armenian Koch, Georgian Chidaob, Tatar Koras, Uzbek Kurash, Mongolian Khapsagay and Azerbaijani Gulesh. What's more, sambo also combines Asian fighting techniques, which mainly consists of working on the breath, internal energy and mental strength.

Sambo - who is it recommended for

Sambo is recommended above all to future MMA fighters or other sports competitions in which dexterity, efficiency and strength are useful. Samba can also be successfully learned by all those who want to improve their body endurance and increase their hand-to-hand combat skills. This martial art will be a good idea for people who want to learn the secrets of martial arts from around the world, because sambo is a really rich collection of various hand-to-hand combat techniques.

Sambo - training effects

It is worth starting samba practice because this Russian martial art is extremely universal and, most importantly, effective. You don't have to wait long for the effects of samba, just a few workouts to see the first results, such as increased speed, reflexes and strength, and a significant improvement in endurance.

Sambo, as a strength and endurance sport, will perfectly build our muscles and support the work of the nervous system, because in samba you need both composure, calmness and work on breathing, as well as reflexes, speed and alert mind
