Pollen allergy affects people who are allergic already in winter, when hazel, alder and willow dust - until July and August, when pollen, mugwort and quinoa are at their peak. The pollen calendars updated every year, from which you can find out where, when and how much pollen is in the air, make life easier for allergy sufferers.


  1. Pollen periods of selected plants
  2. Pollen calendar - January
  3. Pollen calendar - February
  4. Pollen calendar - March
  5. Pollen calendar - April
  6. Pollen calendar - May
  7. Pollen calendar - June
  8. Pollen calendar - July
  9. Pollen calendar - August
  10. Pollen calendar - September
  11. Pollen calendar - October
  12. Pollen calendar - November
  13. Table of pollen concentrations in the air during the year

The currentcalendar of plant pollen , taking into account the phenological seasons of the year for individual regions of Poland, is established by the Environmental Allergen Research Center. Below we present the pollen periods of the most allergenic plants, averaged for the whole of Poland.

Pollen periods of selected plants

  • hazelfrom mid-January to the end of March
  • alderfrom February to mid-April
  • willowfrom March to mid-May
  • poplarfrom mid-March to mid-May
  • BirchApril to mid-May
  • oakfrom mid-April to the end of May
  • sorrelfrom mid-May to mid-July
  • grassesfrom mid-May to the end of July
  • nettlefrom mid-May to mid-September
  • grandmotherfrom mid-May to mid-September
  • ryefrom the end of May to the second decade of June
  • komosafrom mid-June to the end of September
  • bylicafrom July to September

Pollen calendar - January

Allergy sufferers need to be alert at the beginning of the calendar year. In the third decade of January, hazel begins to dust, which is a tree whose fruits are hazelnuts. However, it may happen that with a fairly high air temperature, the hazel begins to dust earlier - even in the first week of January. The hazel pollen period lasts until the breakthroughMarch and April.

According to the pollen calendar, only hazel should be pollinated in January. However, due to the fact that winters in our country have become slightly warmer in recent years, the pollen calendar may be slightly modified. Therefore, there is a probability that, in addition to hazel, in January may also start pollinating alder, the pollen season of which theoretically starts in February.

Pollen calendar - February

At the beginning of February, the alder begins to dust. Alder pollen becomes a nuisance especially in the second half of February. Hazel, whose pollen concentration in the air increases significantly (especially in the middle of the month), is also pollinated.

Pollen calendar - March

In March, in addition to alder and hazel, they start to dust other plants. We are talking about poplar, willow and yew trees. The poplar may start to dust as early as February, but the most intense pollen season occurs in the third decade of March. At this time, yew dust also begins (from 10 to 30 days).

Pollen calendar - April

In April, alder, willow and poplar pollen still lasts. They are also joined by birch, ash and oak.

Pollen calendar - May

May is characterized by the start of pollination of the grasses. The plantain also begins to dust, the pollen season of which lasts until mid-September. In May, pine, sorrel and nettle pollen also make the lives of allergy sufferers unpleasant. Until the end of May, it dusts the oak. In the last decade of May, the concentration of spores of the fungus Cladosporium increases rapidly and is very high throughout June until the end of September.

Pollen calendar - June

June is a particularly troublesome month for people allergic to grass and nettle pollen - this is the apogee of pollen in these plants. Plantain and sorrel are also dusting all the time. They are joined by quinoa, but the concentration of pollen of this plant in the air is not so high, and it sometimes happens that in some regions of Poland it is almost zero.

Pollen calendar - July

July is also the month of pollen nettles, grasses, plantain and sorrel as well as the harmful effects of fungi on allergy sufferers. In the second decade of July, mugwort also begins to dust. July is the only month of the year in which linden dust.

Pollen calendar - August

In August, mugwort pollen peaks. The concentration of pollen from grasses, plantain, quinoa, sorrel, nettle, fungi of the genus Cladosporium and Alternaria and plantain in the air is still recorded. Ambrosia also begins to dust.

Pollen calendar - September

In September, or actually in the middle of the month, people who are allergic to grass, mugwort and spores of the genus Alternaria can breathe a sigh of relief. Stillhowever, the spores of microscopic fungi of the genus Cladosporium will dust. The period of ambrosia, plantain and quinoa pollen ends also in September.

Pollen calendar - October

Spores of microscopic fungi of the genus Cladosporium are persistent in autumn. The cause of allergic rhinitis can also be spores of the so-called fungi. indoor, incl. those of the genus Aspergillus and Penicillium. As for plants, ambrosia is constantly dusty in October.

Pollen calendar - November

In November, the weather is still conducive to dusting the spores of microscopic fungi. It is also starting to become a more troublesome allergy to dust mites.

Table of pollen concentrations in the air during the year


month / decade
  • N - low concentration
  • Ś - mean concentration
  • W - high concentration

Source: Environmental Allergen Research Center

You must do it

How to protect yourself from allergic pollen?

During the invasion of allergic pollen, after returning home, it is worth taking a shower, washing your hair and wearing fresh clothes (taken off- wash or shake). This way you will remove allergens from the skin and thus you will alleviate the symptoms of pollen allergy.

Read also:

  • Dust calendar after warm winter: allergy symptoms will be particularly bothersome
  • What is the dust in January?
  • What is dusting in February?
  • What is the dust in March?
  • What is dusting in April?
  • What is dusting in May?
  • What is dusting in June?
  • What is dusting in July?
  • What is dusting in August?
  • What is dusting in September?
  • What is dusting in October?
  • What is dusting in November?

"Zdrowie" monthly

Don't get allergies!

Spring is the time when nature comes to life. It's a great time to walk and enjoy the first rays of the sun. Unfortunately, not everyone has a positive image of this period. For allergy sufferers, spring is the season of increased symptoms of their disease. Plants are starting to bloom, and spring cleaning gives them a cough, runny nose and headaches.

From Monday, a specialSuper Guide for allergy suffererswith a practicalPollen Calendarfor the whole year will be published in Super Express.

The calendar allows you to check the concentration of allergens in different months of the year, and with this knowledge, allergy sufferers can properly prepare for a pollen attack.

On TuesdayHe alth and Safety Allergicsor how to identify yourself with an allergy and where to do tests that will show what you are allergic to? What should allergy sufferers have with them and what is better avoided when exposed to allergens? This is basic information that every allergic person should learn to avoid he alth problems.
