What dusts in September? As in August, the spores of microscopic fungi of the genus Cladosporium are the most annoying. According to the data of the Environmental Allergen Research Center, this month they annoy allergy sufferers almost all over Poland. Check which plants are pollinated in September and in which regions of the country allergy sufferers must be most careful about their he alth.


  1. What dusts in September?
    • Spores of microscopic fungi (mold fungi)
    • Mugwort
    • Nettle
    • Grasses
    • Ambrosia
    • common plantain
    • Komosa

What is dusting in September?In September, dust, among others microscopic fungus spores. This month, the most common cause of allergies isCladosporiummushroom allergens. These types of fungi also reproduce very well at moderate temperatures, so in September, allergic toCladosporiumshould continue to pay attention to their he alth.

It is worth adding that allergic to very annoying pollen of grasses can breathe in September! The pollen season for this plant, which has been in progress since April, ends this month. They will continue to tease allergy sufferers, albeit to a lesser extent, with spores of the genusAlternariaand mugwort pollen, which are also ending pollen this month.

The intensity of pollination of individual plants in different parts of the country depends, among others, on from changing weather conditions. During rainfall, the air is pollen-free, so most plants end pollen in the often rainy and cool September.

What dusts in September?

Spores of microscopic fungi (mold fungi)

At the beginning of September, the concentration of spores of the fungusCladosporiumis high in all regions of the country. Only in the third decade of the month their concentration decreases to the average. The exception is the southern and north-eastern part of Poland, where their concentration is very high throughout the month. In turn, the fungal spores of the genusAlternariawill disappear all over Poland in the second decade of the month.


In the first decade of September, mugwort pollen concentration in the eastern and northern parts of the country ismedium. Similarly, in the south-western and north-eastern parts of Poland and in the central part of the country. Only in the second half of September, the mugwort will finish its dusting all over Poland.


In Mazovia and Pomerania, the concentration of nettle pollen in the air is medium during the first two decades of September, and low for the last two decades. This state of affairs usually lasts until the end of the first decade of October.

In central Poland, where nettle ends up pollinating at the end of the month, their concentration is average for the first ten days of September, and low only in the last one.

In September, allergy sufferers from the southern part of the country and from the north-eastern corner of Poland can breathe, because in these regions nettle ends pollination in the second decade of August.


Grass pollen, which of all pollen most often bothers allergy sufferers in Poland, ends pollen pollen in the south-western and north-eastern parts of Poland in the first decade of the month in September. In turn, in Mazovia and Pomerania and in the central part of the country, grass pollen disappears from the air 10 days later.


In September, its presence will not be noticed by allergy sufferers from the south-western and north-eastern parts of Poland, because in these areas it no longer pollutes. In central Poland, ambrosia ends pollen in the second decade of the month. In turn, in Pomerania and Mazovia, its pollen disappears from the air in the last decade of September.

Common plantain

In Pomerania and Mazovia and in the central part of the country, the common plantain ends its dusting in the second decade of September. Throughout this period, the pollen concentration of this plant in the air does not change and is low. On the other hand, in the south-western and north-eastern parts of Poland, no mugwort pollen is observed in the air, because in this region it ends pollination at the end of August.


In central Poland, quinoa pollination ends in August, which is why in September mugwort pollen only affects allergy sufferers from Pomerania and Mazovia as well as from the south-western and north-eastern parts of Poland, where its pollen disappears in the first decade of the month.

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What is dusting in July?

What is dusting in August?

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Also see the calendarpollen pollen

About the authorMonika Majewska A journalist specializing in he alth issues, especially in the areas of medicine, he alth protection and he althy eating. Author of news, guides, interviews with experts and reports. Participant of the largest Polish National Medical Conference "Polish woman in Europe", organized by the "Journalists for He alth" Association, as well as specialist workshops and seminars for journalists organized by the Association.

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