The common beech is a magnificent tree that was eagerly used in folk medicine ages ago. Both the leaves and the root of the common beech have found their application in the form of infusions and tinctures. Find out what is the effect of beech on he alth and check its varieties.
- European beech: varieties
- European beech: action
- How to make beech leaf tincture?
- How to prepare a beech infusion?
Beech (common)has been used for medicinal purposes for many years - cold compresses with beech leaves were supposed to help with headaches, while the fruit was baked and eaten because it was believed that that in this way it was possible to quickly cleanse the body of all toxins.
They also trusted in the healing power that comes from contact with the beech tree itself - being in its surroundings was supposed to soothe the nerves and calm down.
Also today, many people who believe in dendrotherapy, i.e. the extraordinary energy of trees, believe that beech has a very positive effect on our well-being.
Even a short walk once or twice a week among trees of this species has a good effect on our psyche - the level of life energy increases, concentration increases, and at the same time the body calms down and de-stresses.
European beech: varieties
It's hard to remain indifferent in the face of the majesty and power of these trees. Beeches grow up to 40-50 meters in height, have a thick trunk and sumptuous, massive, wide branches.
The bark is characteristic - it is ash-gray and always smooth, even when the tree is already several dozen or several hundred years old. The beech grows in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere, it can live up to 300-350 years.
Trees of the beech genus include nearly 10 species. The most famous are:
- common beech
- eastern beech
- corrugated beech
- large-leaved beech
In Poland, only common (common) beech occurs in natural conditions. An interesting variety of the common beech is Atropunicea, i.e. the red-leaved beech.
Majestic and magnificent beeches were treated by the old Slavs with due respect and respect, they were held in great veneration. It was believed that they protect against evil powers and witchcraft, so it was planted most oftenkeep them close to home to ensure peace and safety for themselves and their family.
European beech: action
Action of beech on kidneys
It owes its disinfecting, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, analgesic and cleansing properties to ingredients such as:
- tannins,
- alkaloids,
- saponins,
- phenolic compounds,
- acids,
- mineral s alts.
It is thanks to them that preparations prepared on the basis of beech are perfect, above all, in the case of inflammation of the urinary system, because they regulate the kidneys and prevent oliguria.
Effect of beech on the digestive system
Beech also helps to avoid problems with the digestive system, as it regulates digestion and improves the functioning of the intestines.
Some people also use beech preparations (mainly from its bark) for cleansing purposes and as an anti-parasitic agent.
The effect of beech on the skin
Externally, beech is used mainly in stomatitis and pharyngitis, as well as in all kinds of ulcers, eczema, seborrhea, acne, difficult-to-heal wounds, and when we are dealing with frostbite or burns. In such situations, its highly antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties prove effective.
How to make beech leaf tincture?
You can also prepare a tincture of beech leaves. How to make it? Half a cup of well-dried and shredded leaves should be poured with one glass of high-percentage alcohol. Set aside in a dark place for two weeks, then strain.
The tincture can be drunk twice a day, up to two teaspoons. It is also suitable for external use when we have skin problems.
How to prepare a beech infusion?
The infusion is prepared primarily from beech leaves, because they have the most he alth-promoting applications. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over one tablespoon of leaves (they must already be dried and crushed) and, covered, infuse for 15-20 minutes. After straining, you can drink two or three times a day, no more than half a glass at a time.
The infusion can also be prepared from beech bark. To do this, pour approx. 3 tablespoons of shredded bark with a liter of water. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for about 1 hour (the point is for the water to evaporate, its volume is to be reduced by half). Then the infusion must be drained and cooled down.
Beech nuts (fruits) are also edible, you just have to remember to roast them beforehand, because they contain an alkaloid - phagin, which when consumed in excessive amounts cancause dizziness and gastrointestinal problems.