Is it possible to run safely and quickly on a snowy and icy road? Yes, because contrary to some opinions, running in winter can still be fun. See what shoes to choose for running on snow and ice.
Regularrunning in winter , when the days are short and the runs are icy, it's a real challenge. It is easier to cope with thanks to proper preparation for training in more difficult conditions. All you need is a will and following a few rules.
First of all, get yourself suitable winter running shoes (also known as spikes) or metal shoe covers to avoid tipping over on the ice. Second, dress appropriately for the season. Remember, however, that the body can quickly overheat during exercise, so choose clothes that wick moisture away.
If you decide to run in winter conditions, choose shoes that will not get wet quickly, and the sole will be constructed in a way that prevents slipping on snowy or icy surfaces. you can get anti-slip overlays or gaiters - depending on the difficulty of the terrain you are running on.
Safe running on snow and ice: shoes with spikes (spikes)
Properly designed shoes not only bite into ice, but also into slush and roots - ensuring stability and minimizing the risk of slipping. The spikes work well on snow-covered and icy asph alt, mountain paths and ice-covered dunes.
A runner in well-designed winter running shoes doesn't look like he's walking on a snowy, icy track, but he can run fast and cover long distances.
Good winter running shoes (spikes) start from PLN 500.
Anti-slip pads for winter running
It is a braided construction made of a durable material resembling a "basket" that is attached to a road running shoe and fastened with Velcro on the back. The advantage of overlays are metal clips attached to the bottom, which increase adhesion to difficult surfaces.
Anti-skid shoe covers are perfect for icy asph alt or with a layer of packed snow. They cope worse on the surface covered with fresh down - because snow falls between the overlays and the soles of the shoes, which lumps up and makes it difficult torunning.
The running technique in shoes with overlays does not change compared to the road bike, so you do not have to get used to a different way of running. The only surprise is that you can run fast and without uncontrolled skidding on a difficult surface.
Non-slip overlays for running shoes cost about PLN 100.
Shoes with a membrane
For running on snow and ice, it is worth choosing waterproof and breathable shoes, preferably with a Goretex membrane. Remember, however, that such shoes will only work well in winter and autumn conditions, but it will be difficult to run in them in spring and summer, because at longer distances, the foot may heat up in them. The disadvantage of shoes with a membrane is that they retain moisture only up to a certain point, and then they get wet very quickly and dry for a long time.
Running shoes with a membrane start from PLN 300.
Gaiters will be useful for running in deeper snow. They are made of waterproof and dirt-resistant material. They look like profiled sheets of plastic that are worn over the calves and upper parts of shoes. Gaiters prevent snow, mud and stones from falling into the shoes.
Gaiters start from around PLN 30.
How to dress for winter running?
Dressing up for the outdoors is very important. Put on clothes that will protect the body from the cold and help keep the heat.
1. Choose clothes made of breathable, lightweight fabrics, such as thermal underwear made of fine, soft wool that transports sweat to the outside and prevents cooling down. Cotton outfits are not a good solution because sweaty ones stick to the body, unnecessarily cooling the body. Badly chosen clothes are a frequent cause of hypothermia, which is why T-shirts with long sleeves are a very important element of a runner's equipment in winter.
2. Rule of thumb: wear onion rings. Air collects between the layers of clothes and acts as an insulator. Additionally, you have the option to remove a layer if it gets very warm.
3. Do not dress too warmly. Remember that your body will warm up after a few minutes of running, so dress as if it was 7 degrees C warmer outside. This way you will avoid excessive sweating, which can quickly turn into a cold.
4. Make sure your limbs are properly warmed - wear thick, breathable socks, gloves and a hat. Winter running shoes can be half a size larger to accommodate thicker socks.
5. If the temperature has dropped below freezing and breathing is painful, you can stock up ona running mask on frosty days or cover your mouth with a scarf.
Read more: Running outfit - how to choose running clothes at a low cost?
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