In an infant, cradle cap looks like a yellow crust covering the scalp. The onset of the disease, i.e. thick, yellow scales on the head, can be noticed a few days after birth. They can be single, but sometimes cover almost the entire surface of the scalp. The cradle cap does not look aesthetically pleasing, but fortunately it can be easily disposed of. See ways to heal cradle cap.
Cradle cap - what is it?
Cradle capis a condition often diagnosed in infants.The origins of cradle capcan be observed when we notice a scaly, keratinized epidermis on the child's head, initially white. Later it becomes more orange.
What are the causes of cradle cap, how to prevent its occurrence, and when it occurs - how to get rid of it?
Cradle cap - causes
Cradle capis the effect of excessivesebaceous glandslocated on the skinof the baby . Mom's hormones, which still circulate in the baby's body for some time after giving birth, make the glands work too intensively. The sebum secreted by them in excess dries up on the baby's head and joins the exfoliated cells of the epidermis to create dark yellow spots of varying severity.
Cradle cap, according to the observations of pediatricians, often appears, especially in the summer months. The affliction has nothing to do with hygiene - you cannot even be sure of avoiding it by washing your baby's head every day. But when it does, don't worry, because the scales don't itch or hurt the baby, it's just an aesthetic defect.
An infant's cradle cap may also appear on the eyebrows and around the nose.
Cradle cap - how to get rid of it?
- If there are few scales, a quarter of an hour before bathing, grease them with baby oil, cover them with cotton wool soaked in olive oil, put on a thin hat and wait until they soften. Then, with a soft brush, brush the scales from the hairs that have detached under the influence of the olive, and wash the baby's head with a gentle shampoo. Under no circumstances should you use anti-dandruff shampoos. When washing your toddler's head, do not rub the skin too hard so as not to irritate it.
- If the cradle cap is severe, insteadordinary olives, it is better to use a special cream (eg Stelaker, Mustela) or oil (eg Olejuszka, Mother's Treasure). Such preparations contain plant extracts (e.g. from birch leaves or linden flower), which stop excessive sebum secretion, and oily substances that accelerate the delamination of scales. It is best to apply them at night, and the next morning, wash the head and brush the scales with a soft brush.
- When the cradle cap is strong, you can use ( alternately with a delicate shampoo, e.g. Klorane Bébé) wheat bran soaked in warm water or oatmeal, which soften the scales and soothe the baby's skin.
Cradle cap - how to prevent?
First of all, do not overheat your baby's skin. The development of the cradle cap is favored by sweat, so the child's cap should be airy, with 100% cotton and preferably white, because dyes can irritate the skin. In closed rooms (e.g. in a store) you have to take it off so that the head does not sweat. There is also no need to wear a hat at home.
The development of the cradle cap may also be fostered by the use of overly aggressive care products. Therefore, only wash your baby's head with baby shampoos. After the bath, dry your hair thoroughly and brush it with a soft brush.
Cradle cap - when does it recede?
The cradle cap is usually around the third month of the baby's life, because then the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized ( although in sporadic cases it lasts even until the second birthday). This does not mean, however, that you can skip the careful care of the baby's head, because the scales that have already appeared must be removed.
The crust on the head makes it difficult for the skin to breathe, and at a later age it can cause hair problems. When fighting cradle cap, you need to be patient - the treatment lasts from one to two weeks, and the treatments have to be repeated every day. It happens that cradle cap returns and treatment must be started from the beginning.
Cradle cap - when you need to see a doctor?
If you feel that this problem is overwhelming you, go to a dermatologist. Your doctor may prescribe a special ointment to lubricate your baby's skin and a shampoo to prevent the formation of scale.
You definitely need to see a pediatrician when the scabs do not disappear despite long-term, proper care, the skin is very red or the cradle cap has appeared outside the scalp (e.g. on the neck, behind the ears, under the armpits). Such symptoms may indicate allergy or atopic dermatitis and require appropriate treatment.