Do you want to lose 3, 5 or 10 kilograms quickly while exercising at home? For those who do not like to spend their evenings at the gym, we have prepared an overview of effective exercises and workouts that will help you lose weight without leaving home.
How to lose weightwithout leaving home? Choose exercises that will not require specialized equipment, available only in gyms. You can practice by watching videos with ready-made workouts or compose your own set based on effective exercises. Below you will find ideas for slimming methods that are not always obvious, e.g. with a hula-hoop, a skipping rope or a fitness ball.
Warm up every time you start exercising. Warming up is essential because it prepares the body for exercise and improves the effectiveness of training.
How to lose weight: exercise with a fitness ball (fitball)
If you haven't exercised too much so far, but have decided to take it up and lose weight, don't start with intense daily exercise. First, prepare your body for exercise. For starters, you can do some stretching exercises with the fitness ball. They are safe even for overweight people and do not put excessive strain on the joints, and relying on the ball makes it easier to perform some exercises that require maintaining balance.
How to lose weight: hula hoop exercises for a flat stomach
To eliminate unnecessary sides and get rid of belly fat, you can choose one of the traditional sets of exercises to slim down these problematic parts of the body. Or you can go back to your childhood days and remember spinning the hula hoop - 20 minutes a day with a plastic wheel will do wonders!
How to lose weight: skipping rope
By jumping rope for half an hour you can burn over 300 calories. This exercise not only improves the appearance of your thighs and calves, but also sculpts your arms nicely.
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Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreHow to lose weight: pilates will make you slimmer
By improving your body posture and increasing its awareness, you will feel better and more confident when you look in the mirror. After just a few weeks of regular pilates sessions, you will notice that your figure is more upright, and you already know how to burn extra calories even while sitting at your desk.
Start with pilates for beginners, and when you do all the exercises flawlessly, look for a set of exercises for advanced ones, because the most important thing in Pilates is the precision and accuracy of the figures performed. Will you try?
How to lose weight: squats slim down thighs and buttocks
Squats mainly engage the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. By including squats in training, you will accelerate the slimming of your thighs, and the perfect shape of your butt will distract observers from the imperfections of other parts of the body. The advantage of squats is also the burning of calories. During a 15-minute squat session, you can burn over 200 of them!
Here are some great tips on how to do squats properly to make them effective.
Below you will find 2 suggestions of exercise sets that are recommended for weight loss: cardio training and 4-minute tabata training.
Cardio training at home
4-minute tabata workout
1. Guarana extract 2. ID-alGTM3. Vitamins C, B2, B3, B64. Evaluation of the weight control effects with ID-algTM among 60 women with a BMI of 28 to 30. A double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial.5. Clinical study conducted among 52 women, percentage of satisfaction 6. Instrumental measurement of the abdomen - a clinical trial among 50 women 7. Clinical study conducted among 52 women, percentage of satisfaction 8. Clinical study conducted among 52 women, percentage of satisfaction.
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