Honey with cinnamon is a combination of two products with great healing properties. The beneficial he alth and cosmetic properties of this mixture have been known for generations. Honey with cinnamon incl. strengthens the body's immunity, and also helps to lose weight and fall asleep calmly, without stress. How does honey with cinnamon affect our body and how to prepare healing honey-cinnamon mixtures?
Honey with cinnamonas a preparation with pro-he alth properties was known already in ancient Greece. No wonder, because each of the ingredients of this mixture, known and cultivated for centuries, has its own great advantages.
Honeyproduced by honeybees tastes very sweet, but is rich in vitamins, minerals and beneficial enzymes. It is commonly used to treat colds, infections, and cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.
Cinnamon , an aromatic spice made from the bark of the cinnamon tree, was already known in ancient Chinese medicine as a remedy for e.g. aches and pains, inflammation and digestive ailments.
Combined with each other: honey and cinnamon are a real vitamin and mineral "bomb" with strengthening, soothing and regenerative properties.
Honey and cinnamon: how does the mixture work?
Honey with cinnamon, if taken daily, improves the body's functions in many areas and functions, including:
- strengthens the body in periods of reduced seasonal or disease-related immunity - the mixture acts as a natural antibiotic, fighting pathogenic viruses and bacteria,
- soothes throat infections - helps in the treatment of e.g. pharyngitis and tonsillitis,
- improves the functioning of the digestive tract and the digestive process itself - helps to relieve acidity,
- improves circulation,
- lowers cholesterol,
- strengthens the heart and regulates its rhythm,
- improves the condition of the joints - relieves pain, e.g. in osteoarthritis,
- accelerates metabolism,
- reduces the appetite for sugar,
- helps with insomnia,
- increases libido and vital energy,
- rejuvenates and beautifies - strengthens blood vessels, moisturizes the skin and protects it from harmfulsunlight.
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Honey with cinnamon: what products?
The honey that is the base of the honey-cinnamon mixture should be organic, and therefore produced naturally, without any additional substances. The type of honey does not matter much, it can be multiflorous, linden, buckwheat, goldenrod.
It is important, however, that it is raw honey or heated in a water bath to make it liquid. However, remember that when heating honey, the product should not exceed the temperature of 60 degrees, because it will lose its he alth properties.
Cinnamon, and if possible, should also be organic and in powdered form.
Cinnamon Honey: Daily Recovery Drink
Preparation : add 1 tablespoon of honey and half a teaspoon of cinnamon to 1 cup of still, medium mineralized warm water, and stir until the honey is dissolved. Instead of warm water, we can also use: cold water, milk or natural yoghurt.
We drink this drink 1 tablespoon a day. If we give it to young children, of course, being sure that they are not allergic to honey or cinnamon, then in a dose not exceeding 1 small teaspoon a day.
Honey with cinnamon: a potion for strengthening
Preparation:if the honey has crystallized, lightly heat the jar with honey (e.g. by putting it into slightly boiling water) to make it more liquid. If we store honey in a larger jar, then after heating it, pour out 1 glass of honey from it and pour it into a separate jar. Add 4 teaspoons of cinnamon to it and mix it thoroughly until smooth.
The honey-cinnamon mixture in this form can be consumed alone (1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach) or as an addition to tea.
Honey with cinnamon: a remedy for colds
Preparation : mix 1 teaspoon of honey with ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon.
The mixture is consumed in this form when symptoms of a cold occur, that is:
- scratchy and dry throat
- sore throat
- chrypki
- runny nose that becomes runny
- dry or wet cough
- low-grade fever or fever
To alleviate these symptoms, take the mixture 1 portion 3 times a day for 3 days.
Honey with cinnamon: rejuvenating mask
Preparation : mix together 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and 1 teaspoon of nutmeg until it becomes a thick paste.
A maskapply for 30 minutes on washed and dry skin of the face and décolleté. Wash off the mask with warm water, rubbing it gently into the skin, and then apply a moisturizing cream to the skin.
Cinnamon Honey: Who Should Avoid?
Honey and cinnamon mixtures should not be consumed:
- people with unbalanced diabetes parameters,
- infants and children up to 3 years old.
- Milk with honey and butter - the best solution for a cold
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