Lychee is an exotic plant whose nutritional properties were appreciated by the Chinese emperors themselves. They believed that the fresh lychee fruit gave them strength and improved their mood. Modern researchers have proven that lychee has potential anti-cancer effects. It is also a rich source of vitamin C strengthening the body and potassium regulating blood pressure. What else does lychee do? How to peel and eat lychee?
Lychee( Litchi chinensisSonn.) Is a plant that has beautiful and colorful cups of flowers which then bear a wonderful fruit. For this reason, lychees adorned the gardens of the Chinese emperors themselves. They also appreciated thenutritional properties of thelychee fruit (also known as Chinese plums), which they considered to be a means of strengthening and lifting the mood. Apparently, this plant was also admired by Taoist masters, and even Confucius himself. Contemporary scientists also became interested in the properties of lychees. Their research shows, among other things, that lychee is an excellent source of antioxidants, thanks to which it has potential anti-cancer effects.
Lychee - anti-cancer properties
As scientists from West China Hospital and Sichuan University argue in "Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology", lychee extract can fight cancer cells of human breast cancer. This extract contains significant amounts of polyphenolic compounds, thanks to which it has a strong antioxidant effect, the researchers say. Polyphenols "sweep" free radicals from the body, which are the cause of oxidative stress and the development of many dangerous diseases, including cancerous ones.
The same scientists in "Cancer Letters" argue that apart from breast cancer, lychee extract can also destroy liver cancer cells, specifically hepatocellular carcinoma.
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Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreLychee - anti-atherosclerotic properties
Contained in lycheepolyphenols lower the concentration of total cholesterol, the fraction of "bad" LDL cholesterol, and also increase the fraction of "good" HDL cholesterol. They also inhibit the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, thus preventing the formation of atherosclerosis.
Lychee will regulate the pressure
Lychee contains a lot of potassium (171 mg / 100 g) - an element that regulates blood pressure and heart function. That is why lychees should especially include hypertensive people in their diet.
This will be useful to youNutritional value of lychee (in 100 g)Energy value - 66 kcal Total protein - 0.83 g Fat - 0.44 g Carbohydrates - 16.53 g (including simple sugars 15.23) Fiber - 1.3 g VitaminsVitamin C - 71.5 mg Thiamine - 0.011 mg Riboflavin - 0.065 mg Niacin - 0.603 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.100 mg Folic acid - 14 µg Vitamin E - 0.07 mg Vitamin K - 0.4 µgMineralsCalcium - 5 mg Iron - 0.31 mg Magnesium - 10 mg Phosphorus - 31 mg Potassium - 171 mg Sodium - 1 mg Zinc - 0.07 mg
saturated fat - 0.099 monounsaturated fat - 0.120 polyunsaturated fat - 0.132Data Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
Lychee is a rich source of vitamin C
Lychee is a rich source of vitamin C - 100 provides as much as 71.5 mg of this vitamin and almost 100 percent. the daily requirement for it (according to specialists from the Institute of Food and Nutrition, it is 75 mg / day). It is worth knowing that lychee has more vitamin C than famous citrus fruits, such as lemon (53 mg / 100 g) or oranges (50 mg / 100 g). Therefore, lychee can be taken to strengthen the body and prevent fall / winter infections.
Lychee not for diabetics and for slimming
100 grams of lychee provides 66 calories. It's not much, but due to the content of simple sugars, they are not recommended in a slimming diet. There are 15.23 simple sugars for 16.53 carbohydrates - this is the same as 3 teaspoons of sugar. For this reason diabetics should not reach for these fruits (glycemic index of lychee=50).
This will be useful to youLychee - how to peel and eat lychee? What does lychee taste like?
Lychee can be eaten raw. It is enough to cut off part of the skin with the tail, and then gently peel the remaining skin with your fingers. Then we get to a sweet, refreshing flesh with a slightly sour note, the consistency of which should be firm and the color of pearl. At the end, you need to remove the brown-black stone - just cut the flesh on one side and gently pull the stone out of the middle. It is good to know that if removing the rind causes problems, it is a sign that the fruit is still unripe. Unfortunately, the lychees do not mature after they are picked.
Lychee - where to buy lychee? What's the price?
Lychees can be bought in markets or hypermarkets. The price is about PLN 15-20 per kilogram.
When in the store, choose firm fruit so that the shell easily detaches from the flesh. Remember that the lychee on the second or third day starts to deteriorate.
Lychee - use in the kitchen
Lychee can be added to ice cream, desserts, salads, meats, fish and seafood (especially with shrimps). You can prepare juices and compotes from them. In China, they are dried and then they look like large raisins (sometimes they are called lychees). You can also buy lychees in syrup, which retain their unique taste and aroma, but are much more caloric.
This will be useful to youLychee - Recipe for Lychee Salad
Prepare 5 lychees, 1 papaya, 1 pear, 10 dark grapes, half a lemon juice and 4 mint leaves. Cut the pear and papaya into wedges, peel the lychee and pellet. Put all the fruit in the dish and pour the lemon juice over it, then refrigerate it for half an hour. Then take out and decorate with mint leaves.
Katarzyna Bosacka on lychee
Source: x-news.pl/TVN Style