Pears are fruits whose properties and nutritional values cannot be overestimated. Pears, as one of the few fruits, contain iodine - a mineral that positively affects the functioning of the thyroid gland. In addition, they are a treasury of boron - a mineral that improves the work of the brain. Additionally, pears can prevent stroke and the development of high blood pressure. Check what other properties pears have.
Pearsare fruits whosepropertiesandnutritional values have been appreciated for centuries. The ancients drank pear infusion for colds, fever and persistent cough. On the other hand, baked fruit was helpful in digestive ailments, and fried fruit was used for strengthening. On the other hand, modern scientists recommend pears to improve the work of the brain and thyroid gland. Pears, as one of the few fruits, containiodine- a mineral that positively affects the functioning of the thyroid gland. In addition, compared to other fruits, they are distinguished by the content ofboron- an element supporting the work of gray cells and improving the ability to concentrate. Boron also prevents the loss of calcium from bones, therefore pears, but mature ones should be eaten by people exposed to osteoporosis.
Pears can prevent stroke and lower blood pressure
Eating pears significantly reduces the risk of stroke, according to researchers from the University of Wageningen in the Netherlands. They investigated the relationship between the flesh color of fruits and vegetables and their effect on the risk of stroke. It turned out that fruits and vegetables with white flesh best protect against the onset of this disease. According to scientists, in people whose diet is rich in this type of products, the risk of a cerebrovascular accident is reduced by over 50%. However, they cannot find an answer to the question why fruit and vegetables with white flesh have such properties. Linda Oude Grieg, the author of the study, suspects that the high fiber content may be responsible for this.
In addition, pears can prevent the development of high blood pressure. Of all the mineral elements, potassium, which lowers blood pressure, contains the greatest amount (as much as 116 mg / 100 g). This element inhibits the aggregation (clumping) of platelets, limitingthrombosis. Thanks to this, the blood vessels are more open, and thus - the blood circulates more freely and the pressure drops. In addition, potassium accelerates the excretion of excess sodium by the kidneys, which contributes to the development of not only hypertension but also other cardiovascular diseases. In addition, potassium supports the proper functioning of the nervous and muscular systems - including the heart muscle.
This will be useful to youNutritional value of pears (in 100 g)Energy value - 57 kcal Total protein - 0.36 g Fat - 0.14 g Carbohydrates - 15.23 g (including simple sugars 9.75) Fiber - 3.1 g VitaminsVitamin C - 4.3 mg Thiamine - 0.012 mg Riboflavin - 0.026 mg Niacin - 0.161 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.029 mg Folic acid - 7 µg Vitamin A - 1 IU Vitamin E - 0.12 mg Vitamin K - 4.4 µgMineralsCalcium - 9 mg Iron - 0.18 mg Magnesium - 7 mg Phosphorus - 12 mgPotassium - 116 mgSodium - 1 mg Zinc - 0.10 mg Data source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
Pears for constipation and diarrhea
Pears are recommended for people who struggle with constipation or diarrhea. In the former case, use soft and ripe pears as they stimulate digestion. However, beware: consuming them in larger amounts may even cause diarrhea. On the other hand, people who have problems with diarrhea should try tart and not very juicy varieties, containing a lot of anti-diarrheal tannins.
Are pears difficult to digest?
Contrary to popular belief, pears are not difficult to digest, so even people with a sensitive stomach can eat them. The wild pear fruits, which contain a lot of the so-called stone cells with walls saturated with silica or calcium carbonate. They form hard clusters in the flesh of the pear. Current varieties of pears have a trace of these cells, which makes their flesh soft and juicy. In addition, pears mostly consist mainly of water, so they stay in the stomach for a short time and do not weigh it down. However, if you notice disturbing symptoms from the digestive system after eating a pear, try to eat it grated. It is worth knowing that pears in the form of mousse can be given to children after 6 months of age.
This will be useful to youPears can cause allergies! Symptoms of allergy to pears
Pears can cause allergies, although they rarely contribute to it.Allergic to pearsmost often results from a cross-reaction between pollen and food proteins. For this reason, it usually appears in people who are already allergic to pollen (mainly birch). Allergy to pearsthe most common form of oral allergy syndrome (OAS) appears initially as rhinitis followed by contact urticaria where the fruit is touched, mainly on the fingers and lips.
Pears and slimming. How much calories do pears have?
100 g of pears contain only 57 kcal. Moreover, most (84%) are made of water, and additionally contain a lot of pectin - a soluble dietary fiber that increases its volume under the influence of water and fills the stomach for a long time, giving a feeling of fullness, which is very desirable during slimming treatment.
Pears and diabetes
Pears belong to the group of fruits with a content of 5-10 percent. carbohydrates, and their glycemic index=30. Therefore, they are not a big burden for the pancreas and people with diabetes can use them without fear.
Pears for pregnant women
Pregnant women should supplement their diet with these autumn fruits, because they contain folic acid necessary for the proper development of the child (7 µg / 100 g). Vitamin B9 can prevent severe malformations in the fetus (e.g. spina bifida). It is worth knowing that a pregnant woman should consume at least 400 micrograms of folic acid daily.
We recommend
Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreThis will be useful to youPears - varieties for preserves and more
The most common variety of pears isspank . It has a very juicy and sweet flesh, like another well-known variety -conference , as well asPackham's triumph . This type of pear is best eaten raw. Alternatively, they can be an ingredient of desserts and compotes. However, typical dessert varieties areCarolaandConcorde.They can be used to prepare the most famouspear dessert- the so-calledBeautiful Helena . It is prepared from pears slightly boiled in syrup and served with ice cream or covered with a thick dark chocolate sauce.
For preserves - jams, preserves and pickles - other varieties are suitable, e.g.lukasówka , which has an original, slightly winey taste or less juicy than a spank commodity . More apple-likepear tree is also a good choiceAsianandgeneral Leclerc . In turn, for marinating in vinegar, it is best to choose a sweet and sour fleshParisian . Pears can also be dried - in this case, theWilliams Bonkretvariety, which bears fruit in the summer, will work well.
Pears - what can be made of them?
Pears can be used to prepare not only preserves and desserts. These autumn fruits are also a perfect addition to meat dishes, adding a light aroma and sweet taste. Pears can be stuffed, for example, roast duck, chicken fillets or pork neck. They will also work well as an ingredient in salads, not only fruit salads. They also perfectly match nuts and blue cheese such as gorgonzola or roquefort.
This will be useful to youPear peel is the richest in valuable ingredients, therefore it is best to eat the fruit unpeeled. All you need to do is wash them thoroughly in warm water and then in cold water. However, if you do need to peel them, make sure to keep it as thin as possible.
It is better to buy harder pears than soft pears, because as they mature, their sugar content increases and the amount of fruit acids and pectin decreases.
Do not buy yellow, overripe pears. You should especially beware of those with brown spots, which are caused by carcinogenic mycotoxins.
Remember not to eat pear seeds, because they contain amygdalin, which, under the influence of gastric acids, turns into toxic hydrogen cyanide.
Pears are one of the few fruits that cannot be frozen.
Pears, mainly due to their "feminine" shape, are classified as fruit aphrodisiacs. Dipped in hot chocolate will surely awaken your senses.
Pears - Anna Starmach's recipes for dishes with pears
Source: x-news.pl/Dzień Dobry TVN
Pears - use in cosmetics
Pear extract is used in the production of hair shampoos. The glucose contained in it makes the hair elastic, thanks to which it prevents, among others, split ends. The extract of this fruit is also used in the treatment of dermatoses, eczema and acne. The pear can also be used for the care of oily skin. Just grate a fresh pear, add a few tablespoons of honey and olive oil to it and mix. The prepared mask should be applied to the face and washed off after 20 minutes.