Coriander is a plant that has found its main use in cooking. Few people know that it has he alth properties that have long been used in natural medicine. Coriander is used, inter alia, in for digestive problems, improved appetite and calming down. Scientists argue that it also helps with food poisoning. Check what other properties of coriander.
Coriander(LatinCoriandrum L. ) is a plant that foundapplicationespecially everything in the kitchen as a spice and addition to cake decorations. Few people know that coriander has numeroushealing properties , thanks to which it has been used in natural medicine for a long time.
There are two species of coriander, the most popular of which is the cultivated species - Coriander (LatinCoriandrum sativum L. ). Coriander comes from the countries of the Middle East and the Mediterranean Sea. Currently, it is cultivated, among others in China, India, Pakistan, Georgia, Russia, Argentina, Central Europe, Morocco, Ethiopia and Syria. In Poland, it is bred on plantations, and sometimes it is seen as feral.
Coriander fruits vary in size and shape, and green leaves differ in taste depending on the country where coriander is grown. For example, coriander leaves from Georgia are spicy, Syria is milder, and Ethiopian leaves are more aromatic.
Coriander for indigestion and more
Coriander fruit is used in natural medicine as a component of complex preparations and herbal mixtures for indigestion and in the fight against intestinal parasites.
On the other hand, the oil obtained from the fruit (seeds) of coriander, and especially the linalool contained in it, has a relaxant effect on the smooth muscles of the digestive tract, including the intestines, and thus - has a carminative effect. After the muscle tone is relaxed, the intestinal peristalsis and gas passage improve. So it works well in abdominal pain caused by flatulence. In addition, coriander oil has found application in gastritis and diarrhea.
Coriander preparations also have choleretic properties, because by reducing the muscle tone of the bile ducts, they facilitate the flow of bile and pancreatic juice to the duodenum, whichthe consequence is better digestion.
Infusions of coriander fruit have a slightly bitter taste and after drinking them, the secretion of gastric juice and saliva is stimulated. Thanks to this, they increase the appetite.
Coriander can also be included in your liver cleansing diet.
This will be useful to youRecipe for a carminative brew that regulates digestion
Recipe for a carminative infusion, regulating digestion, diastolic and increasing the secretion of gastric juice.
1 teaspoon of crushed coriander fruit pour 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse covered for 30 minutes. Then set aside for 15 minutes and strain. Drink 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day before eating.
The recipe comes from: Ożarowski A., Jaroniewski W.,Medicinal plants and their practical application , Publishing Institute of Trade Unions, Warsaw 1987.
Coriander for food poisoning
The essential oil obtained from the seeds (fruit) of coriander is known for its antibacterial properties. Helps fight pathogens such as: golden staphylococcus ( Staphylococcus aureus ), sienna rod ( Bacillus subtilis) , blue oil stick (Pseudomonas aeruginosa ) and the common moth ( Proteus vulgaris ).
Coriander seeds can protect various organs from free radicals.
The bactericidal properties of coriander have been confirmed by Portuguese scientists from the University of Beira Interior. In "Diario de Noticias" they argue that it is able to fight even such dangerous bacteria as salmonella orE. Coli , i.e. pathogens responsible for food poisoning. Researchers conducted a test on 12 dangerous strains of bacteria and concluded that the oil destroys the bacterial cell membranes, causing them to be eliminated quickly. In addition, coriander is supposed to immunize the body against infections transmitted through the gastrointestinal tract.
ImportantCoriander fruits contain a temperature-resistant anti-vitamin factor (anti B1), which causes vitamin B1 deficiency when used for a long time. Therefore, when taking coriander seeds, be sure to supplement your diet with this vitamin.
Coriander helps cleanse the body of toxic metals
Coriander leaves have the ability to bind toxic heavy metals and remove them from the body - argued in 1995 in the journal Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics Research, researcher Dr. Yoshiaki Omura. He noticed that after consuming Vietnamese soup that contained this plant, patients excreted more mercury in their urine. Consuming coriander also increased the urinary excretion of lead and aluminum.
Dr. Omura also proved that coriander helped patients to successfully expel mercury deposits that formed in the body after the removal of amalgam fillings. Patients consumed powdered coriander in 100 mg capsules four times a day each day for two to three weeks after amalgam removal. Therefore, including coriander in your diet is a simple way to protect against mercury poisoning, especially if you have amalgam fillings.
Coriander seeds can lower cholesterol, sugar and blood pressure
This is the result of studies conducted on rats. Rodents for 75 days were on a high-fat diet containing 10 percent. coriander fruit powder. They reported a reduction in the amount of total cholesterol and triglycerides in blood serum, liver and heart. In a similar study, but lasting 90 days, a decrease in the concentration of lipid peroxides in the liver and in the heart was found, as well as a decrease in the level of free fatty acids in the blood serum and in the liver.
Hypoglycemic (lowering blood sugar) and hypotensive (lowering blood pressure) properties of coriander have also been found.
Coriander to calm down
Essential oil, and especially its basic ingredient - linalool, has a calming effect. Therefore, infusions of this plant are used in natural medicine in vegetative neurosis with heart ailments and in states of general nervous excitement with difficulty falling asleep.
This will be useful to youRecipe for a calming infusion of coriander for the nervous
Ingredients: 10 g of coriander fruit, 10 g of caraway fruit, 15 g of shredded valerian root and 15 g of hawthorn fruit, 25 g of motherwort herb and 25 g of St. John's wort.
Put 1 tablespoon of mixed herbs into a thermos and add 1 1/2 cups of boiling water. Turn the thermo jug and set aside for 1 hour. Drink 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day after eating.
The recipe comes from: Ożarowski A., Jaroniewski W.,Medicinal plants and their practical application , Publishing Institute of Trade Unions, Warsaw 1987.
Coriander - use in the kitchen
Coriander is mainly used in cooking as a condiment. Its leaves, which have a slight anise scent, are used especially in Asian cuisine. Coriander is as popular in Chinese cuisine as parsley. Coriander leaves also work well in Mexican cuisine (they are an ingredient of the famous guacamole sauce).
TRY>>Recipe for guacamole sauce
Coriander is added only at the end of cooking, not tohas lost its unique taste and aroma On the other hand, the spherical and gray-brown seeds are sweet and have an orange aroma. Finely ground is one of the ingredients of spice mixtures, e.g. Indian curry. Coriander seeds are also used in the preparation of fish and meat dishes. It is worth knowing that they are a source of vitamins C and A and oil, including fatty acids. CHECK>>RECIPE for fresh zucchini salad in lime sauce with coriander
Coriander can also be used in the preparation of cakes and ice cream. Coriander oil - a colorless to pale yellow liquid with a sweet, warm, aromatic scent - is often used in fragrances with cardamom, cloves, sage, bergamot, anise and nutmeg. It is then used as a fragrance in various types of food products, including alcoholic beverages, sweets and even tobacco. Coriander oil is also used in cosmetics. In combination with sage, bergamot, lilac and apple blossom oils, it is used in perfumery. It is also used as a fragrance in soaps, creams or lotions, and in aromatherapy. Applied externally, it has a keratolytic effect (removes dead cells) on the callous layer of the skin and causes slight local redness and irritation. It also has a local antibacterial and antifungal effect, therefore it is used in some skin diseases caused by bacterial and fungal diseases as well as in difficult to heal wounds and burns. Coriander oil is also used externally in preparations for rinsing the mouth and throat.
Coriander - use in cosmetics