Oats - the cereal from which groats and oats are made - apart from nutritional and healing properties, it also has cosmetic properties. And porridge is considered one of the he althiest foods in the world for a reason. The medicinal properties of oats include: preventing diabetes, increasing immunity, facilitating defecation and the care of sensitive skin. Appreciate the qualities of porridge!
Oat grainis like a well-stocked pantry: it contains easily digestible protein, valuable fats and carbohydrates, fiber, as well as a lot of vitamins (mainly from group B) and elements (m e.g. calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, copper) and valuable compounds (e.g. lutein).
In medicine and cosmetics, other parts of this plant are also used - herbs, straw, bran - because they also contain a lot of valuable substances (including flavonoids, steroid saponins, nicotinic acid amide, water-soluble silica, amino acids) , lipoproteins, peptides). Therefore, it is worth using this plant as often as possible.
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Oats prevent kidney stones
Thanks to flavonoids and saponins, oat extracts have a diuretic effect and help protect the urinary bladder and kidneys. Especially since the saponin compounds also have antifungal and antimicrobial properties. The protective role is also played by water-soluble silica - excreted in the urine, it counteracts the crystallization of minerals in the urinary tract and hinders the formation of urinary stones.
Oats counteract diabetes
Oats contain fructans - complex sugars that have a beneficial effect on the body's lipid metabolism and provide energy that does not require insulin. Thanks to this, oatmeal balances the level of glucose and insulin in the blood. Additionally, the soluble fiber contained in oats prevents the rapid increase in blood glucose levels and lowers the glycemic index of meals.
Oats help fight obesity
Oatmeal contains a large amount of fiber, which, as it swells in the stomach, ensures a feeling of fullness for a long time. In addition, it improves digestion, promotes the removal of toxins from the body and prevents excess fat from being absorbedfood. And globulins (the protein in oats) still bind sugars and fats. That is why cereals are an ideal ingredient of slimming diets.
Oats have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract
Beta-glucans contained in the fiber turn into thick mucus with gelling properties during cooking, which protects the intestinal mucosa against irritation and infections. On the other hand, the insoluble fiber fraction stimulates intestinal movements - facilitates bowel movements, prevents constipation and hemorrhoids.
Oats increase the body's immunity
This is mainly due to water-soluble fiber, especially beta-glucans, which stimulate the immune system. They also have prebiotic properties, thanks to which they support the functioning of the bacterial flora inhabiting the digestive tract and influencing the body's immunity.
Oats relieve stress and nervous tension
Thanks to the combination of elements (calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron) and vitamins (primarily from the B group), oats turned out to be very effective in the fight against long-term stress and insomnia, as it strengthens and tones the nervous system. Oat tincture is the best solution for relieving nervous tension and helping you fall asleep.
Oats help with rheumatic pains
Baths with the addition of a decoction of herb or oat straw, rich in soluble silica, are a proven way to alleviate rheumatic ailments and arthritis. It is even better when such treatment is combined with regular drinking of the decoction.
Oats care for sensitive skin
The high content of polyphenolic compounds, which have strong antioxidant properties, makes oats an excellent ingredient in cosmetics intended for mature and sensitive skin, even with a tendency to atopy. Oat preparations soften and moisturize the skin, promote its regeneration and soothe irritation.
Oats protect the circulatory system
The high content of beta-glucans and sterol compounds (beta-sitosterol, avenasterol and stigmasterol) makes oat products should be included in the diet of people at risk of atherosclerosis. Both of these groups of substances effectively lower the level of cholesterol in the blood serum and effectively reduce the absorption of cholesterol, which is found in consumed foods.
Oats increases potency
Oat products stimulate the release of testosterone - oat herb extract is a component of natural preparations that increase male potency.
This will be useful to youOat herb decoction for kidney problems, bladder, rheumatism and arthritis
1 tablespoon of shredded,dry herb pour a glass of hot water and leave covered for 15 minutes. Then heat it up and simmer it for 5 minutes. Drain and squeeze the herb, fill the decoction with boiled water to a volume of 1 cup. In case of problems with the kidneys, bladder or urolithiasis, drink a glass of decoction 3 times a day. The same applies to rheumatic ailments and arthritis.
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