Melon is a fruit whose properties and nutritional values should be appreciated especially by people struggling with hypertension and atherosclerosis. Melon prevents the build-up of atherosclerotic plaque and regulates the pressure level. In addition, the melon supports the work of the eyes and allows you to stay tan longer. It is also an effective slimming agent. Check what else the melon has.
Melonis a fruit whosepropertiesandnutritional values have been appreciated since ancient times. Even then, this fruit was grown on the Nile. It came to Europe in the 15th century and immediately became popular among gourmets and more. Natural medicine doctors recommended its consumption in convalescence after diseases, in rheumatism, and in kidney diseases, because it gently stimulates the functioning of this organ and has a diuretic effect. These are not the only he alth benefits of melons.
Melon can protect against cancer and atherosclerosis
Melon varieties with orange flesh (including cantaloupe, melba) are the treasury of beta-carotene, i.e. provitamin A. It is a compound belonging to the group of carotenoids (orange, red and yellow plant pigments), which is an antioxidant that protects against the development of certain cancers and atherosclerosis. In addition, beta-carotene supports the functioning of the eyesight, and also allows you to stay tan longer.
The melon belongs to the gourd family. It is a type of cucumber whose edible part is the fruit
Melon for hypertension
The melon also contains potassium - an element whose main role is the regulation of blood pressure. Research shows that the inclusion of large amounts of potassium protects against the development of hypertension, and also facilitates pressure control in patients with hypertension. On the other hand, too little potassium intake may increase blood pressure. According to specialists from the Institute of Food and Nutrition ( Nutrition standards for the Polish population - amendment ), approximately 4,700 mg of potassium per day should be supplied. 100 grams of melon contains - depending on the type - up to 267 mg of this element, therefore this fruit will effectively replenish any deficiencies.
This will be useful to youNutritional values of cantaloupe / kasaba melon (in 100g)Energy value - 34/28 kcal Total protein - 0.84 / 1.11 g Fat - 0.19 / 0.10 g Carbohydrates - 8.16 / 6.58 g (including simple sugars 7.86 / 5.69) Fiber - 0.9 gVitamins Vitamin C - 36.7 / 21.8 mg Thiamine - 0.041 / 0.015 mg Riboflavin - 0.019 / 0.031 mg Niacin - 0.734 / 0.232 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.072 / 0.163 mg Folic acid - 21/8 µg Vitamin A - 3382 / - IU Vitamin E - 0.05 / 0.05 mg Vitamin K - 2.5 / 2.5 µgMineralsCalcium - 9/11 mg Iron - 0.21 / 0.34 mg Magnesium - 12/11 mg Phosphorus - 15/5 mgPotassium - 267/182 mgSodium - 16/9 mg Zinc - 0.18 / 0.07 mg Data source: USDA National Nutrient Database
Melon for nerves
Melon contains B vitamins, which are responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous system, incl. improve mood and concentration, as well as make it easier to fall asleep. Therefore, melon should be reached especially by people who live under stress and have trouble sleeping.
Melon for weight loss
Melon mostly (about 90%) consists of water and is low in calories, and additionally contains citrulline - an amino acid that is involved in the production of growth hormone, which accelerates slimming. Therefore, people struggling with unnecessary kilograms should include melon in the diet.
ImportantMelon not for diabetics
Melon belongs to products with a high glycemic index (IG=60), therefore it cannot be consumed by people with diabetes.
Melon and allergy - beware of grass pollen allergy!
Melon can cause cross-allergy. It is a condition in which a person allergic to one allergen may also develop an allergic reaction after contact with another substance that has a similar structure and / or comes from the same group of allergens. People allergic to grass pollen may also develop an allergic reaction after consuming melon, watermelon and oranges.
Melon - use in the kitchen
Juicy and aromatic cantaloupe flesh is the perfect addition to fruit salads. The yellow honey melon, on the other hand, goes perfectly with Parma ham. The green melon, on the other hand, goes well with seafood dishes. The galia melon is best added to ice cream and desserts.
>>>Try the COCKTAIL RECIPE with green MELON, strawberries, bananas and spinach
Melon - use in cosmetics
Melon extract is a component of moisturizing, regenerating and anti-wrinkle creams. No wonder - melon contains vitamins C and E and beta-carotene - antioxidants that delay the aging process and also keep the skin he althy.
This will be useful to youMelon - honey, cantaloupe, galia. Types of melons
- melonhoney - has a yellow or greenish skin and yellow and sweet flesh
- cantaloupe melon - you will recognize it by its golden-green skin, which is covered with a characteristic white mesh, as well as by the orange flesh
- the galia melon has a yellow skin, which is also covered with a mesh, and light green flesh
- emir melon - has a pale green skin and orange flesh
- melon melba - it has a creamy skin covered with mesh and orange flesh
- celadon melon - it has a green skin covered with mesh and aquamarine flesh