The English say: eat one apple a day and you won't need a doctor at all. Our nutritionists recommend eating at least two apples a day - for beauty in the morning and for good he alth in the evening. Check the he alth and nutritional value of apples, how many calories they have and try recipes for dishes with apples.
Applesand theirhealing propertieswere known already around 6500 BC in the region between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, where they come from. Rich in numerousvitaminsfruits, they were also a delicacy of the ancient Romans and Greeks. Our ancestors were not worse - in the excavations of Biskupin, traces of apple trees growing there as early as around 1600 BCE were found. Currently, thenutritional values and the he alth-promoting effect of Polish apples are appreciated in many other countries, because Poland is one of the main producers of these fruits in the world. The nutritional value of apples is not the same and depends on the variety, whether they are more or less ripe, even their size.
In natural medicine, boiled, grated apples are used for diarrhea in children and indigestion and peptic ulcer disease in adults. Apple peel tea is an excellent rinse aid in case of inflammation of the mouth and throat. On the other hand, homemade apple cider vinegar, drunk daily in the following proportions: 2 teaspoons of vinegar mixed with 2 teaspoons of honey and 1/2 cup of boiled water, replenishes potassium in the body, inhibits the development of infections and improves digestion.
Apples - healing properties
Apples can prevent colon cancer
Thanks to the fiber content, apples regulate the work of the intestines, protecting against constipation and other intestinal diseases, including colon cancer. The risk of developing this cancer can also be reduced by the flavonoids contained in them - showed Polish scientists from the Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University.
Research shows that people who eat more apples are 50 percent. less likely to develop colorectal cancer. However, you must remember to eat these fruits with the skin, because it is in it that the most valuable flavonoids are found - five times more than in the flesh.
In turn, scientists from China discovered that it is contained in applesoligosaccharides kill up to 46 percent. colon cancer cells in in vitro studies. It's more than a chemotherapy drug.
Why is it worth eating apples?
Apples prevent atherosclerosis and protect against heart attacks
Thanks to the fiber content, apples reduce the absorption of cholesterol, and thus effectively prevent atherosclerosis and protect against a heart attack.
Researchers from the University of Oxford have calculated that if every person over 50 (the age group most exposed to cardiovascular disease) ate an apple every day, in the UK alone, thousands of heart attack deaths could be avoided every year heart and stroke.
Researchers say apples improve the he alth of the heart and blood vessels to a similar extent as drugs, such as statins, but have no side effects.
If 7 out of every 10 people in their fifties were taking a statin or eating apples, 9,400 (statin) or 8,500 (apple) could avoid death every year. hundreds of thousands of patients.
An old English proverb says that one apple a day "keeps the doctor away".
Worth knowingUnder the skin, not only a large part of the fiber is stored, but also almost half of the vitamin C. This is another reason why you should eat raw, unpeeled apples. It is worth knowing that ripe apples growing on the sunny side of the tree are the richest in vitamin C. Interestingly, small apples contain much more vitamin C than large apples. The more acidic the variety of apples, the more vitamin C they contain. And the longer we heat them, the greater will be its losses.
Apples and diabetes
The glycemic index of apples is low ( <50) i wynosi 38, w związku z tym bez obaw o zdrowie mogą je spożywać (ale w umiarkowanych ilościach!) osoby chore na cukrzycę. Jest jeszcze kilka innych powodów, dla których diabetycy powinni włączyć jabłka do diety. Błonnik zawarty w jabłkach pomaga regulować poziom cukru we krwi.
In addition, apple is a source of quercetin, which can prevent the development of cataracts in people with diabetes. It should be noted, however, that only raw apples, but not preparations based on them, have a beneficial effect. This is especially true of apple juice, which is contraindicated.

Apples support the work of the brain
Animal studies have shown that apples can protect the brain from cellular damage that affects memory loss. Other studies in mice have found that concentrated apple juice added to the animals' food prevents oxidation of brain tissue components and impairment of cognitive abilities.
Apples cleanse the body of toxins
Pectin contained in apples detoxifies the bodytoxins. During digestion, fiber binds some heavy metals (cob alt and lead) into insoluble s alts that are then excreted from the body.
Therefore, eating apples should be remembered mainly by heavy smokers, residents of large cities, industrial centers and people who have contact with toxic substances at work, e.g. printers.
Eating an apple is NOT a substitute for brushing your teeth! This fruit contains acids, which create ideal conditions for the development of humus.
Apples and slimming. How many calories do apples have?
Apples are irreplaceable in slimming treatments - they are appreciated by women who care about their body because they satiate and provide relatively few calories. However, apples cannot be eaten with impunity because they contain a lot of sugar. If we eat more, we may have trouble losing weight.
It is worth knowing that one medium apple with the skin has about 50 kcal.
Worth knowingApples - nutritional values (in 100 g)
With / without skin¹
Energy value - 52/48 kcal
Total protein - 0.26 / 0.27 g
Fat - 0.17 / 0.13 g
Carbohydrates - 13.81 / 12.76 g (including simple sugars 10.39 / 10.10 g)
Fiber - 2.4 / 1.3 g
Vitamin C - 4.6 / 4.0 mg
Thiamine - 0.017 / 0.019 mg
Riboflavin - 0.026 / 0.028 mg
Niacin - 0.091 / 0.091 mg
Vitamin B6 - 0.041 / 0.037 mg
Folic acid - 3/0 µg
Vitamin A - 54/38 IU
Vitamin E - 0.18 / 0.05 mg
Vitamin K - 2.2 / 0.6 µg
Calcium - 6/5 mg
Iron - 0.12 / 0.07 mg
Magnesium - 5/4 mg
Phosphorus - 11/11 mg
Potassium - 107/90 mg
Sodium - 1/0 mg
Zinc - 0.04 / 0.05 mg
¹ Applies to red delicious, golden delicious, gala, granny smith, fujiData source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
We recommend
Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreApples - varieties and application
There are over 10,000 known apple varieties. They differ not only in size, shape and color, but also in taste, aroma and use in the kitchen. Sprinkle the apple particles with lemon, lime or orange juice, otherwise they will turn brown.
- raw is best to eat varietyhard, juicy, sweet - called dessert (lobo, delicatessen, spartan, jonagold, orange coke, ligol, ruby, gala, golden delicious, idared, mekintosh). They overcook slowly, so you can add them to dishes in which they should remain in the form of hard pieces, e.g. to boiled cabbage
- sour apples (Antonovka, rennet) are best suited for baking, cooking and preserves, because they overcook quickly. You can also add them to dishes that require acidification. They will replace vinegar, for example in borscht or cabbage soup, they will enhance the taste of beetroot vegetables
- apples with indirect properties, the so-called tableware (beforest, landsberg, linda, red we althy, bankroft, boiken, cortland, jonathan). We eat them raw, add to dishes and process
- Apple cider: what is it and how to make it? Cider Recipes
- Nutritional values of apple preserves
- Apples: recipes for apple dishes from around the world