Ketchup is one of the basic cold sauces. Indispensable for sandwiches, toasts, meats, some people pour it on French fries. Instead of buying it, it's better to produce it yourself. Try our homemade ketchup recipe.
We fell in love withketchup , in Europe we are fifth in per capita consumption of this sauce. This is a good thing because ketchup is rich in lycopene - this dye that gives it a red color is a very powerful antioxidant that prevents cancer and heart disease. Lycopene is also found in raw tomatoes, but after processing it becomes easier to digest.
Ketchup: ingredients. He alth benefits of ketchup
The ketchup consists of tomatoes and spices, possibly other vegetables (onion, garlic, pepper). In "gotowce" you can also find spirit vinegar, preservatives (sodium benzoate), flavor enhancers (monosodium glutamate). They are thickened with modified starch, xanthan gum, and instead of sugar, cheaper glucose-fructose syrup is added. Some are made of tomato paste, and among the ingredients (which must be present in the order after which is the most), the first is … water.
Ketchup is a rich source of lycopene - it is a red dye, an antioxidant that, e.g. reduces the risk of heart attack and cancer development, including cancer of the prostate and cervix. A diet rich in lycopene can protect against excessive bone loss. Lycopene also protects the skin from the sun.
The main source of lycopene are tomatoes - those ripened in the sun, not greenhouse or under foil. Fresh tomatoes contain an average of 0.7 - 20 mg of lycopene per 100 g. However, this he alth-promoting substance is mostly found in its products (tomato concentrates, ketchups, juices, sauces and purees), because it is released during grinding, cooking or frying. It is worth knowing that ketchups with a higher percentage of tomato paste have a higher content of lycopene, and thus a higher antiradical activity than those with little of this ingredient.
Tomatoes - why are they he althy?
ImportantHow to buy good ketchup?
If we decide to have ready-made ketchup, choose the sauce with the most tomatoes (in the leader in this respect, over 190 g of tomatoes were used per 100 g of ketchup). Warning! When the same productit is sold in a plastic bottle or in a jar, choose a glass packaging, as it usually does not contain preservatives.
Recipe for traditional mild-flavored ketchup
- 2 1/2 kg of tomatoes
- 2 peppers
- 1/2 kg of onions
- 2 tablespoons of s alt
- teaspoon of sweet pepper
- teaspoon of ginger
- a few mashed carnations
- 1/2 teaspoons of pepper
- 1/8 l apple cider vinegar
- 3 tablespoons of honey or cane sugar
Vegetables cut into pieces (tomatoes can be scalded and peeled beforehand) and cook, stirring occasionally. Pass through a sieve, add spices (no vinegar, honey or sugar), cook while stirring until the sauce thickens (it takes about 30 minutes). Add vinegar, honey or sugar and cook. Put the hot sauce into jars, screw the cap on immediately. Turn upside down and when cool, check that the jars are tightly closed.
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