Soybeans and their products are used not only in cooking, but also in medicine, as soybeans have many he alth properties and nutritional values. Soybeans are a rich source of wholesome protein, he althy fatty acids, and phytoestrogens that can alleviate menopausal symptoms, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and prevent osteoporosis and even certain cancers. However, soybeans, in addition to their therapeutic effects, can also cause side effects and not everyone should include it in their diet.
- Soybeans - anti-cancer properties
- Soybeans, ripe grains - nutritional value per 100 g
- Soybeans May Alleviate Menopausal Symptoms
- Soybeans can prevent heart disease
- Soybeans can help a sick liver
- Soybeans can reduce the risk of osteoporosis
- Soy reduces male fertility?
- Soybeans - side effects, contraindications
- Soybeans - use in the kitchen. Soy products
- Where is the soybean hidden?
- Genetically modified soybeans
Soybeansis a plant that produces a pod containing up to four seeds of different color and size. Soybeans - andproductsbased on them - have manypropertiesmedicinal,nutritional valueand taste, therefore foundusedboth in medicine and in the kitchen.
Soybeans, like peas, beans, lentils and chickpeas, belong to the group of legumes. Compared to them, however, it has a higher nutritional value.
Soybeans are a very rich source of vegetable protein in the diet, often considered a substitute for cow protein in nutrition. Nutritionists explain that 50 g of soybeans replace one and a half glass of cow's milk or 150 g of beef, but this protein - unlike animal proteins - does not contain harmful purines that impede the absorption of calcium.
The second important ingredient are lipids containing e.g. essential fatty acids (EFAs), i.e. linoleic acid, oleic acid and a-linolenic acid. However, the most valuable ingredient is considered to be phytoestrogens. It is a group of compounds with a structure and function similar to natural estrogens.
Soybeans - anti-cancer properties
Research shows that there is a strict oneThe relationship between eating a diet rich in soy products and a reduced incidence of certain cancers .¹ This is evidenced by studies showing that in populations where there is a habit of eating foods containing soy and its products (mainly Asian countries), people are less likely to develop cancer. Such an example is Japan, where a lot of soybeans, milk and soy drinks are consumed, and fermented soy products rich in isoflavones.
Soy owes its anti-cancer properties to phytoestrogens .² The phytoestrogens contained in tofu are isoflavones, such as:
- genistein (50%)
- daidzein (40%)
- glyciteina (10%)
One of the isoflavones, genistein, seems to be of the greatest importance in cancer prevention. It performs very important physiological functions. Scientists have found a significant association between a soy-rich diet and lower breast cancer incidence and prostate cancer mortality in men .¹
Isoflavones are responsible, among others, in for its inhibitory effect on the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis), which are necessary for the growth of neoplastic tissue in a neoplastic tumor.
Soybeans, ripe grains - nutritional value per 100 g
Energy value - 446 kcalTotal protein - 36.49 g Fat - 19.94 g Carbohydrates - 30.16 g (including simple sugars 7.33) Fiber - 9.3 gVitamins
Vitamin C - 6.0 mg Thiamine - 0.874 mg Riboflavin - 0.870 mg Niacin - 1.623 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.377 mg Folic acid - 375 μg Vitamin A - 22 IU Vitamin E - 0.85 mg Vitamin K - 47.0 μg
Calcium - 277 mg Iron - 15.70 mg Magnesium - 280 mg Phosphorus - 704 mg Potassium - 1797 mg Sodium - 2 mg Zinc - 4.89 mg Copper - 1.658 mg Manganese - 2.517 mg Selenium - 17.8 μg
Saturated fat - 2,884 g Monounsaturated fat - 4,404 g Polyunsaturated fat - 11,255 g
Data Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference

Soybeans May Alleviate Menopausal Symptoms
Phytoestrogens in soy can ease menopausal symptoms. This is mainly due to their great resemblance to natural estrogens, which begin to be lacking during menopause. Phytoestrogens regulate their level, and thus alleviate symptoms such as: hot flashes or dizziness, as demonstrated, among others, by Australian scientists from The University of Melbourne.³ The women, aged 51 to 62, consumed soy-derived isoflavones in an average amount of 17mg / day, while some women consumed more than 40 mg of isoflavones a day. Compared to the first group, women with a higher daily dose of isoflavones were more physically active, had lower body weight, higher bone mineral density and less negative moods related to the perimenopausal period. It is worth knowing that pharmacies offerdietary supplementscontainingsoy isoflavones , which supplement the diet with ingredients that alleviate the symptoms of menopause.
Source:ń Dobry TVN
Soybeans can prevent heart disease
Many studies show that isoflavones reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Soybeans and soy products rich in isoflavones regulate lipoprotein metabolism, raise the level of "good" HDL cholesterol, and reduce the level of LDL cholesterol. They also regulate blood pressure levels .²
Soybeans can help a sick liver
Foods rich in soy protein can significantly reduce the amount of fat that accumulates in the liver of obese people. American scientists from the University of Illinois4 , who conducted their research on rats, came to such conclusions. In their opinion, the consumption of soy protein reduces by as much as 20 percent. the amount of fat stored in the liver of obese individuals and has no noticeable effect in lean individuals.
Soybeans can reduce the risk of osteoporosis
A diet rich in soy and its products may be a factor in reducing osteoporosis in menopausal women by affecting bone tissue. Phytoestrogens have an effect similar to that of human estrogens and thus can counteract the resorption of bone tissue. This has been shown by numerous studies, including those conducted by researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago (USA)5 . Studies on rats fed soy isolates have shown that a diet rich in isoflavones increases bone density and may have a preventive effect in osteoporosis.
Researchers from the University of Toronto have drawn similar conclusions.6 Their studies show that higher isoflavone consumption of 56 mg, 90 mg and more for six months increased bone mineralization by 2.4% and 2.2% increase in bone density in the lumbar spine. Thus, a diet rich in phytoestrogens prevents fractures and increases bone density.
A study by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign7 found that among 66 menopausal women, the addition of about 90 mg of isoflavones per day reduced bone loss in the lumbar region.
Soy reduces male fertility?
Men whoeat soy products every day - incl. tofu - they produce less sperm than men who do not eat it at all - argue scientists from Harvard University in Boston in the pages of the journal "Human Reproduction". treating fertility problems.
However, nutritionists firmly debunk the myths about its negative impact on men's he alth. - Researchers from the University of Minnesota studied the effects of soy consumption on men and conclusively concluded that the plant does not reduce fertility in any way. However, it is very important to be moderate. Soybeans eaten daily, even in amounts of 50-100 g, will not have any negative impact on the human body - says Ewelina Bartniak, a dietitian, news agency Newseria Lifestyle.
Worth knowingProducts rich in isoflavones
The richest in isoflavones is soy flour - full-fat (177.89 mg of isoflavones in 100 g of products) and defatted (131.19 mg / 100 g). Full-fat soy flakes (128.99 mg / 100 g) are also the treasury of isoflavones. They are also present in soybeans (128.34 mg / 100 g) and isolated soy proteins (97.43 mg / 100 g). The average content of isoflavones is characteristic of natto - cooked and fermented soybeans (58.93 mg / 100 g), miso (42.55 mg / 100 g) and soy sprouts (40.71 mg / 100 g). The popular tofu is no longer as rich in isoflavones (23.61 mg / 100 g), as is soy milk (9.65 mg / 100 g) or soy drink (7.01 mg / 100 g).
Source: Kwiatkowska E., Soy phytoestrogens in the prevention of civilization diseases, "Postępy Phytoterapii" 2007, No. 4
We recommend
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Find out moreSoybeans - side effects, contraindications
Soybeans, in addition to numerous substances with he alth properties, are marked with a relatively large number of anti-nutritional substances.
- oligosaccharides - fermenting in the digestive tract and causing flatulence. However, properly conducted culinary processing (especially high temperature) reduces their amount, and even completely eliminates these ingredients from the ready dish
- soy protein - there is a risk of a small allergic reactionchildren on soy protein. Although soy protein is often used as a substitute for cow protein allergies, it is estimated that around 30% of the of the population of children allergic to milk is also allergic to soy
- soy lecithin - also identified allergens found in soy lecithin, which is commonly used as an emulsifier in the technological processes of the food and pharmaceutical industries
- thioglycosides - these are chemical compounds that have a negative effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland. Frequent consumption of large amounts of this plant can lead to the formation of goiter and symptoms of hypothyroidism
Soy can cause allergy, so allergy sufferers should carefully reach for soy and products based on it. Optimal - unless of course we are allergic to soy - is to use soy products in small amounts and not every day.
According to an expertBarbara Grzechocińska, MD, PhD, obstetrician gynecologist, assistant professor at the 1st Department and Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Medical University of WarsawSoy isoflavones and thyroid diseases
I have hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's disease. Can I use dietary supplements containing soy isoflavones?
Barbara Grzechocińska, MD, PhD, gynecologist - obstetrician, endocrinologist: Soy interacts with thyroid hormones, may reduce their absorption and influence the synthesis of hormones in the thyroid gland. If there is a need to treat with soy-containing preparations, it can only be done under the supervision of a doctor.Where is the soybean hidden?
Soybeans are present in the composition of, for example: sausages, milk, cookies, soups, salads, pates, bars, bread and many, many others. Soy is a "stuffer", so it is massively added wherever the producer wants to "cheat" the consumer a bit, filling a given product with it.

Soybeans - use in the kitchen. Soy products
1. Soybean oil - is a pale straw oil produced by cold pressing soybeans. This oil, characterized by an intense nutty aroma, can be used as an addition to salads, salads and other cold-prepared dishes. It works perfectly as the main ingredient of sauces and mayonnaise.
2. Tofu - a type of pressed curd, which is obtained from soy milk. Fresh medium-hard tofu is a universal ingredient in dinners, salads and desserts.
3. Soybean sprouts - This is the part of the embryo in the seed that contains the bud and root germ. Soybean sprouts should not be eaten raw, but slightly choked (in water or steamed).
4. Tempeh - is "meat" made from fermented grainssoybeans. Tempeh is in the form of pressed blocks. Nowadays, it is widely used in vegan and vegetarian cuisine as a substitute for meat and dairy products.
5. Soy sauce - A fermented sauce made from a mixture of soybeans, wheat, water and s alt. It has a deep, dark color and a distinct flavor. Most often, sushi is dipped in it, but it will also make the taste of pizza or an American burger more attractive. It is also very often used in marinades for poultry, beef and pork.
6. Soybean flour (full-fat or low-fat) - it is made of soybeans without the cover, which are ground into flour. It has a light yellow color and a typical soy aroma. Like other flours, it is used for the production of, among others: bread, pasta, cereals, cakes, cookies. Soy flour has strong binding properties, therefore it can be used to thicken soups or sauces. Due to the high protein content, it can be used to prepare protein balls.
7. Soy milk - obtained by soaking soybeans in water. They can be used just like regular milk. We can successfully prepare homemade pudding, fruit cocktail or cream from it. However, keep in mind that soy milk is not suitable for infants, especially those under 6 months of age. It must not be given to a child, neither as a supplement to breastfeeding, nor as a substitute for a modified formula. They should also be given carefully to older children.
8. Tofu crust, dried tofu strips - made of protein that collects on the surface of cooked soy milk. The crust of tofu is added to soups and meat stews, such as pork. It will not fall apart in the dishes, it will keep its shape.
9. Miso paste - mix boiled, ground soybeans with overcooked rice (or, less frequently, with other cooked cereals - barley, wheat, millet or corn). To this mixture is added s alt and a special strain of koji yeast (pronounced kodżi). The mixture is whipped hard in barrels to cut off the access of air (fermentation takes place, like our cabbage pickling, under anaerobic conditions), and then set aside for aging. Classic miso should ferment for at least six months. Miso paste has many uses: it is used to season fish, meat, vegetables, tofu, various sauces, marinades and dressings, and the famous miso soup - until recently, the everyday meal of the Japanese.
What's in soy products?
Source: Style
Genetically modified soybeans
According to the law, the producer is obliged to inform the consumer if the product has been made from a genetically modified plant, but in practice it is not alwaysrespected. At the same time, in Poland there is no fixed graphic symbol that would clearly indicate that the product is GMO-free. The most reliable method when buying is to look for information on the packaging that the product is made from non-GM soybeans.
GMOs and genetically modified foods
Legumes: properties, recipes. Legumes and slimming
Medicinal seeds: oats, soybeans, beans, peas, corn, seeds, nuts
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