Try exercises that will strengthen the muscles of the spine in the thoracic region. If you want to maintain the correct posture, prevent damage and pain in the spine, take care of strong and flexible paraspinal muscles. Descriptions of effective exercises for the spine muscles in the thoracic section can be found in the PHOTO GALLERY below.
We present a set of effectivestretching exercisesand strengthening the musclesof the thoracic spine . These exercises are recommended to everyone, not only to people suffering from back problems.
Exercises to mobilize the thoracic spine
- Initial position:so-called a bench. Kneel on the floor. Place your arms and thighs perpendicular to the ground. The head is an extension of the spine line.Movement:Transfer your weight to your arms. Straighten your right arm and raise it approx. 30 cm. Follow the raised hand with your gaze. Return to the starting position and do the exercise with your left hand. Repeat 5 times on each hand.
- Starting position:bench. Remember not to tilt your head in any direction.Movement:Bend your left arm. Pull the shoulder blades tight. Place the arm along the side of the body, press the hand against the shoulder. Tensing your neck, turn your head to the left and look at your hand. Repeat 5 times on each hand.
Check inphoto galleryhow to properly perform the described exercises.
Exercises to strengthen the thoracic spine
The starting position for both exercises is the bench.
- Movement:Make a cat's back - lower your head and hide it between your shoulders. Look at the chest. The back should be as convex as possible. Hold for 5 seconds. Raise your head as high as possible (look at the ceiling). The spine is curved all the way down. Hold for 5 seconds. Repeat the entire exercise 5 times.
- Movement:Try to bend your spine to the side as much as possible. Turn your head to the left and look over your shoulder at your buttocks. Count to 10 and bend your spine the other way. Repeat 5 times on each side. Note: keep your hands on the floor.
Exercises to stretch the thoracic spine
- Starting position:bench.Movement: Take the so-called slide position - straighten your arms forwards and lower your torso as far as possible. Try to press the bridge to the ground. Count to 10 and return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.
- Starting position:Lie on your right side. Knees bent. Stretch your arms out in front of you, palms at waist level. The back is straight.Movement:Move your left hand backwards, keeping your eyes on your left hand. Put her on the floor. Both hands should form one line. Return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times and change side.
- Starting position:Sit on your heels. The back is straight, the head is the extension of the spine. Put your hands together behind your back.Movement:Straighten your arms and try to raise your clasped hands as high as possible. Count to 5 and rest. Repeat 10 times. Note: Do not tilt your body forward while exercising.
Check out the photo gallery and check how to properly perform all the exercises!
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