Pineapple has long been used in alternative medicine. Pineapple helps, among others in the treatment of respiratory system infections, to improve digestion or to assist in the healing of wounds and fractures, and even to remove gastrointestinal parasites. Since the 1970s, pineapple has also been used by doctors. All thanks to the content of vitamins, minerals, fruit acids and bromelain (bromelain) - a group of enzymes with many healing properties.
Ananashas been a star of alternative medicine for years. Only for several decades the healing propertiesof pineappleare also used by doctors. Mainly thanks to bromelain - a group of enzymes that show, among others, anti-inflammatory, anti-swelling and slimming properties. It is thanks to them that the pineapple owes its specific taste.
Pineapple relieves inflammation and pain
Bromelain contained in pineapple has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it is successfully used in sports medicine to treat post-traumatic edema, mainly joint inflammation. Bromelain is anti-inflammatory and analgesic by inhibiting the synthesis of pro-inflammatory prostaglandins that cause pain and inflammation. Some scientists argue that bromelain has properties similar to painkillers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Pineapple for joints
Due to the fact thatbromelainhasanalgesic properties, it is perfect for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It is also used in the case of a gout attack, as it relieves pain and additionally facilitates the removal of excess uric acid from the body, which is the cause of this disease.
ImportantNutritional value of raw pineapple (per 100 g)
Energy - 50 kcal Protein - 0.54 g Fat - 0.12 g Carbohydrates - 13.12 g (including simple sugars 9.85 g) Fiber - 1.4 g Water - 86%
Calcium - 13 mg Iron - 0.29 mg Magnesium - 12 mg Phosphorus - 8 mg Potassium - 109 mg Sodium - 1 mg Zinc - 0.12 mg
Vitamin C - 47.8 mg Thiamine - 0.079 mg Riboflavin - 0.032 mg Niacin - 0.500 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.112 mg Folic acid - 18 µg Vitamin A - 58IU Vitamin E - 0.02 mg Vitamin K - 0.7 µg
Data source: USDA National Nutrient Database
pineapple juice - 50 kcal / 100 ml canned pineapple (in syrup) - 70-85 kcal / 100 g
Pineapple can prevent osteoporosis
Pineapple is a source of manganese, iron and copper - elements that are responsible for the he alth of the bones. Manganese facilitates the body's absorption of calcium and its absorption into bone tissue. Iron, on the other hand, prevents bone fragility, and copper plays an important role in the formation of collagen - their protein. Therefore, pineapple also helps prevent osteoporosis by protecting your bones.
Pineapple for hard-to-heal wounds
Bromelain supports the healing of wounds, including burns and postoperative wounds, and has a disinfectant effect on them. In some countries, such as Japan and Taiwan, bromelain is also used for insect bites and animal bites.
Pineapple supports the digestive system
Bromelain, by breaking down proteins into polypeptides and their faster digestion, improves and accelerates the digestive process. That is why it is used for indigestion and poor secretion of gastric juices. It can also prevent constipation and flatulence. For bromelain to do this, eat pineapple raw.
Pineapple for respiratory infections
Bromelain soothes numerous respiratory infections. For example, gargling with fresh pineapple juice will soothe your cough. Initial research by scientists shows that bromelain also reduces the thickness of mucus, which may turn out to be an effective treatment for asthma and chronic bronchitis in the future.
Pineapple lowers blood pressure and prevents blood clots
Bromelain has been proven to act as an anticoagulant - it prevents platelets from sticking together and dissolves blood clots that have already formed, thus preventing coronary artery disease or thrombophlebitis.
Pineapple supports the immune system
100 g of pineapple contains 48 mg of vitamin C, so it covers 80% of the daily requirement of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C not only supports the immune system. It is also the body's primary antioxidant that protects the body's cells from free radicals.
Pineapple for muscle gain
Bromelain increases the absorption of proteins, which are the building material of muscles, and enables their fuller digestion, thus indirectly contributing to the increase of muscle mass.
Pineapple and slimming
Pineapple owes its slimming properties mainly to bromelain, which accelerates the metabolism. Bromelain also hascleansing properties - improves microcirculation and helps to remove excess fluid from the body. Pineapple is also a source of pectin, a dietary fiber that swells and fills the stomach, leaving you feeling full for longer. This fiber also supports the body's detoxification process.
Importantly, only fresh and ripe pineapple has such properties (unripe ones acidify the body unnecessarily). The canned one, bathed in sugar pickle, is a caloric bomb, devoid of vitamins and minerals.
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IMPORTANT! Pineapple is a rich source of simple sugars, the excess of which is stored in adipose tissue. Therefore, it is best to eat it in the first half of the day, so that the body has a chance to burn them.
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Pineapple - calories, nutritional values and interesting facts
Source: TVN
ImportantAre you taking these medications? Don't eat pineapple!
Scientific research has shown that bromelain interacts with some medications, especially antibiotics (especially tetracycline and amoxicillin), as well as anticoagulants and sedatives. Fresh pineapple consumed simultaneously with these drugs can increase the body's absorption of the active substances contained in them, and thus - intensify their effects.
Ananas and diabetes
Fresh pineapple is a fairly rich source of simple sugars, therefore it quickly and significantly increases blood glucose levels (its glycemic index is high:IG=59 ). Therefore, diabetics should consume it in limited amounts. In turn, dried and canned pineapples, which contain significant amounts of carbohydrates, should be completely eliminated from the diet of diabetics.
This will be useful to youWho shouldn't eat pineapples?
People who are allergic to wheat, celery, carrots, fennel or grass pollen may also be allergic to the bromelain contained in pineapple. Therefore, allergy sufferers, as well as people suffering from peptic ulcer disease and hyperacidity, as well as those struggling with liver and kidney diseases, should not eat fruit and drink pineapple juice.
Pineapple and pregnancy
Some have suggested that unripe pineapple and the juice from its leaves are harmful to pregnant women and may speed up labor and even cause a miscarriage. All because of bromelain, which is said to overstimulate the cervix. However, there is no scientific evidence for this. Like thatpregnant women are also harmed by fresh pineapple. Nevertheless, doctors point out that women expecting a baby should not eat it every day and in very large amounts - like any product. The menu of the future mother should be varied.
This will be useful to youHow to buy ripe and fresh pineapple?
Fresh and ripe pineapple has a characteristic, strong sweet smell (especially at the crown). In addition, it is unbroken, without soft spots, and its skin is golden yellow. The weight of pineapple is also important - the bigger the better. This means that the fruit has a fleshy and juicy flesh.
Pineapple - pineapple salsa recipe
Source: Video