The least effective diets most often lead to weight gain again shortly after the end of slimming treatment. Some of them are also unhe althy - they cause anemia, bone decalcification, high cholesterol, and kidney and liver disease. But the worst are diets that can lead to alcoholism and even death. Which diets are the least effective?
The least effective dietsprimarily contribute to rapid weight gain immediately after the end of the slimming treatment. The yo-yo effect is inevitable when the goal of a slimming diet is to drastically lose weight, and not to develop proper eating habits in a slimming person. However, diets that cause serious he alth problems, such as anemia, kidney and liver diseases, and even alcoholism, are much more dangerous. Check which slimming diets not to use.
8. Eight-hour diet
As the authors of the 8-hour diet argue, the cause of excess weight is the habit of eating at any time, especially late in the evening. Therefore, they recommend that you only eat what you want at the moment for 8 hours (there is no list of prohibited products in the 8-hour diet). The next 16 hours is the time for the body to regenerate. During this time, the body should burn all calories that have been absorbed in the last 8 hours, which will result in weight loss. In this way - as the authors of the diet argue - you can lose up to five kilograms in the first week, and for one and a half months - even ten. However, even at this stage, the effectiveness of the diet raises doubts. This type of slimming treatment completely disrupts the daily rhythm of people working 8 hours a day. According to the creators of the diet, they should eat all their meals at work, which is very difficult to do in practice. There is also concern about encouraging late breakfasts - the most important meal of the day. In addition, 8 minutes of physical effort, which complements the diet, is definitely not enough to maintain a slim figure and be he althy.
7. Baby food diet, i.e. the jar diet
Baby food diet , i.e.jar diet , consists in replacing traditional meals with ready-madebaby meals that are available in jars. Therefore, in the diet of a slimming person, you can find fruit mousses, soups-creams, vegetable puree, as well as meat stews with vegetables, and even chicken with noodles - of course in the form of mush. These dishes are adjusted to the energy needs of infants, so their average caloric value ranges from 41 kcal (eg vegetable soup) to 64 kcal (eg chicken in a stew with vegetables) per 100 g. For people who want to lose weight, it sounds encouraging.
Why is the jar diet ineffective? Meals in jars do not require chewing or chewing. And chewing every bite thoroughly is the key to successful weight loss. Some time must pass for information about a full stomach to reach the brain. Therefore, by eating more slowly - by thoroughly chewing the food - you activate the satiety center in the brain. Thanks to this, you do not feel constantly hungry. Therefore, people on a jar diet feel a strong need to constantly snack between meals. So there is a risk that they will use too much of this type of product.
It should also be emphasized that the dishes from the pots contain a substance that is of little value to adults - fiber, because the digestive system of an infant is not yet adapted to its digestion.
6. Dukan's diet
Opponents of Dr. Dukan's diet argue that excessive consumption of protein products can lead to overload and, consequently, to liver and kidney diseases (excess urea, ammonia and ketone bodies are products of protein metabolism, which are a heavy burden for the latter organ). It is also believed that the Dukan diet may contribute to the development of colon cancer and osteoarthritis. In addition, a high-protein diet implies a drastic reduction in fat, which can lead to vitamin deficiencies in the body (fats enable the absorption of many vitamins).
5. Kwasniewski's diet
Doctors and nutritionists agree that following the Kwaśniewski diet, which is a high-fat diet, can be very dangerous to your he alth. In turn, specialists from the Human Nutrition Science Committee of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences considered it a diet "extremely harmful to he alth". Loaded kidneys and liver, vitamin deficiencies and problems with metabolism after excluding fiber from the diet and replacing it with fat-rich products are just some of the negative side effects of using the so-called optimal diet. The rapidly rising cholesterol level, which contributes to the development of atherosclerosis, is considered particularly dangerous. Besides, people who have used itKwasniewski's diet, they complained of weakness, drowsiness, disturbed consciousness, chest pains and dehydration of the body.
It's good to know that the Atkins diet is a diet based on similar principles.
4. Copenhagen diet
This is one of the poorest in nutrients, the most restrictive and the most monotonous diets. The Copenhagen Diet Program assumes that you can lose 10 kg in just 13 days. It provides only 500-900 kcal a day. Therefore, when using it, you quickly experience problems with concentration, headaches, depressed mood, and the hair becomes brittle and literally falls out in handfuls.
The Copenhagen Diet is not effective because losing weight is due to dehydration, not fat burning. In addition, the body needs less energy immediately after the process of losing weight, so when a person on a slimming diet suddenly starts using a traditional diet, the lost kilograms quickly come back.
3. Lemon diet
The lemon detox diet by Stanley Burroughs - an American specialist in the field of natural medicine - is an extreme slimming and cleansing diet that lasts 12 days. During this time, you cannot eat or drink anything but 2.5 liters of lemonade a day. As the author of the diet assures, you can lose 10 kg in 10 days.
Undoubtedly, it is a diet that is dangerous to he alth, because during its duration, the body receives practically no nutrients: vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, fiber or fat. Specialists emphasize that the lack of solid food causes the retention of food content and its deposition, which leads to the secretion of toxic metabolites. Therefore, before starting the diet, the intestines should be thoroughly cleaned, which the author of the diet does not mention. It should also be noted that excluding solid foods for 12 days may cause problems with intestinal peristalsis and irregular bowel movements. And most importantly - weight loss is not due to fat burning, but water loss and muscle burning (due to a lack of protein in the diet). It is estimated that a weekly fasting results in a loss of approx. 5 kg of fat and 1.5 kg of muscle. Therefore, after completing the diet, you should expect a yo-yo effect.
It's good to know that the juice diet has similar effects.
2. Drunkorexia
Some people believe that drunkorexia is a diet, others that it is an eating disorder that combines anorexia and bulimia. This diet, fashionable in the United States, is named after the words "drunk" (drunk) and "anorexia" (anorexia). People who have succumbed to the vogue ondrunkorexia nervosa do not eat normal meals, but drink alcohol in uncontrolled amounts, which is quite caloric. This is a guarantee of keeping a slim figure. Drunkorexia can take an extreme form - then people who are "slimming" provoke vomiting before visiting the club, so that drinking unlimited amounts of beer and drinks does not lead to the accumulation of body fat.
Drunkorexia can cause brain malnutrition and overload the body with too much alcohol. Then there are problems with concentration as well as making rational decisions. Drunkorection can also cause numerous diseases: the liver and the entire digestive system, including cancer. In addition, it can very quickly lead to alcoholism.
1. Tapeworm diet
Tapeworm dietinvolves swallowing tablets containing tapeworm larvae. The parasite then develops in the host's body and causes rapid weight loss. According to Internet users who follow a tapeworm diet, thanks to it you can lose even 22 kg in 6 weeks. However, weight loss usually only occurs after the parasite has wasted the body. The characteristic symptoms of advanced parasitic disease are not only weight loss, but also avitaminosis or anemia.
It's also worth noting that most tapeworm pills come from China. It is not fully known under what conditions they were bred (it is assumed that in animals - dogs or pigs). In this case, the greatest risk comes from echinococcosis - a tapeworm that occurs naturally in the dog's small intestine. Cysts can be located in various internal organs, including the brain, which is a direct threat to life.
In addition, it is not a cheap "diet", because the prices of tablets with tapeworms range from a few hundred to several thousand zlotys.