"This is atopic dermatitis" - this is the diagnosis heard by the mother of every fifth child in Poland. What is this disease and how to help it? Skin with atopic dermatitis must be protected and specially cared for, and also avoid allergens that may aggravate the course of the disease.
Atopic dermatitisis a chronic allergic disease. Extremely frequent in recent years. Doctors estimate that 20% of people suffer from it. kids. Its causes are not fully understood. It is known to be associated with a malfunction of the immune system. Disturbances in regulatory mechanisms lead to the overproduction of IgE antibodies, which are then directed against molecules that the body deems dangerous.AZSis genetically determined. A child whose one parent suffers from AD is in 20-40 percent. at risk of inheriting the disease. When both parents are sick, the risk goes up to 60%.
Atopic Dermatitis: Three Phases, One Diagnosis
You may suspect your child has AD if their skin is dry and severely itchy. However, the diagnosis can only be made by a dermatologist or allergist. There are three phases in the course of AD. The first covers the period from 3rd to 6th. month to 2 years of age. Maculo-vesicular rash with erythema is most common on the cheeks and scalp. The second phase, the childhood phase, may develop from the infancy phase or occur between the ages of 3 and 12. The skin lesions are located mainly under the knees and in the bends of the elbows, as well as on the backs of the cancer and feet. They are prone to lichenification (the skin becomes thick and rough). In adolescents, the rash can extend over a large area of the skin and the lesions are almost identical on both sides of the body.
Atopic Dermatitis: A Source of Stress
AD is a source of many problems for patients. The first is severe itching, which may cause a child to wake up several times during the night. Persistent scratching damages the skin, causing bacteria (e.g. staphylococcus aureus), pollutants or allergens to penetrate it, aggravating inflammation. Another is the appearance of the skin. A red, covered and scaly rash can be a source of embarrassment. Finally, the more severe the course of AD, the more likely it is to develop other forms of allergy as wellallergic rhinitis or bronchial asthma.
Atopic dermatitis: careful care
AZS forces patients to live in a special way. Their skin (due to improper metabolism of epidermal lipids) is devoid of a natural protective barrier. For this reason, it is dry and requires appropriate treatment. Care is the key. A simple body lotion will not help a child with AD. His skin must be lubricated with an emollient - a preparation that helps to create a lipid film on the skin that protects it against excessive water loss and strengthens the lipid barrier. The effect of emollients lasts about 4 hours, so these treatments must be repeated often. Emollients in the form of a gel, emulsion or olive are also used for washing. The child should bathe once a day for a maximum of 15 minutes in warm water with the addition of emollient. After the bath, gently dry the body by putting a towel on the skin and apply the moisturizing preparation immediately. The nails must be cut short. Clothing must also meet certain criteria: it should be airy, preferably made of cotton, in light colors (dyes for dyeing fabrics can also cause allergies). Clothes must be washed in hypoallergenic powder without detergents, rinsed thoroughly and ironed.
When you need to get medication for atopic dermatitis
Symptoms of the disease disappear in most children by the end of adolescence at the latest. But almost a third of them struggle with this skin disease their entire lives. There are times when it can be forgotten, but there are also phases of its exacerbation. Then, specialized treatment is necessary. The methods depend on the age of the child and the condition of his skin. If only itching is bothering you, your doctor prescribes antihistamines. Children who have scratched their skin so much that they become infected with bacteria should be given an antibiotic. If the lesions are severe, it may be necessary to administer topical steroids to ease the inflammation. Recently, preparations containing steroids are increasingly being replaced by anti-inflammatory ointments (calcineurin inhibitors) - they have the same effect, but do not harm the skin. In some cases, irradiation with UV rays is also used. In addition to medications, the help of a psychologist is also helpful. The changes in the skin negatively affect the child's psyche, causing stress and problems with self-acceptance, which can further exacerbate the symptoms of the disease. This vicious cycle can only be broken by the help of specialists.
You must do itTeach your child to live with illness
Living with atopic dermatitis will be easier for your child if you teach them that they should avoid situations where their disease may get worse:
- washing hands with plain soap
- eating citrus and tomatoes (they can be highly allergenic) and products prohibited by a doctor, if the doctor has diagnosed a food allergy
- being in the vicinity of people smoking cigarettes
- stress and nerves, strong emotions
- fur animals, especially cats and dogs
- lying on a carpet or rug (due to dust mites)
- excessive exercise (sweat can severely irritate the skin)
Atopic dermatitis in children - diagnosis and treatment
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a lifelong disease. It most often occurs in newborns or between 6 and 7 years of age … Diagnostics is quite complex, especially for the smallest children. How is atopic dermatitis diagnosed? Is There An Effective Cure For Atopic Dermatitis? Listen to our expert - pediatrician Andrzej Mierzecki from the ENEL MED clinic.
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